Tobiichi Origami didn't go to the men's soup to hang out with Lin Hui, but came back to the women's soup. This is obviously unscientific!

Lin Hui was lying on the rock and had a panoramic view of everything. A "goo" sounded in his throat: "Wow, this is really wonderful!"

"Sure enough, I was right to choose Origami to assist me!" Lin Hui smiled.

That's right, this time Lin Hui didn't do it himself, but asked Yuanyi Origami to assist him. After all, there is a black-bellied daughter here who has always wanted to cheat him. If Lan Yu Mengcong seizes the opportunity, he will definitely cheat him to death. Yes, then, naturally, you can't do it yourself, but just because you don't do it yourself doesn't mean that others can't do it!

Therefore, Tobiichi Origami is a very good helper. No matter what kind of requirements he has, Tobiichi Origami can be successfully completed. This is Tobiichi Origami. This time is the same, but the curtain of the men and women soup is slightly changed. Anyone can do this little trick, but Lan Yumengcong just didn't notice it, and has been alerting the surrounding space.

Just kidding, you can watch it openly, how can you still need space ability?

At this time, Lan Yumengcong gradually took back his attention and joined in the communication with the girls around him, such as what to eat tonight and what to play at night, all of which are now The topics that girls want to talk about more than two people.

This article Erya is a completely different type from other people. She is a two-dimensional person who is immersed in the two-dimensional world, so she can't talk about anything. Of course, if she wants to play, she can make some suggestions. It's just an occasional interjection, and everyone else is used to it.

The other person is Tobiichi Origami. She will not join in these words. It is not that others exclude her, but she does not want to join in. If it is usual, she will bring up some topics that are not shocking and endless. Come out, but now she doesn't have that kind of spare time.

Quietly came to the back of the rock, and Lin Hui had been waiting for a long time.

Yuan Yi Origami hugged Lin Hui, and the two of them didn't need words at all, they just kissed together.

This is a reward, rewarding Tobiichi Origami's actions for doing a great job.

"Hmm." Tobiichi Origami desperately suppressed her voice and slowly immersed herself in the mingling with Lin Hui.

As for why Lin Hui didn't use the power of space to distort the surrounding space without letting the sound spread out?

The answer is very simple. Lan Yumengcong has never relaxed his exploration of space. Once the power of space is used, then Lanyumengcong will definitely find out, so naturally, be careful, and do this kind of thing under the eyes of all the girls. It's just so exciting!

After soaking for a period of time, Lan Yumengcong still felt that something was wrong, but she still couldn't tell, that Lin Hui was so safe, it was unbelievable!Is it because there are scholars who are a little more secure today?

impossible!That's not his character!

However, Honjo Erya had already found out, and she also quietly came to the back of the rock, without attracting anyone's attention.

At this moment, Tobiichi Origami had already ended the battle. After all, time was a little rushed, and Lin Hui was a little heavier.

"Hee hee, I guessed it, Origami must be helping you!" Honjo Erya looked at the two who had just ended the battle.

"What, don't you want to come too?" Lin Hui was not embarrassed at all. If it was someone else, Lin Hui might be a little flustered, but this article Erya, it doesn't matter!

"Why, can't you?" Benjo Erya gently hugged Lin Hui's neck, looking very seductive. Although she wasn't very attractive in figure, there was a strong temptation.

"No, it's just that I feel that Meijiu might cry. After all, you ruined her good deeds!" Lin Hui leaned Tobiichi Origami aside and hugged Benjo Erya with his backhand.

"Yeah, she complained about me for a long time! Be a little lighter, I'm afraid of pain!" Benjo Erya kissed Lin Hui's lips.

"That can't be done!" Lin Hui exerted his strength, and the water began to rippling slightly!

In a place that Lan Yumengcong and others didn't know, a scene of spring began, and another elf girl was eaten by Lin Hui!

Chapter [-] The number of enemies has increased, really enjoy it once!

"It's been soaked for a long time, and I'll feel dizzy if I soak it any longer!" Lan Yumengcong exhaled softly.

Lan Yumengcong got up, but Wuhe Shiori had already gone out. After all, Wuhe Shiori was not like other elf girls who could soak in here for more than [-] minutes, but the soaking time was too long. No, so Lan Yumengcong and others decided to go out.

"Huh? Where's Erya?" Lan Yumengcong was a little curious.

"I'm fine, you go out first!" Honjo Erya's voice seemed to be out of strength.

Lan Yumengcong was a little puzzled: "What's the matter, Erya? Are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Honjo Erya's voice was a little high.

At this time, Tobiichi Origami came out: "It's okay, I'll help her out later!"

Lan Yumengcong nodded: "Understood, then come out quickly."

Benjo Erya made a whimpering sound, tried her best to lower the voice in her throat, and finally collapsed on Lin Hui's body: "Huhuhu, it turns out to be such a beautiful thing, now I finally know why they always Involuntarily ran to your room."

Benjo Erya's forehead was full of sweat, but fortunately this is in a hot spring, just rinse it off!

"That's right, but this time, I didn't have enough fun!" Lin Hui only sent Erya to the peak twice, but he wasn't satisfied yet.

At this time, Origami Tobi suddenly dived into the water, Lin Hui let out a soft cry, and the lust that had been accumulated burst out in Origami's mouth.

Yuanichi Origami showed his head and smiled at Lin Hui: "Is this all right?"

Lin Hui touched Yuanyi Origami's head: "It's hard work!"

Then, the three of them sneaked out, and Lin Hui disappeared after using the law of space.


After coming out of the hot spring, Lan Yumengcong noticed something was wrong, and looked at the color of the curtain: "Wait a minute, who came in last?"

Tohka blinked: "It's that robot, what's wrong?"

Lan Yumengcong covered her face all of a sudden: "Okay, I see!"

In order to prevent others from discovering this humiliating problem, Lan Yu Mengcong quickly changed the curtains on both sides.

Ah, yes, that's right, Lan Yumengcong and the others did not enter the women's soup but the men's soup. That is to say, Lin Hui didn't actually use any space ability just now, but was peeping openly over there.

This time, the enemy is not Lin Hui, but Yuan Yi Origami, who is in trouble with Lin Hui!

Suddenly, Lan Yu Mengcong thought of why Tobiichi Origami and Honjo Erya ran behind the rock.

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