"Yes, it has been confirmed. It is the last elf, the time elf you mentioned, Tokisaki Kusan!" Murasame Reine said.

"Leave it to you! We will help you with all the support work. The commander originally planned to find you after he knew the news, but you were in Ratastock's base at that time, so it was temporarily suppressed. You are here now!"

"Understood, leave everything to me!" Lin Hui moved his body: "As the ending of the final story, it's just right!"

"The final touch? Maybe, it's just the beginning!" Murasame Lingyin said softly.

"Lingyin, what are you talking about?" Lin Hui heard the words just now clearly.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it!" Murasame Lingyin said and left.

"Is it just started? Sure enough!" Lin Hui took a deep breath: "Forget it, the work at the moment is the most important thing, Tokisaki Kurumi, what happened to make you act like this, really Curious!"

Stepping into the classroom, Lin Hui clapped his hands: "Okay, all sit back in your seats."

"Ehhh? Teacher Lin Hui?"

"Isn't it?"

"The teacher who skipped classes for ten thousand years?"

Only a few people present who were related to Lin Hui knew that Lin Hui was here for something, and he was here for one person.

Sitting in the corner by the window, wearing a Laichan High School uniform, her left eye was blocked by bangs, and the girl with a ponytail was looking at Lin Hui with a smile.

And Tobiichi Origami was also very vigilant of Shizaki Kurumi, after all, it was the time elf in front of her who sent her to the past.

"What do you mean by skipping classes for thousands of years, you teacher, I went to save the world!" Lin Hui immediately "becomes furious" after hearing this!

"Ahaha, save the world, teacher, we are no longer elementary school students, even elementary school students can't believe it!" At this time, Tonomachi Hiroshi complained.

The girl present who had a relationship with Lin Hui suddenly had a black line, and the same idea popped up in her heart.

No, he was really right, he was really going to save the world!

"No, I believe what the teacher said is true!" A soft female voice rang out.

Tokisaki Kusan raised his hand and looked at Lin Hui: "Because the teacher doesn't lie."

"Isn't it, Kuang Sanjiang actually believes what Teacher Lin Hui said?"

"Kangsan-chan can't listen to that person!"

"It's really unbearable."

Ah, the famous Tucao trio at Lazen High School.

"Cough, this classmate should be the Tokisaki Kurumi-san who just transferred over today, right? It's very good, I can trust the teacher's words, this is worth encouraging! Everyone should learn more from Tokisaki Kurumi-san! Okay, let's start the class !" Lin Hui opened the textbook and started this class.

The whole class listened to Lin Hai's words, and the degree of Lin Hui's shamelessness and shamelessness increased again.

After class, Tokisaki Kusan came to Lin Hui: "Teacher, I just came to the school, can you please show me around the campus? I may be very unfamiliar with the school."

Looking at Kurumi's flawless smile, ah, what exactly is this feeling?Are you excited?My family is beautiful and picturesque. This sentence really makes thousands of otakus indulge in it!

"Yes, there is no problem. It is one of the teacher's jobs to solve problems for students!" Lin Hui took Tokisaki Kusan out of the classroom.

"Isn't it?"

"Even the new transfer students have taken a fancy to Mr. Lin Hui?"

"Isn't it just a little more handsome, ah, this beast, does he really want to make this school his harem?"

Okay, the classmate who said this just now, let me write it down, you will fail the next exam!

Lin Hui resisted the twitching feeling and calmed down his heart.

"Kangsan, why are you here this time? You shouldn't be here for no reason!" Lin Hui asked as he walked.

"Alala, people really just want to experience school life!" Tokisaki Kurumi said with a chuckle, covering his mouth.

"Really?" Lin Hui always felt that there must be some reason why Tokisaki Kusan came to school at such a time!

Chapter [-] You have already attacked me!

"Of course it's true, I wouldn't lie to you with such a thing! However, there is some latest information here. I wonder if Mr. Lin Hui wants it?" Shizaki Kusan covered his mouth and chuckled lightly. on.

Tokisaki Kusan's tone is very similar to Yakumo Zi, and Lin Hui couldn't help but have the urge to hit someone, even though Lin Hui couldn't do anything with Yakumo Zi now.

"Yeah, let's hear it!" Lin Hui trusts Tokisaki Kuangsan extremely, if not, then Tokisaki Kuangsan would not have appeared in front of him at that time, or in other words, for his own sake The urge to clean up the mess.

Although I don't know why Tokisaki Kurumi's actions are so different from the original work, one thing can be confirmed. Tokisaki Kurumi himself is a very kind person. All people are just scumbags who don't deserve to die.

For the sake of his friends, he would not hesitate to smear his own hands and march on the sea of ​​blood. Such a person is worthy of Lin Hui's respect.

Tokisaki Kurumi didn't want to go back to the past to save that catastrophe. It didn't mean that she didn't want to save it, but she, like Lin Hui, just wanted to protect the people she could protect.

She is looking forward to the mosaic that will save her and give her strength, and she is also willing to save the world with that mosaic. She is not a god and cannot save everyone at the same time, but as long as she sees it, she will will save.

Until Tokisaki Kurumi learned that all those monsters were changed by humans, and he killed his friend with his own hands, Tokisaki Kurumi's wish changed from saving the world to saving his friends, and letting his own life for the sake of his friends. Hands covered in blood.

The time ability itself is a very buggy ability, and Tokisaki Kurumi can't deal with the Origin Spirit now, so he keeps accumulating strength and plans to go back to the time [-] years ago and kill the Origin Spirit.

How could Lin Hui not trust such a Tokisaki Kurumi who wanted to save his friend?

Although Lin Hui did not know, in the original book, Tokisaki Kurumi kept going back in time in order to save Wuhe Shidou, using the power of the Six Bullets to keep going back, and backtracked more than [-] times before finally saving Wuhe Shidou. Knowing this, Lin Hui will not be able to defend Tokisaki Kuangsan even more.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin Hui is really bold! How can he be so gullible with a stranger's words, I really don't know what to say?" Tokisaki Kusan looked at Lin Hui with big watery eyes.

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