Lin Hui was a little surprised. The other party didn't have any emotional change when he disturbed her sleep. That is to say, wasn't the attack just now because he disturbed her sleep?This is too casual.

"What are you talking about?" Xing Gong Liu 喰 noticed Lin Hui's small movements at once.

"I mean, Xing Gong Liu 喰, a very nice name! By the way, don't you feel bored here?" Lin Hui asked casually, stirring up the topic.

"Boring? No, I don't feel bored." Xing Gong Liu's voice was calm, and there was no expression on his face.

"Don't be brave." Lin Hui seemed to be comforting.

"Without being brave, I really don't feel bored, not just lonely, sad, angry, or excited, happy, happy, and love. I don't feel it. Because I'm locked in my heart." Xinggong Liugh said so.

"Locked?" Lin Hui was surprised.

"Exactly, use my seal and release master!" Xinggong Liuzhe showed Lin Hui his angel.

Is that so?This is the reason why her mental state and favorability have not changed.

Chapter [-] Uninvited guests, unexpected reinforcements!

Locking your own heart, so there is no feeling, so no matter how good you are to her, the other party can't feel his kindness, so it is useless to continue the conversation, all you have to do now is to unlock the star palace Six 喰 that locked mind will do.

"Hey, Liu 喰, do you want to come back to the ground?" Lin Hui said tentatively.

"Go back to the ground? No, I don't need it!" Xinggong Liuzhe directly rejected Lin Hui's kindness.

"Don't you think it's too pitiful to be alone in the universe?" Lin Hui really felt a little distressed when she saw such a girl sleeping in the universe like this. Although she didn't know what she had experienced, she was sure. , it was a memory she didn't want to recall.

"Poor? Are you taking pity on me? Don't get me wrong!" Xinggong Liuzhe's voice was a little higher.

"Misunderstanding?" Lin Hui looked at Xing Gong Liu 喰.

"Exactly, don't decide my happiness without authorization!" Xinggong Liuzhe looked at Lin Hui, but there was still no trace of emotion in his eyes, not even disgust or impatience.

"Really? Then there is no way to continue the conversation!" Lin Hui sighed.

"Please go back!" Xinggong Liuzhe looked at Lin Hui: "Next time you come to disturb my territory, I will use the Lord of Sealing to stop the operation of this star!"

There was no mercy in Xing Gong Liu's words, and it could be seen that the other party was a person who did what he said.

"I'm so sorry! If you are such a person, then, even if I arouse your anger, I will still drag you out of the universe!" Lin Hui tugged at his collar: "Look Arise, there is no other way but to fight."

Xing Gong Liu 喰 looked at Lin Hui: "Your purpose is to drag me down? It's ridiculous! Then, just defeat you!"

Lin Hui stretched out his hand: "I'm so sorry! Although I don't know how strong you are, I am very domineering! Even if I chase you to the end of the universe, I will still drag you down!"

"Interesting, you can try it!" Xinggong Liuhao pointed at Lin Hui with the seal release master,

The atmosphere between the two was on fire.

However, at this moment, suddenly, a azure blue figure kept attacking Lin Hui.

The azure long sword attacked Lin Hui directly.

Lin Hui patted it away with his backhand. At this time, a figure stopped not far from Lin Hui. It was a beautiful girl with orange hair, wearing a blue and white display device, and her strength was strong. Hui can judge that it should have almost the same strength as that Elian.

"The target is confirmed, it needs to be killed!" The girl's eyes showed killing intent towards Lin Hui.

"Tsk, it's really going to make trouble!" While Lin Hui needed to pay attention to Xing Gong Liu's movements, he had to guard against the magician's attack. Lin Hui's mood suddenly became agitated. After all, Lin Hui still didn't know Xing Gong Liu. What kind of power does the angel of the 喰 have, once it is not handled well, it will be troublesome if the opponent escapes.

"I don't like uninvited guests! The magician of the DEM club, Artemisia Bell Ashcroft!" Lin Hui looked at the girl in front of him and said the girl's name.

"All the elves and the targets to be killed have been confirmed. Next, just kill all the elves and the targets to be killed!" The display device on Artemisia began to operate, and it rushed towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui punched out, directly piercing the opponent's random field, and clasped Artemisia's neck.

However, at this moment, Xing Gong Liu 喰 launched an attack on Lin Hui: "Since you have no intention of talking and declared that you want to fight, then I will not be polite!"

Lin Hui threw Artemisia away casually, and the whole person escaped the stab of Xing Gong Liu 喰, and reached out and grabbed the seal and release master of Xing Gong Liu 喰.

"Release (Shifuru)!"

Xing Gong Liu 喰 turned the sealer, and suddenly the spiritual outfit on his body began to shine with dazzling light, and gradually changed. The original beautiful outline was compressed into a sharp shape, and the sealer in his hand, which was like a tin stick, also became A huge halberd.

Not only that, the power of Xinggong Liuzhe also changed. He took out the halberd directly from Lin Hui's hand and slashed directly at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui dodged the blow and threw a punch subconsciously, but stopped in front of Xing Gong Liu 喰, retracted his fist, fell down, smashed his palm and rushed towards Lin Hui. The random field of Artemisia, kicked it away, and at the same time blocked the halberd attack of Xinggong Liughuan.

"Tsk, it's really troublesome!" When Lin Hui was about to clear the two of them in one breath, suddenly, a laser blocked Artemisia.

"It's been a long time, Artemisia, although I don't know why you became a member of the DEM club, let's discuss it!" A light voice sounded.

A blue-haired girl wearing a blue-black display device stood not far away: "Let me see how much you have grown!"

"That's it?" Lin Hui was a little surprised, he was still wondering where the other party was going?After all, the current Kuang San is not the worst elf who killed more than [-] people, so this girl has no reason to chase and kill each other, but she didn't expect to see it here.

"It's been a long time, but you should have more important things to do now! Then, leave this guy to me!" The girl raised the laser knife in her hand to Artemisia.

"I'm still a little unclear about the situation, but I'll leave it to you!" Lin Hui once again faced Xing Gong Liu 喰.

"Oh, do you think you can defeat me like this?" Xinggong Liuzhe looked at Lin Hui.

"Of course not, as I said, I want to drag you down, so I have to use a little trick!" Lin Hui stretched out his hand, and suddenly, a quality on the tree of Kabbalah lit up : "Six 喰, I absolutely want to open your heart and let me see what you really look like!"

"Shenwei Spiritual Suit Seventh Fan!"

Chapter [-] Emotional waves

A brown dome-top hat with emerald gemstones was strapped to Lin Hui's head. At the same time, the black trench coat on Lin Hui's body also turned into a purple dress with a hexagram pattern on his body. The dress was covered with a With a cape with a copper-colored edge, a handsome wizard appeared in front of Xing Gong Liu 喰.

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