Chapter [-] The outbreak of Chonggong Zhenna, help me once!

After Lin Hui threw the Ratastock matter to Eliot, he left himself. Anyway, in the original book, Eliot could build Ratastock from scratch, but now he has given him an almost built Ratastock, who has various connections and resources, should be able to take care of it better.

In the end, it's enough to connect the timeline, and I don't have much time left in this world. At least, Lin Hui has to tell Lin Mio and Chong Gongzhen about his own affairs, otherwise he will suddenly be missed. If they disappeared for no reason, then the two of them would definitely go crazy.

When passing by the supermarket, Lin Hui stopped by to buy some ingredients for cooking. Lin Hui could feel that he was only able to stay in this world for a few short days. Then, he will handle everything within these few days. Done!


"Huh? It smells so good!" As soon as Chong Gongzhen opened the door, he smelled a very tempting aroma of vegetables. It was obvious that someone was cooking in the kitchen.

But at this point in time, Lin Mio is still in the city's library, so he probably hasn't come back yet. If someone is really cooking, then there's only one person left.

Chong Gongzhen trotted all the way into the kitchen and saw that a black-haired man was stirring something.

"Yo, really, I came back very early, isn't there any activity in the club?" Lin Hui asked directly without looking behind him.

"How do you know it's me?" Chong Gongzhen looked at Lin Hui and asked incredulously, "Also, the sun won't come out from the west today, will it?"

"Needless to say? How long have you thought I've lived here? Lin Mio and you are the only ones in this house. You're the only one who makes such a noise. As for why I cook? I'll tell you later when I'm eating. You guys!"

Lin Hui was cooking while answering the question, and the speed of his hands did not slow down at all.

When Chong Gongzhen heard these words, he instantly had a bad premonition in his heart!


When Lin Mio came back, Lin Hui just finished all the dishes. During the meal, Lin Hui put his affairs together. He was not a character in this time period, but came from the future, in order to save time. Continuing this matter, I also said it, and I also said the things that I couldn't continue to stay in the past time, and I would soon return to the future.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Why? Why would you say something like that? Thirty years later? Why did you come here from so far in the future! After you came here, why did you find me again! Then tell me, You are from thirty years later! Thirty years! Thirty years! Do you know what this means to me?" Chong Gongzhen was angry at Lin Hui.

Yes, Lin Hui is not an ordinary person, and Lin Mio is not an ordinary person. It can be seen from the battle between the two of them. However, Chong Gongzhen is not the same. She is a down-to-earth ordinary human being. The method is still young for thirty years, and it will definitely become a little old. The most beautiful years of women in their twenties and thirties are spent in waiting, so how can Chong Gongzhen, who is only fifteen years old, accept it? ?

Although Chong Gongzhen knew that she might not be worthy of Lin Hui, after all Lin Hui is so powerful and handsome, but the love of a girl is not something she can control, and that budding heart no longer belongs to her. own.

However, now, she has been told such a cruel fact, how can Chong Gongzhen accept it?

Lin Mio looked at Lin Hui, and then at Chonggong Mana, she was really shocked, but it was not an unacceptable fact, because she knew that she had the strength to do such a thing, but this was not a big deal for Chonggong. It was really too cruel.

Lin Hui walked in front of Chonggong Zhenna, and when he was about to help her up, Chonggongzhen slapped his hand off: "I don't need your concern, I will forget you! I will not If you're going to disturb your life in thirty years, don't worry..."

Lin Hui suddenly put his hand on Chonggong Zhenna's head: "Silly girl, what are you talking about? Who do you think I am? I am Lin Hui! I am a very domineering character! Why did I think I came to your house in the crowd? Here, I have been looking for a place where there is only one person in the family, but I will always come to you, because, from you and When I passed by, our fates were linked!"

"The woman I value, her appearance, even time can't take away!" Lin Hui smiled slightly and said in a confession-like tone, "Do you think I would tell you all this without considering this point? In the future, you are still as beautiful as you are now!"

"Really?" Chong Gong Zhenna stopped crying and looked at Lin Hui with red eyes.

"Ah, I promise you, your time will never flow, you will stay in this moment forever, you will not show such a sad expression in the future!" Lin Hui grinned.

Chonggong Zhenna looked at Lin Hui and wiped away tears: "I know, I won't show such an expression again! Then, I want to know, will I become strong in the future?"

"Well, you will become stronger, stronger than anyone else!" Lin Hui touched Chonggong Zhenna's small head: "I'm also looking forward to our meeting in the future! However, your Meeting me for the first time really gave me a big surprise!"

"Huh?" Chong Gongzhen tilted his head.

"Ah, you don't need to know about this!" Lin Hui fooled around with a hahaha.

Afterwards, Lin Hui looked at Lin Mio and took a deep breath: "Lin Mio, can you help me? I have something I want to ask for your help."

Chapter [-] I have to give you something too!

Lin Mio looked at Lin Hui so solemnly, indicating that this matter is very important to Lin Hui: "Tell me, as long as it is something I can help, I will definitely help you!"

Lin Hui thought for a while and said, "Lin Mio, can you divide your power, that is, use your own spirit crystals to create other spirits?"

Lin Mio thought about it for a while and then nodded: "It is indeed possible, but there is a drawback. If you are not someone who has a very high adaptability to spirit crystals, you may not be able to adapt to the power of spirit crystals, but will go berserk, for example. If it is handed over to humans, it will take a long time to transform the spirit crystals into spirit crystals that can turn humans into spirits!"

"And if it goes berserk, then unless the human is killed, there is no way to take the spirit crystal out of it." Lin Mio said.

Lin Hui thought for a while, and finally understood why it took thirty years for Lin Mio to create such a few spirits. It turned out that it was not because of finding a suitable candidate, but because someone else had to purify the spirit crystals so that they could be used by humans. The spirit crystal used.

That is to say, in the original work, Lin Mio spent at least ten years purifying the spirit crystals, and I don't know how many people died.

Lin Hui is reluctant to use other people's lives to pave the way. Although he is not a good person, it is absolutely impossible for him to use other people's lives to achieve his so-called wishes for no reason.

You are not a scum who only considers his own interests.

However, in the future, those girls of my own are indeed adapted to the spirit crystals. It can't be so coincidental. Every girl happens to have a very high adaptability.

There must be some way to fix it!Just didn't think about it.


"Lin Mio, is the reason why the spirit crystals run wild because of discomfort?" Lin Hui asked suddenly.

Lin Mio nodded: "It's true, but there is a difference, it will vary from person to person, but most of them are the same, all of which are the eruption of an emotion in his heart. In the process of purification, It will be affected by a certain emotion, but most of them are negative emotions that make the power of the spirit crystal runaway, thus turning into an inhuman monster!"

"However, the spirit crystals that run wild will speed up the adaptability of the host, but once they run wild, the adaptation period will come. Based on my spirit crystals, at least dozens of people and hundreds of people will be required to purify them. If I divide my power, the number will be less, but it will also require a lot of people!"

"I have a solution!" Lin Hui hugged Lin Mio, kissed Lin Mio's lips gently, and a force passed through.

The next moment, Lin Mio was a little sluggish: "This is?"

"Don't worry, the dominance of this part of the power is with me, I just projected it into your body, use this power to absorb those berserk emotions! In this way, you have a way to recover the spirits of those people. Crystallized?"

Lin Hui smiled lightly.

Lin Mio nodded: "Well, if this is the case, it is indeed possible to purify the spirit crystals without hurting their lives!"

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