"There's actually such a thing! Beasts are really terrifying." Matthew couldn't imagine such a thing.

"By the way, Lingcai, I have good news for you!" At this time, Lan Yumengcong suddenly remembered something.

"Doesn't Mama Skaha have the power to attack the gods? As long as she is a servant of the gods, Mama Skaha can exert a strong power, so I studied the surrounding of Fafnir's body before. The outer armor is also found to be of the dragon attribute, and it is also very high. That is to say, as long as you have a Servant with special attack on the dragon, then it is easy to peel off Fafnir's outer armor, and you can annihilate each other in one go! "

Ji Hirao Lingcai's research lit up: "By the way, I remember, didn't Joeljos slaughter dragons before? He should have a special attack on dragons. Next time when he is well-trained, we must take the initiative to attack. !"

"Speaking of which, there was a strange thing just now." At this time, Fujimaru Rika remembered something.

"By the way, Rider who fought with us before seemed to tell us that there is a dragon slayer in Lyon, maybe he can help us, let us save him!" Matthew also remembered.

"Could it be a trap?" Amadeus said suddenly.

"Even if it's a trap, you have to take a look. I'm afraid that there won't be enough dragon slayers." Lan Yumengcong suddenly said: "Let's go to Lyon after Lingcai recovers some physical strength! Matthew, Lixiang, you guys do it. Very good, this news has a great effect!"

Chapter [-] Your future, false?reality?

After returning to the castle in Orleans with Fafnir, who had recovered from his injuries, Joan of Arc went to the man's place immediately.

The moment he opened the door, he saw the man holding a small white creature, like a squirrel and a cat.

"What, are you leaving? It doesn't matter, anyway, there will be time to see you again, right?" The man said with a smile.

"Fuwu!" The little white creature called out and licked the man's hand.

"Don't worry, I believe that they will voluntarily fall to this point, and they will definitely succeed. So go, and then tell them, I am waiting for them!" The little creature was thrown from the window.

"Hey, hey, when did our Lord Demon King actually like to play with such small animals?" Black Joan walked in with a mad smile on his face.

"Why, it looks like you're in a bad mood this time?" The man walked over to the table and poured a cup of black tea and began to savor it: "Want a cup? I think the craft of making tea is pretty good."

"Haha, the Demon King has been reduced to making tea, isn't it too sad? The gods killed by you will cry!" Black Joan did not refuse, but went to the chair and sat down, drinking Lin Hui poured good black tea for her.

"Well, I can't say that. Sometimes, I feel that a person's life is too short, and once he can live for a long time, he will look for fun. Now I probably understand why some longevity species make Some human beings cannot understand things that cannot be thought, and it is unreasonable to use the thinking of short-lived species to think of long-lived species."

"What, does our Lord Demon King have a broken brain? He has become a sympathetic philosopher? Are you going to lecture me next? Huh?" Black Joan was still very arrogant. The same is true for Lin Hui.

"No, I don't have this idea. After all, I have a little idea of ​​longevity now. The rise and fall of a country doesn't mean much to me. I just want to see how much it can bring me. It's just fun!" There was no pity for life in the man's eyes, some were just indifference.

"Hehe, then, what does Lord Demon King want to say to me today?" Black Joan looked at the man: "These past few days, he has been telling me some messy things, and Jill has already begun to be very wary of you! "

"Well, it's okay, I just want to talk to you about your future." The man put down the teacup in his hand and sat opposite Black Joan.

"Future? Haha, there is still a future for someone like me? Demon King, aren't you joking? Haha! I'm about to laugh like crazy, there is such a thing!" Black Joan looked at the man.

"Ah, for example, what if the plan you were planning to carry out in this era fails?" the man said calmly.

"Ha? Do you want me to laugh to death? Ah, yes, if I laugh to death, the plan will really fail! That's right! With you around, I can fail, then I really do Is it too much of a failure?" Black Joan looked at the man coldly.

