"Maybe the Holy Grail War has not been held before the Holy Grail has been obtained. In order to prevent such a thing from happening, the Holy Grail or the world has summoned other servants to fight against it, but these processes must be very difficult. !" Lan Yu Shallow guessed.

"Joel Joss, in order to fight the serious injury behind him, the real Joan of Arc is also an incomplete heroic spirit, plus other people don't know when they will be attacked by the Dragon Witch, the situation is very difficult now!" Lan Yu Mengcong's words also echoed. passed over.

It is also because the number of followers on the side of the Dragon Witch is too large, and the other party will attack at all costs, and it will cause such a huge blow to the entire France in just a few days.

If we don't take the time to defeat the Dragon Witch, then this history will really be irreparable, and then the humanistic rescue will fail.

"Okay, let's determine the final goal now, which is to defeat the Dragon Witch, save France, and save the world, but there is still a problem, that is, our side's combat power is not enough, including me and Matthew, this side There are only four cavalry, but the Dragon Witch should have the Holy Grail in her hand, otherwise, it is impossible for so many two-legged dragons to be summoned!"

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai was very calm: "Although one Servant has been eliminated here, there is no guarantee that the other party will summon more Servants in order to increase their combat power. Therefore, we have to go to the worst. direction to consider."

"It is conservatively estimated that the other party has at least seven or more Servants. It seems that the combat power on our side is absolutely insufficient. For this reason, we have a purpose that must be carried out, and that is to find the world that was summoned. The other scattered Servants above, gather the strength to counterattack in one breath, and don't give the opponent a chance!"

"If I had all the abilities, I would be able to help everyone. I'm really incompetent as a Ruler." Jeanne felt a little remorseful.

"It's alright, we'll have to rely on us next!" Ji Hiragana said with a smile.

"By the way, who are you guys?" Jorjos said suddenly, "Although I know that you are here to help us, what is the reason for saving people that you said before?"

"Oh, by the way, I haven't explained it to you yet, I'll let Matthew explain the specific matter." Ji Hiiragi threw the pot away.

"Hey, is it up to me?" Matthew was a little nervous.

"Otherwise, who else? After all, you are the one who knows the most. Even Lixiang doesn't know as much as you." Ji Hiiragi Lingcai said that it doesn't matter.

"Okay, it's like this..." Matthew began to talk about the fact that Chaldea had been burned.

After ten minutes of speaking, not only the Servants present, but also Jill was stunned.

"Once this era is destroyed, will mankind have no future?" Jill murmured.

Afterwards, Jill took a deep breath: "Humanity must still have a future, because you are here, so I will never let France perish, for the sake of mankind's future, for mankind to have a future again, this war will definitely To win, so, Lady Saint, please come back again! Lead us to victory! Because this is a war in which defeat is absolutely not allowed!"

Joan of Arc is in a bit of a dilemma, after all, the witch of the dragon destroyed France with her appearance, and she was a character who once destroyed the future of mankind: "No, I can't help it, Jill, you are the current leader, and you need it too. Leading people to a hopeful tomorrow, I am a dead person after all, and although I appear here as a Servant now, when this war is over, I still have to leave!"

"So, I can't take this burden. You are a person living in this era, so you are the one who should lead those people to win the final victory now!" Joan of Arc politely refused.

Jill felt a little sad in his heart. Joan of Arc is really dead. Although he can still sit here and chat with him now, as soon as the war is over, Joan of Arc will leave. He doesn't know what to say.

"Since it's a war that doesn't allow for defeat, then it's even more important to increase your combat power. Let's go and find those scattered Servants!" Ji Hiirai made a final decision.

"Zancai, pay attention, there are two Servants in the south of you, no, it's five Servants and a life form with extremely huge energy are approaching here, it seems that they are being hunted down, you hurry up and take a look! "At this time, Ju Nai's voice came over and seemed a little anxious.

"Okay, let's go right away!" Ji Hiragan Lingcai summoned the golden gun, and Matthew was ready, Joel Joss said to the crowd, "I'm still injured, so I won't bother you anymore. , just stay here and protect everyone!"

