"Okay, now I'll show you some evidence to show you the evidence that we're not enemies. Although I haven't used it before, I hope it can be successful!" Ji Hiragana stretched out her hand: "Swallow all the pain, don't swallow it at night. Ring of God!"

The ring on Ji Hiiragi Lingcai's arm continued to enlarge, turning white, exuding a strange light all around.

"This is also a power that I have only recently researched. It was researched when Meng Cong and you guys went to the world to fight. It's another kind of ability!" Ji Hiirai explained proudly.

Strange rays of light fell on the seriously injured, directly recovering their injuries, as if they had swallowed all their injuries.

"This... This is a miracle!" The young soldier said immediately: "I'm sorry, I treated you as an enemy before. I am Gilles de Les, and I am the last soldier in the soon-to-be-destroyed France!"

Chapter [-] Raiders!Jeanne shows up!

"I'm Reina Himira, a person who came from far away to save this era, this is Fujimaru Rika, this is Matthew Kyrielet, if you can, can you tell us about the present situation?"

"Okay, come here!" Jill walked inside with the three of them.

Suddenly, there was a commotion: "Not good, another dragon is coming!"

"What? Get the turret ready, and everyone will move immediately!" Jill's heart that had just been put down immediately picked up again.

"Mashu, Lixiang, go and help!" Ji Hiragana Lingcai said directly: "Doctor, what about the Servant's condition? If it improves, it should appear now."

"No, his life breath is still the same as before." Roman was a little puzzled: "It's also because he is a Servant, so your ability may not be effective against him."

"I'll go take a look!" Ji Hiragana asked Jill, "Where is that Servant now."

"In the tent over there!" Jill pointed, "I need to lead the soldiers to fight now."

Ji Hiiragi nodded, entered the tent, and then looked at it: "It turns out that this is the case, the curse is wrapped around him, then, I'm sorry, let me swallow it!"

Ji Hiirao Reina stretched out her hand and kept swallowing the curse on Joel Joss.

Afterwards, Joel Joss' situation improved, and he opened his eyes and looked at Ji Hiiragi Lingcai: "Who are you?"

"I'm Recca Ji Hiiragi. If I can move, can you help me? The situation is a little urgent right now!"

"That's natural, but I didn't expect the other party to have too many followers, and I couldn't afford it. If it wasn't for the young marshal who made many people fight to the death of the queen, I must have died! It's so hateful! So many people died for me!" Giorgios was very annoyed.

"Then, let's have a fight, and I also hope to know something!" Ji Hiiragi opened the tent.


"Drink!" With a shield strike, Matthew directly knocked a two-footed flying dragon to the ground.

"Is this the power of the Yalong? It's amazing!" Matthew couldn't help sighing.

"No, you're the only one who has defeated so many bipedal dragons." Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help but say.

Dozens of flying dragons have fallen around Matthew, which can fully show the growth of Matthew's strength.

"Don't be careless, the next wave is coming!" Ji Qi Lingcai's voice came over.

"Yes!" Matthew dared not be careless.

And Fujimaru Rika is also driving magic, ready to support at any time.

The number of bipedal flying dragons is estimated to be about hundreds, but the crowds are overwhelmingly pressing towards this side, which brings a kind of psychological pressure.

"That's a lot!" Ji Hirao also had a headache. Although he really wanted Matthew and Fujimaru Rika to do some actual combat training, if there were too many, it would not be very good, and they had to destroy these bipedal dragons as soon as possible. .

"It turns out that there are still missing Servants here, oh, isn't this the Servant who was defeated before? It's a bit incredible that he is still alive!" At this time, a man and a woman walked towards this side.

One is wearing a lily skirt and looks very beautiful, but the whole person has a very crazy feeling, as if being swallowed by madness.

The other is a woman with two ears on her head and a tail on her back, like a cat-eared girl, but compared with the swordsman, her rationality has completely disappeared: "I shot them all. Come, fall by my arrows!"

"Well, it's better to fight with the Servants than to fight the Flying Dragon! Matthew, the two Servants will be handed over to you. Is there a problem?"

"No problem!" Mash looked at the two maddening servants with a shield in hand.

"Joel Joss, I'll trouble you if a flying dragon escapes my interception later!" Ji Hiragana Lingcai charged directly towards the group of flying dragons.

"I see!" Joel Joss was seriously injured, and Ji Hiragana's ability was very weak for Servants, so Joel Joss could only intercept those missing bipedal dragons.

And Jill is also directing the soldiers to fire at the group of flying dragons.

"Take it!" Ji Hiragana Lingcai rushed into the sky in one breath, the golden spear stabbed the flying dragon to death like a bolt of lightning, and the golden spear turned into countless phantoms like a snake sticking its tongue out. Only the two-footed flying dragons all gave up one pair of clothes, and the sky was covered with blood.

At this moment, Joel Joss also beheaded all the injured bipedal dragons that barely broke through Ji Hiiratina's interception, and guarded the group of soldiers alone.


"Do you want to fight with us just because of the two of you?" The madden swordsman looked at Mash and Fujimaru Rika.

"Enough is enough, let's go, Matthew!" Fujimaru Rika immediately ordered.

"Yes, Master!" Matthew rushed towards the maddened archer. Compared with the maddened swordsman, the maddened archer was more difficult to deal with and had to be dealt with first.

"Go to hell!" The maddening archer was constantly moving himself like a light cat, and at the same time shooting arrows at Matthew.

"Please don't ignore my existence!" The mad transformation swordsman also attacked Matthew at this moment, and the swordsmanship was dazzling. I am very familiar with such an attack, so I easily waved my shield to block all those sword shadows, and at the same time, I also bounced all the arrows of the maddening archers.

Suddenly, the two of them stepped back, and the madden swordsman said softly: "Close up the rest first! Let me hold it here! The Dance of Lily Flying Swords (Fleur de Lys)!"

Suddenly, countless flying flower phantoms appeared in front of Matthew, and the whole person had hallucinations.

"Not good! Matthew!" Fujimaru Rika immediately used support magic on Matthew.

Matthew woke up at that moment, watching the sword that Dion stabbed at him, Matthew swung his shield to block it directly.

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