"By the way, there are still two soldiers under Yu's command. Those two are the generals that Yu sent out on the expedition. When the time comes, I will bring them back and attack the capital of the United Empire together!" Nero has already seen the victory. of hope.

"I see, then, I'll take Nero back to prepare first, and you should be prepared too! It's afternoon, and it's not night yet, try to solve this singularity today!"

"Ready to ignite the wolf smoke of the decisive battle!" Lin Hui grabbed Nero's little hand, and the two suddenly disappeared in place.

Chapter [-] Divine Soldiers descend from heaven!

Nero and Lin Hui suddenly appeared in the luxurious palace.

"Your Highness!" Nero stroked Lin Hui's face.

Lin Hui held Nero's little hand: "Go get ready, everything will be settled today!"

"And then, is Qing going to leave?" Nero was a little sad, but there was still a smile on his face.

"Yes." Lin Hui touched Nero's head, especially the dull hair, no matter how he touched it, it would curl up, as if the dull hair was the body.

"Yu understands, but, Qing, don't forget Yu, or Yu will be angry!" Nero suddenly came to Lin Hui.

"...Nero, I have a proposal, do you want to accept it?" Lin Hui said suddenly.

Nero blinked: "What proposal?"

Lin Hui smiled lightly: "I'll tell you after the matter is settled! I'll pick up the expeditionary army first."

"Um, okay, but sir, you must tell Yu! Yu has now ordered people to prepare the army!" Nero left the palace excitedly and ordered people to assemble the army.

Lin Hui also disappeared in place. The next moment, he encountered the expeditionary army being chased by the Allied Empire army. The generals were a woman in white and an extremely burly man.

"Who are you?" Jing Ke raised his head and looked at Lin Hui who suddenly appeared, with a hint of vigilance in his heart.

"Don't worry too much, I'm from Nero's side, here to help you! Everyone, don't resist!" Lin Hui snapped his fingers, and suddenly, everyone disappeared.

All the people in the coalition army were stunned. They were clearly chasing after them, but suddenly everyone disappeared. What happened?

And Lin Hui returned to Rome with the expedition.

Even Nero was startled, and suddenly many people appeared out of thin air. If she hadn't given an order, I am afraid that the assembled soldiers would have launched an attack. After all, who knows what means the people of the United Empire have!

"I'm back!" Lin Hui walked to Nero's side.

"Well, I still need a little time here, let the expeditionary force rest first!" Nero ordered.

"The two generals will be fine!" Nero looked at Jing Ke and Lv Bu Fengxian who were not injured and was very satisfied: "But I have two generals to work on, and I will set off soon. Although Yu knows that the two are tired, but Please be patient!"

"Hoohoho!" Lu Bu Fengxian just called out.

"Well, no problem, that's what Lu Bu Fengxian meant!" Jing Ke said with a smile: "After all, I can continue to kill many emperors!"

"How did you understand Lu Bu's words?" Lin Hui was very curious. Lin Hui could still understand what Spartacus meant before, but Lu Bu Fengxian's words were really embarrassing.

"Huh? I don't know, but naturally I understand!" Jing Ke thought for a while, and said helplessly.

"You have worked hard in every sense!" Lin Hui's mouth twitched.

"By the way, Qing, don't forget!" Nero pulled Lin Hui's sleeve.

Lin Hui nodded, took Nero aside, and explained some things.

"Is that so?" Nero seemed hesitant: "However, Yu shouldn't have to think about it! Just follow Qing's order!"

"Is this really good? You have to know that this..." Lin Hui looked at Nero with a hint of distress in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, I don't want to forget Qing, and I don't want to embarrass Qing. If it is Qing, I am willing to do so! Because, this is how Yu, Nero Claudius loves Qing!" Nero hugged Lin Hui.

"I will compensate you, absolutely, so, you must wait for me!" Lin Hui hugged Nero hard.

The two have not been separated for a long time.


"Oh, you're back already?" Fujimaru Rika looked at the large number of troops that suddenly appeared outside the camp, and was alert for a while, but when she saw the two people standing in front of the army, she immediately relaxed.

"Where are Boudicca and Matthew?" Lin Hui looked curiously.

Fujimaru Rika said a little embarrassedly, "Mashu was taken by Miss Boudicca to do her bridal practice?"

Lin Hui was a little speechless: "Forget it, get ready, take a break first, and then directly enter the capital of the United Empire. At that time, it will definitely be a battle."

"I understand!" Fujimaru Rika gained a lot from the previous battle, not to mention that she could compete head-on with the Servants, but at least she was able to fight with Mash.


After a period of rest, the time is almost up and the sun is setting.

"Well, in short, the time for the decisive battle has come! Now is the time for our soldiers to work together. After this battle, I vow to unite Rome again! Those hateful self-proclaimed 'Emperor' guys, today is a fake When Rome is destroyed! Fight, my soldiers! Become my sword and bring down all the impostors! The sword of Yu is the passion of origin (fire), and the sound of swords and halberds is like the sound of the sword that surrounds the universe (the sky). Stars. Be in a trance for this sound. Then sing, and rejoice! O fellow swordsmen!"

Nero boosted the morale of all the soldiers before the march.

"I have to feel that Nero's leadership is really admirable!" Lin Hui looked at the soldiers: "Well, it's not as good as me anyway."

"Please, Dad, stop being narcissistic, okay? That's because other people are afraid of you, not because of your own charisma!" Ji Hiiragi complained.

"What does that matter? Anyway, the result is always the same, the process is not important!" Lin Hui laughed.

"Everyone, next, everyone will come directly to the capital of the United Empire. Please be ready to fight at any time. Let's start! Let's make a big fuss!" Lin Hui raised his hand. The entire human camp is wrapped in it.


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