"Have you decided?" Lin Hui half-squatted looking at Yoshino.

Yoshino nodded vigorously.

Lin Hui touched Yoshino's little head: "If that's the case, then I won't say anything more. Yoshino, would you like to stay with me and stay by my side forever?"

"I do!" Yoshino threw himself into Lin Hui's arms.

Lin Hui hugged this small, soft body, and a burst of heat began to rise in his heart.

Chapter [-] Loli King!

Looking at Yoshino's innocent and contented expression lying in his arms, Lin Hui really felt that he had done something that could no longer be sinful, and he would definitely be beaten by the seven sins tomorrow. Itono ate a clean one from the inside out.

Especially at the last moment, because Yoshino was still young in a sense, and it was the first time, so he couldn't satisfy Lin Hui very well. In the end, it was only after closing his mouth and using it to help Lin Hui vent. The pure expression at that time has been deeply preserved in Lin Hui's hard drive, and it can be said that it is completely recorded.

In the end, Lin Hui also carried Yoshino to wash his body. Yoshino's skin was so soft that it was almost breakable by a blow, and Lin Hui really couldn't put it down. In addition, the petite body brought Lin Hui Hui's endless excitement, but his pure expression always teased Lin Hui's nerves inadvertently, but Lin Hui barely managed to keep his senses before helping Yoshino clean up his body.

Now holding Yoshino's tender and boneless body, Lin Hui really wanted to be unable to sleep like this, it was really comfortable.

"It's better to sleep with Yoshino in your arms often in the future!" Lin Hui blurted out subconsciously.

Yoshino's body froze, and two red glows flew off her fake sleeping cheeks.

Lin Hui lightly pinched Yoshino's little nose: "Okay, go to sleep!"

Yoshino turned around, put her face on Lin Hui's chest, and made an inaudible voice: "It's not impossible!"

After Lin Hui heard it, he smiled lightly and didn't say anything, but just enjoyed the feeling, Yoshino was really cute, Lin Hui said that he really couldn't bear it!

And today's Yoshino believes that she can have a very comfortable dream.


The next day, Lin Hui yawned and got up. Although Lin Hui wanted to continue to sleep with Yoshino in his arms, Lin Hui would not do it. This is a behavior he has become accustomed to. It's your own business. Taking care of girls is your choice. The days to come are still long. You don't have to rush for a while. As long as you break through the last hurdle, the future is eternal!

The moment he walked downstairs, Lin Hui already knew how he would be treated, so he naturally bent over, stepped, turned to one side, and easily avoided a volley kick from the Seven Sins.

"Big pervert, big pervert, how dare you attack Yoshino when I'm not paying attention! You bastard, it's just so abominable!" Seven sins said angrily.

She was careful to take care of the Seven Sins so that she would not be hurt a little bit. When Miku attacked the two of them, the Seven Sins also pushed Yoshino out to avoid such treatment.

The more you think about it, the more angry you become, and the more you think about it, the more angry the Seven Sins come up angrily: "Do you have any last words?"

Lin Hui raised three fingers: "First, the first point, this is Yoshino's own choice, I respect Yoshino's choice, and secondly, I like Yoshino very much, without Yoshino's consent, I will never do anything to Yoshino! Third, I want to be with Yoshino forever, and I will always protect her and not let her be hurt in any way!"

The seven sins were speechless by Lin Hui's words. Well, judging from the current situation, this is indeed the case.

"One more thing, Yoshino is different from you, seven sins, Yoshino is the first spirit I came into contact with, you feel that after waiting for so long, seeing others with me one by one, fell in love with my four Wouldn't Ito have no feelings at all? Even you, are you a little unwilling?" Lin Hui looked at the seven sins and said with a smile.

Seven sins pouted and sat on the sofa: "Don't say it like you know it well!"

"Alala, I didn't expect the seven sins to be surrendered by my dad. It's incredible, my dad really deserves it."

Lan Yumengcong said with a look of disgust: "Sure enough, Dad is really perverted."

"What's wrong with men being perverted? Besides, I don't just like loli, but I like all of them!" Lin Hui whistled and started to cook breakfast while stirring the side dishes.

"Ah yes yes yes, Dad, you are the best! Oh, really, but thinking about it like this, Dad, there are definitely a lot of loli in your harem, not to mention the millions of loli in the black bullet world. Ladies, even though I've grown up now, the object of everyone's admiration is you, Dad! Don't you have any expression?" Lan Yumengcong raised her eyebrows.

"Don't think of your father like a bulldozer. Besides, where are there more loli in my harem?" Lin Hui said unconvinced.

"Yes, look, Nayuki-chan, Nagisa-chan, Agulola, Astaruti, and then Kuro no Hume..." Lan Yumengcong really began to raise her fingers.

"Wait a minute, why is Hu Meng a Lolita? Also, if you call Nayue Nagisa like that, aren't you afraid that Nayuejiang will trouble you?" Lin Hui was speechless about his daughter's boldness.

"What are you afraid of, I'll just push it on your head anyway!" Lan Yumengcong stuck out her tongue.

The corners of Lin Hui's mouth twitched, what kind of daughter did he have raised, even though he really wasn't that bad.

"Also, why isn't Hu Meng a loli? That's a big breasted loli!" Lan Yumengcong looked at Lin Hui: "Be careful I tell Hu Meng!"

"Then according to what you said, Xuecai and Lingcai are also considered loli?" Lin Hui glared at Lan Yumengcong.

"Yeah!" Lan Yumengcong nodded solemnly.

Lin Hui rolled his eyes: "You'll be pissed off, if Xue Cai heard it."

"Yeah, count it down like this, Dad, there are quite a few loli in your harem, especially that Yuejiang, she is the main palace in the main palace! Dad, it seems that I have to change my mind about you, it should be called You are a loli king!"

"What the hell is King Loli? Get rid of it, what an ugly name!" Lin Hui opened a gap in front of him and tapped Lan Yumengcong's little head.

"Wow, Dad, you actually use the gap like this!" Lan Yumengcong secretly wrote down this grudge.

"Teach your disobedient daughter a lesson!" Lin Hui said indifferently.

Well, Lan Yu Meng Cong decided to spread the title of Lin Hui's Lolita King to the entire source of the world!

Chapter [-]: Chonggong Zhenna, the past!

After taking care of Yoshino, Lin Hui received a contact from Kotori and asked Lin Hui to go to a base in Ratastock.

And just after Lin Hui left, Seven Sins quietly slipped into Lin Hui's room and saw Yoshino lying on the bed, as well as Yoshina's hand puppet that Lin Hui brought back from Yoshino's help.

"Hehe, Yoshino, you did a good job this time, I finally made progress!" Yoshina boasted loudly.

Yoshino also blushed and was a little embarrassed: "No, Yoshina."

"Yoshino, Yoshino, why did you suddenly make such a decision?" After hearing the conversation between the two, Nansin immediately came to Yoshino and asked.

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