The two slowly merged, and an unparalleled young girl appeared in front of Lin Hui's eyes. She was wearing a maternity dress decorated with tulle of flowers and leaves, a crown made of branches, and ten Disc of orbs.

"My name is Lin Mio, and you got this name, Lin Hui, for me." Murasame Reine, no, the girl who should be called Lin Mio now smiled and said with a nostalgic look.

"Finally, finally let me wait for this moment!"

However, the next sentence broke the very warm recognition picture: "Come on, let's start, our one-on-one battle date! This is also the way for the two of us!"

Chapter [-] The powerful Lin Mio is an invincible angel!

Thinking back on the powerful posture that Lin Hui had shown in front of him, the mighty power that could shake the world, Lin Mio had already decided that this time, he must have a real battle with Lin Hui, because this It's how the two of them communicate.

"Are you ready?" Everything around Lin Mio began to change.

After Lin Hui sent Kuangsan back to Fraxinas, he took off his windbreaker and put it in the treasure of the king: "Of course!"

Lin Hui didn't know what happened to him and Lin Mio before, but he could see the fighting intent and love in Lin Mio's eyes. It seemed that Lin Mio was right. Fighting was the way they communicated. .

"Reincarnation Paradise!" A huge tree rose into the air, and a huge airborne engulfed both Lin Hui and Lin Mio, and a powerful spatial fluctuation spread out, as if shattering the void, almost smashing the space Half of it was dug out from the most primitive space.

"It's not very good, so I can't observe it inside, what should I do?" Lan Yumengcong kept calculating this power, and either Shou Juya or Shou Junai had also entered the Fraxe as electronic data. Nas assisted Lanyu Mengcong in his computer, but there was no way to detect that space, as if a special space force had distorted everything there.

"Let's help!" At this time, Sono God Rinne and Sono God Rinuo appeared in Fraxinus.

"I asked someone to bring them here, because this is the last time, so everyone has to be there, right?" Tokisaki Kurumi said with a chuckle.

"Rin Ni, Rin Xu, can you do it?" Lan Yu Mengcong glanced at Shizaki Kusan, and then said to the two girls.

"Well, because that space was created on the basis of Catastrophe Paradise, Rinxu once created a barrier very similar to this one, and Rinxu and I's Cataclysm Paradise can't be used now, it should be by Lin Mio I took power!" Sono God Rinne said with a serious expression.

"Okay, let's start then!" Lan Yu Mengcong finally opened up the distorted space with the assistance of Sono God Rinne and Sono God Rino, and revealed the image.

"It's not just Rinne's Catastrophe Paradise, my Thunder Sanctuary can't be used anymore!" At this moment, Wan Yuri said an even more explosive news.

"The Thunder Temple? That is to say, does Lin Mio also have the power of the Thunder Temple?" Lan Yu Mengcong knew very well that the Thunder Temple's mighty power, at that time, the Thunder Temple had the ability to destroy Tiangong City. If it wasn't for Lin Hui's shot, I'm afraid it would be difficult to end it in a short time, plus Wan Yuli also sealed his own spiritual power on his own, otherwise, the battle would have continued.


Inside the barrier, countless branches entangled towards Lin Hui, and the crimson space behind Lin Hui ejected a weapon that shone with golden light, destroying all the branches and vines that were attacking him. I can't do it myself.

"Is the Paradise of Misfortune your angel?" Lin Hui looked at Lin Mio.

"It should be said that the Paradise of Misfortune is an angel based on the Paradise of Reincarnation!" Lin Mio explained: "However, this is the beginning! Paradise of Reincarnation is the extension of tree roots that erodes the present world into a neighbor, and can be freely controlled Everything in the neighborhood! This angel can be said to be the prototype of the display device. Besides, I have three angels!"

"Vientiane Sanctuary!" A huge flower bud appeared behind Lin Mio, and countless pollen with light spots spread all over the space of Samsara Paradise.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Hui bounced off all the pollen, and sang the spirit of words: "I use this spirit to challenge the gods in the sky! I usurp the sky, I control the sky, I dominate the sky! I am the supreme king of the sky! I command you, let the rain pour down, the wind blows, and the thunder and lightning flash! I am the king of justice and the tyrant of victory, the hammer that brings punishment to all my enemies, and crushes all evil Bar!"

