Xing Gong Liu 喰's fingers moved, then shook his head, thought for a long time, and then looked at Lin Hui: "Lang Jun, are you willing to share the past of your concubine?"

"I will accept it in its entirety. I will bear everything you have. Even if the world wants to abandon you, I will still be on your side! Your future, I will open up the sky for you!"

Very similar, Lin Hui once said this to Tohka, and now, Lin Hui said this sentence again, this sentence is a promise to all elves!

"Concubine is very happy, it turns out that Langjun likes me so much! In this case, concubine will not run away, concubine will tell Langjun about the past!" Xing Gong Liuzhe walked to Lin Hui's side, tightly He firmly grasped Lin Hui's arm.

Xing Gong Liu 喰 unlocked the memory with the seal and unlock master.

Ah, it turned out to be like this, it was like this, it was because of this that I closed my mind, sealed my memory, and went to the universe.

When Xinggong Liuzhe became sensible, she was already alone, and she had never seen her real family. Therefore, she was extremely lonely at that time, and the world had no color.

Until one day, such days suddenly came to an end, and a pair of parents who wanted children very much adopted Xing Gong Liu 喰. For Xing Gong Liu 喰, who had always been lonely, his world suddenly had a color, and he also had Families, like other children, have their own family.

I love my parents and siblings, and I have someone I can love.

After getting up every day, Xing Gong Liu Ge's sister will help Xing Gong Liu Ge tie his hair, which is something Xing Gong Liu Ge is looking forward to very much.Xing Gong Liu 喰 also likes the hair that is praised by his sister very much, because that is what his favorite sister praises.

Originally such a peaceful life would go on forever, but until one day, Xinggong Liuzhe's sister took Xinggong Liuzhe to play at the Tiangong Tower, which Xinggong Liuzhe was looking forward to. However, Xinggong Liuzhe's sister not only With Xinggong Liugh, and a group of friends from the school.

Xing Gong Liu 喰 doesn't understand, and doesn't understand, it's obviously just his own sister, who should only love his own sister, but such a sister plays with friends he doesn't know, and that person is still eroding The realm of the star palace six ghouls and her sister.

Even, at that time, that person said to Xinggong Liuzhe that the hair was too long, would it be inconvenient to move, and whether to cut it or not, it was just an unintentional kind reminder, but it made Xinggong Liuzhe suffer. Hit General.

Even her sister felt the same way, but it made Xing Gong Liu 喰 unbearable, because her own hair was obviously praised and liked by her sister, but now she wants to destroy the things she likes because of others. Thinking of this, Xing Xing. Gong Liuzhe felt extremely sad.

So, at that time...

Chapter [-] Always be with you!

Xinggong Liuzhe got the spirit crystal from the hands of that mosaic and turned into an elf, but it was very amazing that she was not afraid at all. If she insisted, she was more joy than fear.

The "sealing and unlocking master" key-shaped angel held by the six ghouls, let alone objects, even invisible things - human memory can be "blocked", this is the power possessed by the sixth spirit, the star palace six ghouls.

Xinggong Liuzhe believes that as long as she uses the power of the seal and release master, then her parents and sister will definitely only love her alone.

However, all this is the beginning of the tragedy. Xinggong Liuzhe used the power of an angel to block all the memories of Xingong Liuzhe's parents and sisters about the Liuzhe family.

When the family found out that the perpetrator was Liu 喰, their reaction was far beyond Liu 喰's expectations. It was not love, love, or even a persuasion to let Liu 喰 untangle his memory. Instead, they were shocked and angry. Panic, shaken, and rejected!

Liu 喰's family is afraid of himself who has gained mysterious power, resisting her and denying her.

Liu 喰 can't remember clearly now, what her family said to her at that time, obviously those scenes are still vivid in her mind, but only a few words flashed through her mind one by one.

"Monster!" "Get out!" "Don't kill us!" "People like you—not family at all!"

Huge heartache, sadness, and sadness overwhelmed Xinggong Liuzhe's heart. When Xinggong Liuzhe came back to his senses, she had sealed off their memories of Liuzhe with the Lord of Sealing.

Liu 喰 has turned back to being alone again. It is not that he has returned to his previous state, but that he has become a person again after experiencing the warmth of his family.

This is the distorted cognition of love that Liu 喰 has. He gets love without knowing what love is, so he doesn't realize that the way he loves is distorted.

Once you give love, you must receive equal love.

Once you give love, you must be the only one in the eyes of the other party.

Therefore, the six ghouls will be locked——

own memory.

own heart.

In order to avoid remembering that I once had a family and experienced the warmth of a family,

- In order to no longer pay love!

The more memories, the more sad!

Liu Zhe hugged his head and leaned on Lin Hui's body. Tears flowed from his eyes, and his whole body trembled a little: "Lang Jun, did your concubine do something wrong? Why sister, why don't my parents love me? what?"

Lin Hui now fully understands the understanding of love and the distorted view of love in Liu 喰's heart.

"Liu 喰, in a sense, you did nothing wrong, but in another sense, you also did wrong!" Lin Hui hugged Xinggong Liu 喰.

"Your love is love, but it is a love that contains a strong possessiveness. From that moment on, the love in your heart has deteriorated, and it is no longer pure love!" Lin Hui asked Xing Gong Liu Ghoul buried his head in his arms, comforting and explaining constantly.

"Pure love? The concubine doesn't understand." Xinggong Liuzhe let his head rest on Lin Hui's chest, feeling the warmth of that moment.

"Let's show you! The love I have seen! The struggles of those who have not given up hope even in despair, and who still strive to love!" Lin Hui gently lifted Xing Gong Liu's chin , the whole person kissed.

Xinggong Liuzhe was shocked at first, and then the whole person was completely stunned, because something she had never seen before appeared in her mind, what a desperate world, what a sad thing, although she herself He was alone, and after gaining strength, he only heard abuse for a little while.

But in the memories that Lin Hui sent over, those children suffered a thousand times as much as her. From the moment they were born, they were rejected by the whole world, and everyone was resisting them. In rejecting them, he has been fighting extremely terrifying monsters until he died.

However, no one will feel sad for them even if they die, because, in the eyes of those who have no love, those children are the ones who should die.

However, at that time, her husband appeared, stood in front of all the children, personally propped up the sky for them, and opened up the future for those children alone.

Of course, it's not just her husband, but also a woman as white as snow. Like her husband, she loves those children and doesn't ask those children to see only herself, Lin Hui and that woman. They use their own way to interpret the so-called love.

At the most critical moment, the woman carried everything on her shoulders and used her actions to impress her husband. All the actions of that woman were to restore her husband's heart.

The memory kept flashing, and there were all kinds of other scenery, but then the screen jumped again, that was the world she was in, the date between Lin Hui and various girls, the elves who were hunted and killed look, and their love!

Everything touched the heart of Xing Gong Liu 喰.

"The so-called love is not asking for something in return, but giving wholeheartedly, I love you, Liu 喰, if I don't love you and don't give with sincerity, I can't make you fall in love with me! Now think about it for you, even if I only love you alone, but one day, I suddenly forget you, how do you feel?" Lin Hui let go of his hand and pressed Xinggong Liuge's shoulder, asking her to lift it up Get up and look at yourself.

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