"No, if the other party can make me have more fun than staying with you, then I will go to their side! Because I only like interesting things." The man listened to Black Joan's words and smiled. That's it.

"Tsk, this is really irrefutable! If you lose, you lose, what else can you think? Anyway, I'm an anti-heroic spirit, so it shouldn't be possible to appear again? Then just do it!" Hei Jeanne seemed a little indifferent.

"Yeah, after all, you're just a fake product." The man threw a bombshell.

"What do you mean?" Black Joan's eyes finally changed.

"I have investigated, you are not a blackened face of Joan of Arc at all, you are just a hypocritical heroic spirit created by Gilles de Reis using the Holy Grail, you are not Joan of Arc! No, it should be In a sense, it's the ideal Joan of Arc by Gilles de Les!" The man completely ignored Joan of Arc's appearance that he was about to kill.

"Haha, hahaha, hahaha! What do you mean, I'm just a fake?" Black Joan's eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Yes, you are just a Joan of Arc made by Gilles de Royce imitating Joan of Arc, and what you have is all the resentment and anger towards France that Gilles de Reis instills in you."

"You... say it again and try it!" Black Joan stood up suddenly and walked in front of the man.

"Joan of Arc, no, let's call you Black Joan of Arc. I will chat with you here. Talking to you doesn't mean you can get mad at me at will! I'm not that Gilles de Reis!" The man's eyes met Black Joan's eyes, and the tyranny and murderous intent in his eyes instantly extinguished Black Joan's anger.

"Hehe, hehe! I'm actually just a fake, I'm a fake? That guy, the village girl who was knocked out of her head was right! I, not her!" The child is generally discouraged.

"Does it matter whether it's fake or not? You are you, you are Black Joan, not Joan of Arc. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, you are here now! Don't forget, I'm with you today We're talking about your future." The man continued to stab in Black Joan's heart.

"Everything is false, what's the point? The so-called revenge, the so-called anger, these are all..." Black Joan's whole person's thinking is about to be confused.

"But now you are real!" the man said: "The memories from these days are not fake. I have also started to create some so-called clones. Their bodies are fake, and their knowledge is only instilled. Okay, but only that mind is real!"

"That soul, that emotion, is absolutely impossible to do, and the time they have experienced is absolutely true to the truth engraved in their hearts!"

"Now, isn't it true that you are angry with your own identity and feel unwilling to do so?" The man walked behind Black Joan: "As long as you remember your current feelings, you are the most real. Is it someone else's? Imitations are not important, what matters is whether you stand here, whether you admit your authenticity!"

"My affinity with you is the best, otherwise, I wouldn't be here with you, so, now, I'm still on your side!"

Chapter [-] The first step to counterattack!

Joan of Arc turned her head to look at Lin Hui, looked at it for a long time, and finally sat back in her seat: "You are also using Fafnir's changes, right?"

"Yes, although this is the first time the incarnation of Warcraft has been used on living creatures, it should be very useful, right?" The man smiled and sat back in his seat.

"Yeah, thanks to your experiment, we picked up one, and there is a little girl who claims to be the daughter of the true ancestor on the other side. It's really not to be underestimated. Just beat Fafnir casually. He was seriously injured, and even if he used the power you gave, he almost died." Black Joan looked at the man.

"So, you want me to deal with her?" the man asked with a smile.

"Yes, among all of us, only you have the ability to defeat her!" Black Joan said with a cold face.

"Well, don't worry, I've said it before, I'm in a partnership with you now, and I've made an agreement that I'm here to protect it. If it's outside this range, I don't care, don't forget, If I hadn't been here before, someone would come in and take it away directly!" The man said with a hilarious smile.

"However, you also didn't take action to solve the disaster!" Black Joan said in an unhappy mood.

The man yawned: "After all, if it's just two people, I'm not interested in embarrassing those two. Besides, when you're back, there's no need for me to take action!"

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