"Beautiful!" Romulus admired the attack of the two very much, but neither of them were Servants. Although they both possessed great strength, it is a pity that although Romulus is not a top Servant, he is also a first-class Servant. Servant, so the strength is extremely powerful.

Although Matthew successfully attracted the attention of Romulus, Romulus jumped up at the critical moment, escaped from the air, and landed somewhere else. At the same time, at the moment of landing, the giant spear in his hand slammed into Nero.

Just as Nero was about to raise the primordial fire to resist, he saw a purple-haired girl protecting her with a shield.

"Attack as much as you like! I am the shield that protects you!" Matthew blocked all of Romulus's combos.

"Come on, Your Majesty Nero!" Fujimaru Rika's voice came from behind Romulus. I don't know when, Fujimaru Rika has come behind Romulus.

The golden light was shining, and the speed of Fujimaru Rika also became extremely fast: "The Five Types of Absolute Sword Skills - Emperor's Approach!"

A terrifying blow slashed down Romulus.

"What a dazzling temperament, unfortunately, you are not me (Rome)!"

Fujimaru Rika is not an emperor, nor a king, and he has never had such an experience. Therefore, Huang Lin only simulated the terrifying coercion of Lin Hui, but it was flashy, so it was difficult to cause a certain amount of opponents. interference.

The golden sword collided with the red crown spear tip. With B-rank muscle strength and the ability to retain the skill "natural body", the strength of the muscle can be temporarily increased. Fujimaru Rika was completely unable to block Romulus's blow. The man was slammed onto the roof, and the shock at that moment was as if his entire body was torn apart.


The corners of Fujimaru Rika's mouth were a little red.

"Master!" Matthew smashed his shield at Romulus fiercely at that moment, and Romulus blocked Matthew's attack with the butt of his gun.


A red light of fire descended from the sky: "Romulus of the God Race! Let's attack from the rest!"

Magical power suddenly appeared on Nero's body, and flames also ignited on the original fire, slashing Romulus fiercely!

"It's hot red, what a beautiful look! It's a pity that I (Rome) have to lose such beauty!" Romulus's spear pressed directly on Nero's original fire, and Nero was completely afflicted. With a huge pressure, he fell directly backwards.

"Preliminary Sword Skill - Thunder!"

Like a bolt of lightning, Fujimaru Rika turned into a lightning bolt and stabbed Romulus on Romulus's left shoulder fiercely. The red blood splashed out and then the whole person immediately escaped the attack range of Romulus.

"Hmm!" Romulus's figure crooked: "What a powerful attack."

"Well done, Lixiang! Yu can't be left behind!" Nero charged at Romulus in an instant with the original fire.

"This is Yu's attack!" Taking advantage of the gap when Romulus did not stand firm, he crossed Romulus's abdomen in an instant, bringing out a lot of blood.

Matthew pulled the shield diagonally, and hit Romulus with a heavy blow directly on the chest, knocking Romulus backwards.

"My (Rome) splendor is by no means like this, see it! My (Rome) true appearance!"

Romulus raised the spear in his hand and stabbed into the ground fiercely:

"Magna Voluisse Magnum!"

Immediately, countless trees rushed out at this moment, breaking through the ground and almost submerging the entire palace in the sea of ​​trees. The terrifying attack hit the three women directly.

"Not good! Master!" Matthew saw this scene and knew very well that this was not something her Noble Phantasm could stop, because it was a large-scale group attack, and it extended from the ground. If only She herself might be able to escape, but there are still Nero and Fujimaru Tachika here!


The slashes of the flames cut off many trees in an instant, and where Nero was, a flame barrier protected both Fujimaru Rika and her.

"Really, don't make people troublesome! Give me a quick solution!" The cursed fire erupted from the jet-black Dragon Witch blocked all Romulus' attacks.

"As an enemy, it still feels terrifying, but as a companion, it is extraordinarily reliable!" Roman praised.

"This foreign aid came a little too soon!" Lan Yumengcong seemed to raise her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry to trouble you!" Fujimaru Rika stood up: "The next blow is the decisive blow."

"Um, Yu has to use all his strength!" The primordial fire in Nero's hand burned with a strong flame at this moment.

"It's incredible, the magic power on Nero's body is almost close to the value of a Servant, what the hell is going on?" Olga Marie was very surprised.


"Yes, Master!" Matthew blasted away the tree and slashed the shield directly on Romulus's wound, directly restraining Romulus's movements.

"Yeah!" Fujimaru Rika jumped high and pierced Romulus's shoulder with the spear, making his arm weak and unable to hold the spear again.

"Come on, Nero!!!"

Chapter [-] The true face of the black hand behind the scenes!

Fire is burning!

The wind is howling!

The hot red girl charged straight with a sure-kill sword, stabbed Romulus's chest fiercely, and pierced his heart!

"...What a... dazzling love! Nero." Romulus did not have any unwillingness or resentment for being defeated, but only praise for Nero and recognition for the support of others.

"Eternal Empire of Crimson and Gold. It's up to you and your heirs."

"Never forget. Rome is eternal. Therefore, the world must also be eternal. Be sure to keep in mind..."

After Romulus left those words, his whole body turned into a spot of light and disappeared.

Nero was gasping for breath, defeating his most revered and beloved ancestor. Nero must be full of emotion in his heart, which can be seen from her trembling arms at this moment.

Although Romulus was a long dead person, he just reappeared as a servant, but this feeling of killing others with his own hands still remained in his hands, which made Nero's mood unable to calm down for a long time.

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