Lin Hui easily climbed over the balcony and landed in front of Lin Mio. He stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Mio slowly: "Promise me, no matter what, it's alright to close your eyes every day and sleep for a while, okay?"

Lin Mio nodded, seemingly understanding, but when leaning on Lin Hui, Lin Mio felt particularly at ease.

After watching Lin Mio fall asleep, Lin Hui returned to his room again and began to rest in the past.

The next morning, Lin Hui woke up and saw Chong Gong Zhenna working clumsily in the kitchen.

"Yo, do you need help?" Lin Hui leaned against the wall and said with a half-smile.

"You got up so early?" Chong Gongzhen's hand shook and almost knocked over the bowl in his hand.

"Can't you?" Lin Hui smiled.

"Forget it, I don't need your help, I can do it myself!" Chong Gongzhen was still very unhappy with Lin Hui's attitude.

"Then I'll just wait for someone to cook the unpalatable food made by someone clumsily!" Lin Hui shook his head and said, so angry that Chong Gongzhen almost wanted to poison Lin Hui's share, let's see to the end Is it Lin Hui's mouth or his own poison!

"Okay, really, let me help you!" Lin Mio couldn't fall asleep at first, but she still obeyed Lin Hui's words and closed her eyes until she lay there until just now. After hearing Lin Hui get up, Lin Mio also woke up.

"You?" It wasn't that Chong Gongzhen didn't believe Lin Mio, but Lin Hui said that Lin Mio lost her memory, so she couldn't remember many things.

"Well, I watched Lin Hui do it last night, and I probably know how to do it." Lin Mio said.

"This isn't dinner, it's breakfast. It's different from what Lin Hui did last night!" Chong Gongzhen explained.

"No, just change it a little bit. Lin Hui took me to the library yesterday and let me read a lot of books, including cooking books, so I think I can do it!" Lin Mio planned to give it a try.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway." Chong Gongzhen had almost prepared breakfast, and the rest was just some side dishes, so it didn't matter if Lin Mio did it.

It's just that Chong Gongzhen is very suspicious, can Lin Mio do it just by seeing the rat?If it could, it would be awesome.

Then, the next scene shocked Chong Gong Zhenna's eyes.

Lin Mio held the kitchen knife, and his posture was similar to Lin Hui's. He processed the ingredients at a very fast speed. Then, put the oil, put in the ingredients, and stir-fry. Lin Hui is exactly the same.

"No...Impossible?" Chong Gongzhen blinked.

It is really made, taste it, although the taste is not as delicious as the one made by Lin Hui, but it is definitely better than himself.

Chong Gongzhen bent forward in frustration, and the breakfast he made was not even comparable to a person with amnesia. Is there a bigger blow than this?

"It's more than that! Lin Mio learned all the majors he should study from elementary school to university yesterday. If you have any homework you don't understand, you can ask Lin Mio, and Lin Mio can give you a perfect answer!" Lin Hui was afraid Chong Gongzhen was not deeply injured, so he gave her another knife.

"Wow, is this a person with amnesia? This is a genius, right? No, this is a genius, right?" Chong Gongzhen was so excited that he jumped up.

"Huh? Well, almost!" Lin Hui shrugged, and seemed to have no refutation.

"Sister Lin Mio, I'll leave it to you next!" Chong Gongzhen looked at Lin Mio with admiration.

Lin Mio was a little overwhelmed: "Oh, is that so? Well, how should I say it? Please advise?"

"Please advise!" Chong Gong Zhenna directly held Lin Mio's hand.

Chapter [-] The daily life of the Chonggong family!

"Lin Mio, is the meal ready? I'm hungry!" Lin Hui was lying on the sofa, looking like he was helpless.

Lin Mio looked at Lin Hui dotingly with the appearance of a perfect girlfriend: "It's alright, just wait a little longer!" Lin Mio skillfully prepared the dishes and brought them to the dinner table.

"Sister Lin Mio, don't worry about that guy, really, shamelessly said that her dream is to be a delicious and lazy salted fish. I have never seen such a shameless person, really, let him starve to death!" Chong Gong Mana wiped her hair and walked out of the bathroom in cool clothes.

"What's wrong? Is my relationship with Lin Mio getting in your way?" Lin Hui raised his head and pressed his chin against the back of the sofa.

"It's just preventing me from connecting with Sister Lin Mio, what's the matter? Ah, Sister Lin Mio, you even bring this when you cook?" Chong Gongzhen looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Well, because this is the first gift Lin Hui gave me!" Lin Mio touched the doll bear on the kitchen counter.

"Really, I don't know how much virtue you have accumulated in your previous life to get a perfect beauty like Sister Lin Mio willing to be your girlfriend!" Chong Gongzhen wiped his hair and threw the towel into the washing machine in the bathroom.

Lin Hui jumped up and suddenly came to Chonggong Zhena's side, and gently hugged Chonggong Zhena from behind: "What's the matter? Is Zhenna sauce jealous?"

"No!" Chong Gong Zhen didn't break free from Lin Hui's embrace, although he said so, but Chong Gong Zhen was really jealous.

After more than five months of getting along, Lin Hui is delicious and lazy, but he is very manly and responsible at critical moments. When he is out of the house, Chong Gong Zhen can even see Lin Hui's anger at the crown. scene.

At the beginning, someone molested Lin Mio, but Lin Hui beat him up so that he didn't even know his mother, and finally spent money to settle all this.

Later, Chong Gongzhen never saw that person. After all, that person is quite famous here, a relatively famous gangster.

Of course, Chong Gongzhen wouldn't know that that little bastard was thrown into the Pacific Ocean by Lin Hui that night to feed sharks, and naturally he won't appear in this town again.

Constantly getting along, which girl does not have a spring?Especially for some bad men, Chonggong Zhenna naturally fell in love with Lin Hui, but all this was suppressed by Chonggong Zhenna, but, such a contact, Chonggong Zhenna not only did not resist, on the contrary Would have wanted this longer.

"Really, you are really stupid!" Lin Hui said softly.

"Don't say it, Sister Lin Mio is watching!" Chonggong Zhena knew what Lin Hui's next sentence was, but she was very disgusted with Lin Hui saying that sentence, because in Chonggong Zhena's heart, she could match Lin Hui's words. Lin Mio is the only one who can win Lin Hui.

"Okay, but, I won't let go! After all, I'm quite domineering! If you want to call me a tyrant, it doesn't matter!" Lin Hui smiled wickedly, and even called the one who provoked Chonggong Zhenna. soul.

"Humph!" Chong Gongzhen turned his head and went back to his room to change his clothes.

Lin Hui leaned against the wall and looked at Chonggong Zhenna's back, and shook his head helplessly: "Too stubborn!"

I really don't know why Chong Gongzhen will be so active after [-] years... No, that is also a way of escaping, but, when we meet again, will he take the initiative to attack?I really want to let people know it!

"Okay, don't make trouble, you also know Zhenna's personality, get ready to eat!" Lin Mio is really a perfect big caress and child!

After eating, I took a short rest.

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