The strong wind swept away all the pollen, and the heavy rain made it impossible for all the pollen to float, and thunder and lightning launched sanctions on Lin Mio.

However, what was terrifying was that at the moment when all the thunder and lightning struck Lin Mio, it all disappeared.

"As I said, in Reincarnation Paradise, I can freely control everything, even a powerful force like you can't cause harm to me!" Lin Mio shook his hand: "I won!"

Countless bands of light rolled towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui pulled out a golden long sword from the crimson space behind him and blocked all the light bands: "If you have really touched me, do you think you can beat me with the attack just now?"

Lin Mio smiled helplessly: "Isn't it really that simple?"

However, the strong wind, rain, and thunder in the sky all disappeared, and the terrifying pollen that could be said to die once again spread out. This time, Lin Mio controlled it with her will, and shot it continuously towards Lin Hui.

The golden long sword in Lin Hui's hand began to gather golden rays of light: "Ex—calibur!"

The golden light directly engulfed all the light spots, and charged directly towards Lin Miao.

Lin Mio's face changed slightly, and the whole person disappeared from the place.

Afterwards, Lin Hui sang loudly: "I am the strongest, in order to seize all victorious people, all gods and demons are afraid of my power, and whoever blocks my path, I will shatter their will! Therefore, I am even the supreme tyrant!"

Endless power continuously poured out from Lin Hui's body, setting off a storm of spiritual power in the entire reincarnation paradise, destroying all foreign objects, even Lin Mio had to feel the power of Lin Hui. Amazed.

"If you want to defeat you, you must pour out my third angel, but I can't guarantee that you will survive if you use this angel!"

"Then try to defeat me!" Lin Hui's eyes were burning with fire.


A ray of light enveloped Lin Hui, and Lin Hui disappeared in an instant, disappearing from the reincarnation paradise.

Chapter [-] The fierce battle is in full swing!Immortal and immortal, I am from the eternal world!

"Lin Hui, have you disappeared? What the hell is going on?" Looking at the screen, Lin Hui suddenly disappeared without a trace after being shrouded in a ray of light. This is simply incredible.

"What exactly is that angel's ability? Reincarnation Paradise is the enchantment that erodes the real world, and the Sanctuary of Vientiane is a weapon with extremely strong destructive power, but what is that Ain? Space ability? No, it's not like that, it's like Just eliminate people out of thin air... like?" Lan Yu Menglian's thoughts suddenly stopped.

"Isn't it possible? An angel with such abilities can completely eliminate people from this world? It's impossible to say that! Dad can't just be wiped out of this world like this!" Lan Yu Meng Congdi For once, Lin Hui began to get nervous.

"Erase, what the hell is going on? What happened?" Wuhe Qinli looked at Lan Yumengcong.

"You'll find out after watching it. Besides, didn't that person move? It looks like it's not over yet!" Lan Yumengcong clenched her fists and said to herself, "Dad, it's already close to being able to control time infinitely. Human, to a certain extent, Tokisaki Kurumi's angel is an extension of the ability of time, my father is very close to Tokisaki Kurumi's angel's ability, it should not be eliminated like this!"

"Is it over? In the end, did you fail to come back in the end?" Lin Mio's eyes were a little sad. You used to be able to stop this angel, but now you can't stop it for no reason. Dating, did I win?But what is the world without you?

Lin Hui felt that at the moment when he was enveloped in light, he was rejected and rejected by the whole world. From that moment on, he would no longer exist in any time period in the world, just like a painted pattern. The paper was wiped off.

The power of this curse-like calamity is really too terrifying. With Lin Hui's power, he couldn't stop it at that moment, and he couldn't even resist it.

However, at that moment, the stone carving of the warrior incarnate in the body flashed, and the warrior who had only three words wrapped around the sword was roaring and roaring non-stop, telling the whole world about his exist!

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