If there is no Ji Hirao Lingcai here, I am afraid that facing Lin Hui face to face will be a disastrous defeat.

The next moment, the two separated.

Lin Hui seemed to understand something: "So that's the case, all the shocks were absorbed by the Nightless God Ring and used as his own driving force to keep up with my speed?"

"Yeah, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to keep up with your speed, Dad. After all, you're a monster who has outlived me for an unknown amount of time!" Ji Hiiragi smiled.

"The excess shock that the body can't bear was swallowed up before the body was injured. At the same time, it is really scary to use it for the second time. It is used continuously and constantly accumulates strength. Therefore, if it hurts me, it is really me. The style of this, even if you can't fight, you still want to bite a piece of meat from the opponent's body!"

Lin Hui looked at his scratched cheek, and gently wiped it with his hand, the next moment, the scratch disappeared: "Really, don't you know that your father relies on my face to eat! Wan Wan What should I do in the future because no girl likes it because of this disfigurement?"

"Pfft! It's still my father, and the level of shamelessness is still the same as before!" Ji Hiirai Lingcai laughed out loud, but at the same time put on a good posture: "I'm already a big boss, and I'm still thinking about cheating little girls everywhere, it's really old Don't be ashamed, it's time to give the opportunity to young people!"

Lan Yumengcong and Lanyu Shallow covered their faces with their hands. Listening to Lin Hui's shameless words, both of them felt that their faces were hot, and they really didn't know what to say.

Even Roman and Da Vinci felt speechless. This was actually what they thought was the great enemy, the invincible godslayer. Could it be that all godslayers are like this?This is really a bit, how should I say it, the powerful and invincible, incomparably evil look that Lin Hui showed before has completely collapsed, and now they are left with a shameless old thief.

"Is it Lily? That's a waste, but Lily is also fine. It's not a loss to get one, and it's not a loss. Besides, I'm not old! After all, I'll be eighteen years old forever!" Lin Facing Ji Hiragana Lingcai who was rushing towards him, Hui pulled out another long sword with golden light from behind him: "It's a pity, Lingcai, let me tell you now! "

Chapter [-] Fear, fear, but...

"That...that is..." Everyone who had seen the long sword was stunned, because the impression that the sword left in everyone's mind was too deep, but the sword is not polluted now , did not turn black.

"You shouldn't forget it, Lingcai!" Lin Hui raised his hand: "Faced with such an attack, can you still swallow it completely? After all, it was me who sent it out, and the power is not of the same level. Woolen cloth!"

"The Sword of Victory (Excalibur)!"

The huge golden beam of light gathered in Lin Hui's hand, and rushed towards Ji Hiiragi Lingcai in one breath.

"Is there a difference in strength? It's not enough to touch my father!" Ji Hiirai Lingcai finally understood that there was still a considerable distance between himself and Lin Hui.

The difference in the nature of magic power, the difference in the total amount of magic power, and most importantly, the difference in the quality of magic power, Ji Hiirai Reina is different from Lin Hui. The starting point is extremely high, although the starting point is lower than that of ordinary vampires, but the potential power of Ji Hiiragi Lingcai is infinite, because Lin Hui maintained the essence of human beings, so Ji Hiiragi Xuecai gave birth to Ji Hiiragi Lingcai.

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai also has endless possibilities hidden in his body, but so far, all these possibilities have not been brought out, and Lin Hui's possibilities are also endless, and not all of them have been brought out, but the two People are fundamentally different.

One is always walking in front of everyone, in order to survive, in order to protect and keep getting stronger, the other is always chasing the back of the person in front, in order to catch up with that person, they will continue to become stronger, and the two have a complete state of mind. The different content also determines the gap between the two.

"Even so, I must never lose!" The God-Eater Ring behind Ji Hiragana Lingcai swallowed all the light at this moment. Facing Lin Hui's endless stream of terrifying light cannons, the God-Eater Ring was in the devour it.

"Even if you can keep swallowing, there is always an upper limit to the amount you can endure. Whether you want to admit it or not, this is absolute!" Lin Hui suddenly increased the output.


A terrifying light completely shrouded Ji Hiirao Reina.


Ji Hiiragi Lingcai was blown away, the god-devouring ring behind him was shattered, and the god-loving clothes on his body also became dim.


Lin Hui looked at the golden spear stabbed on his body in disbelief: "It really belongs to you!

Ji Hiirao Lingcai stood up with difficulty: "Didn't you say it, I look a lot like you, Dad!"

Lin Hui put both the magic spear and the sword of oath of victory back into the crimson space, pulled out the God-killing golden spear in one breath, and smashed it to pieces, but Lin Hui left two piercings on his body. blood hole.

"In this case, Dad, your strength has already weakened a part, so we can also see hope!" Ji Hiragana Lingcai was very tired.

"It's just two wounds. Although it won't heal for a while, but you don't think this can stop me, right? Don't forget, except for you, everyone else here is vulnerable. Ah!" The arrogance in Lin Hui's mouth was very obvious.

The next moment, Lin Hui appeared in front of Jeanne, raised his fist, and struck at Jeanne.

"My Lord is here (Luminosite Eternelle)!"

Joan of Arc raised her flag, but after a while, cracks began to appear in the light curtain.

"In the end, it's just converting magic power into defensive power. As long as it exceeds its upper limit, it is enough to shatter it." Lin Hui said while increasing his strength.

Now Lin Hui still maintains the incarnation of giant power, possessing a terrifying power beyond everyone's imagination.


"Yes, Master!"

"Similar development, the foundation of human principles!"

A chalky wall appeared behind the Joan of Arc light curtain and went up together with the light curtain.


The light curtain was shattered, and Joan of Arc fell to the ground, but Lin Hui bombarded the chalk wall, but the chalk wall remained motionless.

"This is so interesting!" Lin Hui smiled when he looked at the purple-haired girl holding a large shield. Facing this girl, Lin Hui could see the firmness in her eyes.

"Why, even the generals on your side have been defeated. Do you still want to challenge me? Don't make people laugh, can you?" Lin Hui kept pushing the chalk wall back, and the terrifying power made everyone feel trembling.

"The fear and fear in your hearts are constantly magnifying!" Lin Hui waved his other hand and slammed it against the chalk wall in front of him.

Matthew's body was shocked, his footsteps took a step back, Lin Hui waved his fist again, and began to bombard the chalk wall continuously, constantly attacking. Deep footprints, blood spilled from Matthew's mouth.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to come out and be a hero? Why are you constantly retreating in front of this huge evil like me!" The evil spirit on Lin Hui's body was arrogant, and he punched Matthew completely.

"Cough cough!" Matthew fell heavily to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and now Matthew's arm has begun to hurt severely, and the bone in his hand is broken.

Lin Hui approached Matthew again, with no trace of pity on his face.

"Yes, we are very afraid, we are also very afraid, facing you who can kill even the gods, we are really powerless, but ah, what Lingcai taught me, even the weakest ants have to face the sky. Exposing its minions, no matter how strong you are, even your own daughter can use this poisonous hand, I will never agree with you!" Fujimaru Rika stood in front of Mash: "I, come to be your opponent. !"

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