"Ah, about this, in fact, Lin Hui doesn't know why he separated from you." At this time, Lan Yu's voice came out: "When we came to this world, Lin Hui and we were also separated. , as if we were all teleported separately to somewhere else."

"Is that so? Or am I blaming him wrong?" Mordred raised his eyebrows.

"Well, anyway, he is also in this era, it's easy to think about him venting his anger, but I have to say, it's hard for you!" Lan Yu Shallow said softly.

"Actually, it's okay, but if I know, I will definitely come. After all, this is my place, and I won't let others spoil it! If you dare to do something about me, you have to do it well. Just be mentally prepared!" Mordred chatted with Lan Yu Shallow on his own.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, by the way, what happened to the restoration of human principles that you said before? Is it related to the mutation here?" Mordred only thought about the main point now, and his thinking was jumping.

Matthew: "..."

Chapter [-] I didn't expect to meet you!

After explaining, Mordred, Little Jack and Henry also understood the seriousness of the matter.

"Singularity..." Mordred was a little distressed.

"Do you mean that the London of this era is one of the seven screws embedded in world history?" Henry looked at Matthew.

"Yes, that's why we have to find out the Holy Grail that caused the peculiarity of this era." Matthew nodded: "Can you give us some information?"

"Okay, then let me tell you about the situation we have on our side!" Henry didn't hide it, he just publicly disclosed the information he had on his side: "It started about three days ago. , every night, the entire city will be shrouded in fog that can kill living things. If it is a place where the fog is relatively thin, as long as you wear a mask, you can avoid death. But the fog is not enough. Ordinary biological light If you inhale the mist, you will be eroded by magic."

"Although the reaction varies according to each person's quality and physique, if it is serious, it will take less than an hour to die. I don't know the exact number, but according to my estimate, the current death toll should reach hundreds of thousands. Some areas have been completely in ruins. East London is almost completely destroyed. I am afraid it is only a matter of time before the city is completely in ruins. It's all because of that fog. An unusually thick fog filled with extremely thick magic... …”

"Well..." Little Jack seemed to want to say something, but was a little embarrassed to speak.

"What's the matter, Little Jack?" Fujimaru Rika looked at Little Jack.

"Actually, part of this fog is caused by me. The fog within about a kilometer from this apartment to the surrounding area is covered by my Noble Phantasm, The Mist, but I didn't add it to it. The magic is only sacrificed because of the massive soot emissions from the industrial revolution in the past, mixed with the icy London fog and the strong acidity, but I've tried to be careful."

"Why do you want to release the Noble Phantasm?" Roman began to analyze and said, but then said: "So it is, because this is the relationship between the Noble Phantasm, so we can't distinguish the magic power situation?"

"Because if I don't release the Noble Phantasm, the whole place will be shrouded by that weapon. Now this area is still under my control. Dad said that in an unknown situation, the most important thing is to know where you are. That's why I used this Noble Phantasm, so that the situation within a kilometer of the surroundings could not escape my grasp, so that it could also help the battle!" Little Jack plausibly said.

"There's really no way for people to refute this!" Lan Yu smiled bitterly: "It's really Lin Hui's style."

Mordred supported his head: "That's not bad, since there is the help of Little Jack's Noble Phantasm, at least there is no need to worry around this apartment!"

"Well, it's just that I may not be able to detect other places." Little Jack was a little frustrated.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you do your best, at least you don't have to worry about being attacked near the apartment! Besides, there are spiritual veins here, senior, you can set up a terminal point!" Matthew said happily.

"Terminal point?" Henry asked.

"Yes, establishing a Servant's Summoning Array on the Spiritual Vein can improve the combat effectiveness of Rika and Mash. Although the Servants who appear through the Summoning Array may not always be able to move, they can provide great help in battle! ' Roman explained.

"To sum up, let's start building!" Matthew and Fujimaru Rika began to build a summoning formation.


At the same time, Lin Hui, who left alone, came to a ruin after cleaning up several waves of chaotic mechanical soldiers and artificial lifeforms.

"Well, has this place been completely destroyed in this era? The Magic Association is really miserable!" Lin Hui looked at the ruins.

"However, it's just right. It saves me a lot of work, lest I have to fight in, tsk! However, it seems that there are other things, which is a bit interesting!" Lin Hui waved his hand gently, and suddenly, these The stones all shrunk in an instant.

After the integration of power was completed, Lin Hui released the seal of the bloodline of the gap monster and used it as an external power.

"At least in the case of losing time and space power, let's just do it!" Lin Hui stepped into the steps leading to the underground stairs.


Immediately, many things like books flew out of the passage and released magic at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui tilted his head and looked at these books: "Is it an automatic defense technique? It's just that it's useless!"

Lin Hui stepped out. At this moment, all the magic was shattered when it bombarded Lin Hui. Even the flames derived from the magic, the wind blade and the like did not hurt Lin Hui in the slightest.

He stretched out his hand and slapped directly on these books. Suddenly, these books fell to the ground as if they had failed.

Afterwards, Lin Hui continued to walk forward, and met several people along the way.

"Well, is there a spell on the door that can't take books out? Unfortunately, it's useless to me! Besides, these books are also set with the same spell, I'm sorry!" Lin Hui said with a smile: " I'm all smiles!"

With a wave of his hand, all the books were immediately included in the treasure of the king.

"Now I don't have to worry about having no magic to teach!" Lin Hui scratched his head: "Fujimaru Tachika is learning too fast, and being too talented will also embarrass the teacher!"

"However, I didn't expect to meet you here." Lin Hui said, and pushed open the other door of this room, a very handsome young man was sitting in it and reading a book .

"Oh, I didn't expect a guest to arrive, but unfortunately I don't have any tea to serve here, and I'm not the owner here, I just came here by accident." The man looked at Lin Hui and smiled.

Chapter [-] Results and Process!

The young man picked up the pipe on the table and took a sip: "So, do you know what's wrong with this gentleman?"

"I'm more curious, what attracted you, the best and only consultant detective in the world, to come here!" Lin Hui looked at the man and said his name softly: "Sherlock Holmes!"

Sherlock Holmes laughed: "So, um, are you the one I'm looking for?"

"Oh, have you figured it out?" Lin Hui scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"Well, I was originally very strange. After all, I am not good at fighting. How can I appear here, but if it is to answer your doubts, then I can help you. After all, I am good at solving puzzles. It is also something I like." Sherlock Holmes showed a gentle smile: "But there are actually very few mysteries in this world. After all, it is a plan laid out by my old friend, so I don't think it is strange."

"But, the moment I saw you, I understood that there is a big mystery in you, and combined with the moment you revealed my real name just now, I knew that you are the one I have to wait for. that person!"

Holmes took the pipe in his hand: "Why don't you introduce yourself first."

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