Jeanne nodded: "Then I'll leave it to you!"

"Well, let's go then!"


"Damn it, damn it! Why are there people like that there, isn't it scary?" A man and a woman were running away, and behind him was a huge black shadow approaching.

"Haha, I finally caught up with me, two bugs!" A cold laughter was uploaded from the huge black shadow.

"Amadeus, we can't escape, so let's fight to the end. I'm the queen of France, and that's why I can't just sit and watch her continue to ravage the country I love!" The girl stopped. The shadow looking at the sky: "I want to beat you!"

Chapter [-] The witch who drives the evil dragon!Daughter of the True Ancestor?

"Haha, brazen little girl, France is worth your nostalgia, how much you have paid for this country, but in the end, it was not sent to the guillotine by the people of this country!" A proud laughter came out.

"Even so, I believe that as long as I die, someone will be able to be happy, and someone will be able to laugh about it. As long as this is the case, even if I am sent to the guillotine, I will still have no regrets, because that's how I love With France!" The girl looked at the huge dragon seed that descended on the ground in front of her.

"I'm so sorry, Amadeus, I actually want you to accompany me this time with my willfulness!" The girl apologized to the man in front of her, because her own willfulness caused what happened in front of her.

"It's totally fine, Maria, as long as you do what you want to do, I will do it exactly as you want!" The man on the side said to the girl.

"Haha, are you finished with your last words? The queen who is in the depths of the palace and doesn't know what I'm waiting for, then go to hell!" The girl with white hair and black armor waved her hand down.

A middle-aged man with a long spear and an extremely powerful aura on his body waved the long spear at the girl and stabbed it directly: "It is really exciting to be able to taste the blood of the queen who is the flower of Versailles!"

"Stop dreaming, the Noble Phantasm is activated! Requiem for Death!" The man on the side activated his Noble Phantasm directly.

"Ugh..." The middle-aged man's entire body froze, and was directly affected by the man's Noble Phantasm.

"Cut! Damn, ugly and harsh sound, if you think this can suppress us? You have used it once before, and now you use it again, how long can you use it?" Standing on the dragon seed The young girl covered her ears and her eyes were fierce.

"However, his Noble Phantasm delayed the time and gave us a chance to arrive, didn't it?" A golden spear pierced directly between the two sides, the man's Noble Phantasm also stopped, and a girl fell from the sky. Between the two sides, the golden gun was drawn and looked at the few people in front of him.

"Wow, Roman, take a look, is this a dragon in front of you? That's the real dragon seed!" Ji Hiiragi Lingcai suddenly laughed: "I'm burning!"

"This, this, this... It's actually a real dragon, a fantasy species! It's really impossible for something to appear in this era, and, most importantly, when standing on the back of the dragon... "Roman's voice seemed extremely excited.

"Ah, I saw it at a glance. She looks exactly the same as Joan of Arc, but the color of her hair is different from the color of her armor. There is no doubt that she is the dragon witch who destroyed this country!"

"What are you whispering about! Kill this little girl who doesn't know how to live or die!" Black Joan seemed to be annoyed.

"Follow your orders!" The middle-aged man waved his spear and attacked Ji Hiirai Lingcai directly.

"Oh, is the martial arts so good? It's a pity, it's not enough to want to compare with me!" Ji Hiragana Lingcai immediately waved the golden gun to fight the opponent, and the middle-aged man was suppressed as soon as the fight, Ji Hiragana Lingcai's marksmanship is faster than every move, and every move is more ruthless, directly suppressing the middle-aged man out of breath.

"What, who is it?" Black Joan couldn't believe it. Suddenly, she felt something and looked to the other side: "Actually...there is such a thing!"

A few more people appeared beside the previous girl and man, and a girl who looked exactly like him appeared.

"Again... a Joan of Arc, it's actually true!" Matthew couldn't believe it.

"Joan of Arc... eh? There are two Joan of Arc?" The previous girl was also very surprised!

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