The two girls were so bold that Lin Hui wouldn't be a man if he didn't.

"Then you two have to serve me well!" Lin Hui gently hugged the two of them in his arms, and the yukata at this moment happened to be spread on the ground as a sheet, with the sky as the quilt, in this strong area It was an extremely exciting experience for Lin Hui, and it was also an incredible experience for two women and two women.

Chapter [-] is over, Dad is about to kill!

It was almost noon, Lin Hui came out of the bathroom with Ju Ya and Ju Nai in his arms, and suddenly felt that he was really happy recently. Junai was eaten together, ah, this world is so beautiful.

And the most important thing is that Ju Ya and Ju Nai have almost the same appearance, but their appearance is a little strange, and their personalities are also very different. One is quiet but bold and unrestrained, and the other is disgusting with integrity. The two are different. The enjoyment made Lin Hui really feel a different feeling.

Well, but I came back a little early. At this moment, Lan Yumengcong and the others haven't come back. After all, I just turned back halfway.

"Brother Lin Hui, do you need any help?" At this moment, a soft voice rang out.

"Xia Yin? Why are you here?" Lin Hui turned around and saw a girl with a holy temperament like a saint standing not far away.

"Because I probably guessed the thoughts of sisters Ju Ya and Ju Nai, so I came back early. Do you need any help?" Yase Xiayin has always been so indifferent to the world, loving in her own unique way. With Lin Hui.

"It's really embarrassing for you, you have to accompany me even when you come out! I said it, this time is just to take you out to relax! Don't take me too seriously!" Lin Hui hugged Yease Xiayin.

"It's alright, because I'm very happy with Brother Lin Hui! I'm really happy!" Yase Natsuyin said this, also enjoying this hard-won short time together.

"Then, I'm going back to help Ju Ya and Ju Nai prepare the lunch they will eat later, come and help?" Lin Hui looked at Yase Xiayin.

"Yeah!" Yease Xiayin is worthy of being a little angel. Every move is so attractive. If you go to preach, it is estimated that some people will break their heads and join the teaching.

In fact, for Haase Natsuyin, what she wants is very simple, the so-called happiness is to be with the person she loves.

At the beginning, Lin Hui saved her, kept her by his side, protected her, loved her, and all the storms were resisted by Lin Hui. Lin Hui alone supported the world of the origin of the world, regardless of the front. There are so many dangers, all they have left is a safe and smooth road.

As long as he is with Lin Hui, Yase Xiayin is very satisfied. The most important thing is that Lin Hui has her in his heart, that's enough.

In the years when Lin Hui was sleeping, Xia Yin Yease also loved Lingcai and Meng Cong, because they were Lin Hui's daughters, and Lingcai and Xia Yin were also very attached to Xia Yin Yase, there was no way, Among all the girls, only Hase Natsuyin loves them the most. It can be said that no one can compare this.

Even after the arrival of the Vampire King, Natsuyin Yase, who has always disliked fighting, chose to fight. In order to protect the place where Lin Hui returned, and the place where she and Lin Hui and everyone met and remembered, Natsuyin Yase chose to fight. In the forest empire, Yase Natsuyin's combat power is in the top ten, and the real power of angels is too powerful.

Not only that, Haase Natsuyin also often travels in the world of black bullets. After all, there are many poor children in that world, and Haase Natsuyin takes good care of those children, and the current manager of the Tyrant Society, Tiantongmu, is even more so. Yase Xiayin has become the signboard of the Tyrant Society. The Tyrant Society is an association with the dual nature of light and darkness. The representative of light is Yase Xiayin, and the representative of darkness is Agulola. People yearn for the light, so Haase Natsune is the main representative of the Tyrant Society.

And all of this is a choice made by Yase Xiayin herself. For Lin Hui, Yase Xiayin can choose to pay, and pay without reservation.

Lin Hui was very moved by this, and because of this, Lin Hui cherished this kind-hearted girl like an angel even more.

The division of labor and cooperation between the two quickly made the lunch for the two of them. Lin Hui took Haase Xiayin back to the hotel at once, and Yase Xiayin did not disturb Lin Hui and Ju Yajuna. The time between the two has run out, and they retire directly. This kind of tolerance can't be found even with a lantern!

