"In other words, they are not qualified to inherit the power of elves, and they are not considered adaptable! Right, Phantom!" Lin Hui looked aside.

"Oh, did you give me this name now? It's really unexpected, you actually lied, it's really rare!" A girl with mosaics all over her body appeared in front of the two of them.

"I'm not lying, it's just a matter of time rebound, plus, I still have things that I haven't dealt with in the past, so I'm just bounced into this era!" Lin Hui shrugged.

"So, did you call me out for this child?" Phantom said, looking at Kurumi.

"I'll take out the spirit crystal from that child's body first!" Phantom walked to the elf's side, and suddenly, a black aura flowed out of the elf's body and flowed into Phantom's body.

The next moment, Kurumi saw that a girl similar to himself was lying there. Then, Phantom stretched out his hand, and a luminous, gem-like crystal flew out of the girl's body and landed on Phantom's hand. On: "It still won't work, it looks like it will take a while!"

"Don't worry, take your time, you still have a lot of time!" Lin Hui smiled slightly.

"Of course you won't be in a hurry, but that's it, I'll go first. By the way, what's your name?" Phantom suddenly looked at Kurumi.

Kurumi raised his head to look at Phantom, and said softly, "Kurasan, Tokisaki Kurumi!"

"Kangsan? Take it! This is a spirit crystal. If you are willing to accept this power and become a spirit, then use it! If not, give it to the man by your side!" Phantom After saying that, it disappeared.

"Is this, the power of elves?" Tokisaki Kurumi looked at the spirit crystal in his hand.

"Yes, as for whether to use it or not, it depends on your own wishes. By the way, I will send this little girl back first!" Lin Hui stretched out his hand, and when he touched the little girl, he directly transferred it away.

"Why, why give the power of elves to others? Isn't this a very dangerous power?" Kuang San looked at Lin Hui.

Because judging from the conversation between Lin Hui and the previous Phantom, the two seem to know the same thing.

"The answer is very simple, because the world needs the power of elves, if possible, I need the power of elves! I won't say some big truths to save the world, because in my opinion, if you even protect the people around you. If there is no power, then everything is empty talk!" Lin Hui said.

"The power to protect the people around you?" Kurumi looked at the spirit crystal in his hand and seemed to want to say something.

"By the way, you have nothing to do this Sunday, right?" Lin Hui looked at Kuang San.

"Well, what's the matter?" Lin Hui grinned: "Would you like to have a date with me?"

"Hmm... eh? What did you say?" Kuang San didn't expect Lin Hui to suddenly say such a thing. One second he was discussing about elves, and the next second it was an invitation to a date. Is this a change? A bit fast!

"Would you like to come?" Lin Hui invited Kuang San.

"What if I say no?" Kuang San looked at Lin Hui with a vigilant look in his eyes.

Lin Hui rubbed his nose: "Well, I know that too, but I'll run outside your house and use the loudspeaker to shout: 'Kangsan, go on a date with me!' What do you think?"

Kuang San had a confused look on his face. He had never seen such a shameless person before, and he had already rejected it. How could he still say such a thing? This simply forced others to be unable to make a choice!

"Okay, I get it, I'll go! Just let me know when the time comes!" Kuang San was about to leave, but was blocked by Lin Hui.

"Exchange email addresses!" Lin Hui shook his phone.

Kuangsan is helpless, and yes, if you don't know the time and place, you really can't go on a date. For a person who dares to break into his own door and use a loudspeaker to invite others, what else is the other person afraid of? do it?

Lin Hui's first impression of Kuang San was not good, it could even be said to be very bad, to a certain extent.

However, the first step of the date invitation is a success, and the next step is to prepare the place for the date. This is not Tiangong City, but another city. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare and familiarize yourself with this place. In this era to capture Kuangsan ah!

Chapter [-] Let's start dating!

"Wow, Kurumi, you dressed up so beautifully today, are you going on a date?" Tokisaki Kurumi's friend Sanda Sawa snickered.

"Don't... don't talk nonsense, it's not a date! Kuang San's little face blushed, what happened yesterday was so shocking to Kuang San, that Kuang San couldn't react for a while.

Touching the spirit crystal in his hand, Kuang San felt the urge of the spirit crystal to merge with himself, but he restrained the feeling.

After becoming an elves, if they don't get used to it, they will go berserk, and the two of them didn't say what the elves were created for yesterday, but Kurumi knew that this power was dangerous.

"Well, I also know that Kurumi has a little secret, and everyone has the right to keep it secret! So, I won't say anything! Because this is your right, Kurumi! Wait until you think you can ask I made it public, then I will also tell you a secret about me, and this secret can even scare you to death!" Sanda Sahe showed off to Kurumi with great pleasure.

"Yeah, but I'm not going on a date!" Kuang San said goodbye to Sanda Sahe and walked towards the meeting point proposed by Lin Hui.

Yes, for Kuang San, this time was not a date, because he was threatened by Lin Hui, which made Kuang San very unhappy. Therefore, in Kuang San's heart, he did not regard this date as a date. Dating is just a passing scene.

"It's very early. It's half an hour earlier than the time we set! It looks like you are looking forward to this date, Kuangsan!" Lin Hui laughed.

"That's not it, being threatened by you, it's naturally impossible to dress up well, just walk with you through the scene, right? Don't pester me again!" Tokisaki Kurumi said with dissatisfaction.

However, Tokisaki Kurumi also noticed that he was already half an hour earlier, but Lin Hui came earlier than him, so that can only mean one thing, the other party values ​​this date very much.

"Didn't you dress up properly? No, Kuangsan, you look so cute right now! The clothes are also very suitable for you!" Lin Hui did not hesitate to praise himself.

At this moment, Kuang San has some light makeup on his face, wearing a black dress, but wearing white stockings on his legs, giving people a black and white feeling. It's just a single ponytail tied behind the head, but it gives a different kind of style.

"Let's go, Miss Kuangsan!" Lin Hui gestured to Kuangsan, letting Kuangsan get into the car.

Kuang San was not polite and sat in the car directly, not knowing whether to say Kuang San was bold or something else.

Afterwards, Lin Hui brought Kuang San to the zoo. According to Kuang San's character, if she came here, at least she would be in a better mood. At that time, she would have a chance to capture her, but she didn't know what she used to do before. The method to capture Kuang San, at least in the future Kuang San is in love with himself, that's right.

"Isn't it?" Kuang San looked at Lin Hui in surprise. She didn't expect Lin Hui to bring her here. She really likes animals, and she always wanted to come, but she didn't have much chance.

"Ah, elephants are really interesting!" Kurumi watched as the elephant sucked up some water with its trunk and sprayed it on himself, while a baby elephant rolled on the ground.

"Wow, it's just that the lions here are lazy and lack energy!" Kuangsan lay on the fence and looked at the lions lying on the ground in the crypt and basking in the sun.


Lin Hui followed Kuang San, Kuang San was very interested in every animal here, as if he had completely forgotten that he was forced by Lin Hui to come over for a date today.

Lin Hui felt that Kuang San had been shopping for a long time, and his mouth should be thirsty, so he found a place to buy two bottles of water.

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