Medea Lily looked at Lin Hui: "I wish you the best of luck!"

Medea Lily also disappeared in the end, leaving only the Holy Grail.

"Doctor, Brother Lin has already defeated all the Servants and recovered the Holy Grail. The mission is complete!" Matthew said a little desolately.

"Hey, is that person your companion?" Drake asked suddenly.

"Yes, what's wrong, Drake on board?" Fujimaru Rika looked at Drake.

Drake said softly: "He gives people a feeling that he is still missing something, or a wish from the heart, no matter who is here, there is something from the heart. The desire in his heart, but he did not!"

"What?" Matthew looked at Drake: "Captain Drake, what does this mean? If it comes from the heart, I can't feel what I want. What's the difference between this and Brother Lin? "

"You are really stupid. You already have a wish. From the contact just now, I can see that your name is Matthew, right, you just didn't realize it, but in fact, you are very clear. what to do."

"'No desire' is just an outrageous statement. Besides, there is no human being without 'desire'. As long as you are human, you will have desires. You cannot live without desires. The only difference is consciousness. To get to this point and live, or to live without realizing it for the rest of your life.”

"Didn't that Jason also have the desire to create a 'peace country'? Although I don't know if he can tell the truth or a lie, but sometimes the wicked do good, and the good sometimes do evil. This is Humans, this is us! So, everyone has a wish, but some people spend their lives never discovering their true wish."

"However, I didn't find this in that man. He completely violated the rules of being a human, or in other words, he is not a human!"

"In his heart, he is still missing something..."

Chapter [-]: The frustrated Fujimaru Rika and the lost Matthew!

The speed of solving the third singularity was very fast, and it took less than a day to completely solve it. During this period, everyone felt incomparable fear for Lin Hui's true strength!

Yes, fear!

Lin Hui never showed his true strength from beginning to end, that's because,

No need at all!

Lin Hui only needs to show a part of it is enough to cross-tweet the singularity, which can be fully reflected in this battle.

Because in this singularity, the development of things was completely beyond Lin Hui's imagination.

If it is said that there is only Hercules, Lin Hui will not take action, but will wait and see the changes, and let Fujimaru Tachika and others experience it.

However, this time is not the case!

Achilles, Chiron, Artemis, no matter which one is a character that cannot be ignored, plus the existence of such great heroes as Hercules and Hector, in any case, it is completely beyond The coping ability of Fujimaru Tachika et al.

The tyrannical and invincible strength of Hercules, the maneuverability of Achilles, the long-range attack capabilities of Artemis and Chiron, and the overall situation and superb strength of Hector are far superior to Fujimarutate in every aspect. On Xiang's side, there is also Medea Lily, the witch of the age of the gods. Therefore, Lin Hui will choose to shoot and push everything horizontally at the fastest speed, because Lin Hui probably estimates that the black hand behind the scenes will start.

Sure enough, the remaining eight pillars of the Demon God Pillar, Fo Niu Si Association, merged into an extremely powerful Demon God Pillar. If it weren't for Lin Hui's extraordinary strength, the current strength of Matthew and Fujimaru Tachika would not be able to handle it at all, even with Atalanta, The same goes for Joan of Arc and Nero.

The resilience of the Demon God Pillar this time is beyond imagination. Even if it is hit by the power of Lin Hui's celestial incarnation, it can gradually recover. It can be seen that the ability of the Demon God Pillar after the fusion of the nine pillars is terrifying.

However, Lin Hui, who can kill all of this, is even more terrifying!


"Is there no wish?" Lin Hui looked at Ji Hiragana Lingcai: "Did the captain say such a thing at the end? It's really curious, it would be nice if we could learn more about it."

"Dad, I don't think you will have no desires, but..." Ji Hiragora looked at Lin Hui: "Dad, since when did you become like that? That enjoyment ruining everything? "

Lin Hui looked at Ji Hirao Lingcai and his own hand: "Enjoy destroying everything? Me?"

"Well, no one else can see it, but I know it very well, Dad, no matter how you change, I will always see it in my eyes. When I first met us, in the world of Mikoto, the one who killed the gods In the world, Dad, you are always on the side of protection!"

"However, after passing through the world of elves, and coming back to this world, Dad, you have changed a bit! Whether it's the blackening of France or the enjoyment and destruction of the sea before, it's no longer the dad I know. It's over!" Ji Hiragana said seriously: "In the past, you at least still took into account the mood of others, and the mood of those who followed you, unless it was a real battle, otherwise, it would not be like before. Showing off your own strength is like showing off your terrifying strength that no one else can match!"

"Dad, you should take a look at Matthew and Lixiang. This time, they were not clearly beaten by you!" Ji Hiirai Lingcai left slowly.

"You used to be a sword. After many worlds, it began to rust. Now, it has been re-polished very sharp, but it has begun to be stained with blood."

"Is there a big change?" Lin Hui looked at his hands: "I can't understand myself more and more. What exactly am I missing now?"

Lin Hui shook his head and walked to the training room, only to see Tatsuka Fujimaru and Matthew both standing at the door of the training room being reprimanded by Olga Marie.

"What are you both thinking? It's fatal to be distracted during the battle. This should be something Ling Cai, Meng Cong and Lin Hui have told me from the very beginning, right? Why? Now that you have committed a crime again? Do you still have any ideas to save Humanity?"

Mash bowed her head in remorse, and Fujimaru Rika also looked like she knew her mistake, which made people feel a little unbearable.

However, Olga Marie knows their feelings even more. No matter who sees that scene, they will feel that it doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter. Lin Hui can push everything horizontally, and can fulfill the important task of saving humanity Yes, his own existence is already dispensable.

Lin Hui was really too strong, to the point where he was no longer in the same dimension as them.

In the past, they only knew that Lin Hui was stronger than Ji Hiirai Lingcai, but they didn't know exactly what kind of concept, and Lin Hui would only show them a little bit stronger than them during training, so There is no intuitive impression, plus at the singularity, Lin Hui always likes to do his own things on his own, and throw some things to them.

However, until yesterday, in the battle that almost subverted the sea, Lin Hui's strength far surpassed that of France completely made everyone despair.

Dozens of golden tornadoes swept the incomparably huge Demonic Pillar into the sky, and the thunder smashed the Demonic Pillar into pieces. The heat radiated from the small sun was still felt on their skin. .

It's not a level, it's not a dimension, and it's not even a world level.

With such power, what else can Lin Hui do?

"Mary, wait a minute!" Lin Hui walked over slowly.

Olga Marie got angry when she saw the culprit who made Fujimaru Tika and Matthew like this, and was talking, but was interrupted by Lin Hui.

"You two, come and fight with me!"

Chapter [-] Lin Hui VS two women, oppression!

"Why bring it up suddenly now?" Olga Marie asked.

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