Lin Hui suppressed many thoughts in his heart, and started to feed the quiet girl and the arrogant girl. Although he had expected it, Ju Ya was still very embarrassed when he was actually feeding, but Ju Nai almost jumped up. Now, that kind of shyness is not ordinary!

However, if Shouju Nai wants to rebel, he has to ask Lin Hui if he agrees!It was directly forcibly suppressed. After watching with a very comfortable mood or watching Junai's ashamed and angry expression, he finished feeding. Lin Hui said that it was as refreshing as eating a bowl of hail in dog days. Or take it from Antarctica. Hail made of ice back!

After eating, Or Shou Junai buried his head in the quilt, and didn't want to care about Lin Hui at all, and he didn't want to see anyone else. After all, in such a situation, it was an expression of wanting to die!

Lin Hui touched or guarded Ju Nai's little head, Ju Yake is much more well-behaved than Ju Nai!

Although Ju Ya is also a little shy, but not to the point of Ju Nai: "rest well, and try to recover tomorrow!"

"Yeah!" Ju Ya really felt that the experience this time was great. From the feeling of a girl becoming a woman, she can't forget it until now, because it is engraved in a lifetime and only once in a lifetime!

Lin Hui returned to the dining room after feeding the two, but as soon as the door opened, he was stunned, because in an instant, Lan Yumengcong directly protected Yoshino and Wan Yuri behind him.

"What the hell?" Lin Hui blinked.

"Dad, Yoshino is still young, and Wan Yuli is not yet sensible, you can't do it!" Lan Yumengcong said with a serious face.

Lin Hui's mouth twitched: "What have I done?"

"Don't you just want to start killing? Yesterday I ate Erya, and now it's Ju Ya and Ju Nai. I must protect the purity of the only Er!" Lan Yumengcong began to provoke Lin Hui constantly, a little dying feel it!

Chapter [-] Fireworks Festival!

Lin Hui only felt that the corners of his eyes twitched. He didn't say anything as soon as he came in, but he was slapped hard by his daughter. This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable.

Lin Hui took a deep breath and said that the world is so beautiful, but he is so irritable, this is not good, not good!

Also, where did that cute and sensible daughter go last night?Although it was only for a few minutes.

When he walked to the main seat, Lin Hui sat down and looked at all the girls looking at him. Lin Hui smiled slightly: "What are you doing? Eating and eating!"

The other girls were fine, but Shiori Wuhe looked at Lin Hui with an inexplicable look in his eyes, which seemed a little strange.

Lin Hui also discovered Wuhe Shiori's situation for the first time, but didn't say anything, because Lin Hui didn't know what Wuhe Shiori was thinking about. If it was his own heart, then Shiori Wuhe knew it for a long time, but if it was about his confession to Qinli Wuhe the day before her birthday, then it would be intriguing!

"By the way, there is a fireworks display tonight, do you want to watch it?" Lin Hui asked while eating.

"Fireworks display? I'm going, I'm going!" Tohka raised her hand at once: "I wanted to go to a fireworks display with Lin Hui for a long time!"

"Fireworks show? I wonder if the outbreak of dark fire is interesting, it is worth watching it together!" The daily second speech.

"Happy, I'm very happy to be able to watch a fireworks display with Lin Hui!" A smile appeared on Yawu Yuxian's face.

"Fireworks display, what does Xia Yin think?" La Furia looked at Yase Xia Yin who was sitting beside him.

"Brother Lin Hui will definitely go, so I will go too!" Yase Xia Yin really loved Lin Hui to the core.

Tobiichi Origami needless to say, and Yoshino and Wan Yuri don't need to ask, of course they want to go, but I don't know how Benjo Erya is?And how about Ju Ya and Ju Nai?Can I recover well at night, but I think it should be no problem.

Shiori Wuhe thought for a while: "Since everyone is going, then I'll go too!"

Lin Hui glanced at Shiori Wuhe.

Wuhe Shiori smiled slightly after noticing Lin Hui's gaze, and at this moment, Lin Hui was moved. I don't know why things related to Wuhe Shiori always touched Lin Hui's heart, because it was really incredible.

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