"This is not funny! There are too many!" After Mordred cut down an artificial life body, he kicked an automatic doll flying.

"There's no way! I didn't expect that there are even lower floors in the underground of the London subway!" Matthew used his shield to shoot a few automatic dolls, and at the same time continued to widen the passage, while Fujimaru Rika followed Ma Xiu slays all the enemies attacking from the side.

"The concentration of this magic fog can no longer be observed, but judging from the fact that the increase in concentration can be judged by visual observation... Babbage's words should be true. After all, the road leading to the underground does exist." Roman shouted to several people: "Be careful, the front is unknown now, although Jack has already gone to explore the way, but don't be careless!"

"Yes, doctor!" Matthew replied very calmly.

"However, considering Lixiang's physical strength, maybe you can take a break!" Roman said after seeing that the enemies in the passage were almost cleaned up.

"It's okay, doctor, I'm feeling fine now, don't worry about me!" Fujimaru Rika clenched her fists, saying that she had nothing to do.

"That's really great, by the way, isn't there a way for you to probe the structure of this underground passage?" Mordred asked.

"It shouldn't be possible, because there is no such passage recorded in the records." Matthew was a little helpless: "Right, doctor?"

"Sorry. As Matthew said just now, there is no record. It's up to you to explore on your own. It would be nice if the structure wasn't that complicated... but it looks like a maze." Roman was rather helpless: "The singularity this time is completely unhelpful."

"Originally, my evaluation in the director's mind was already low enough, and this time it is estimated that it will drop to the bottom!"

"Don't worry, you were at the bottom of the valley from the beginning, I didn't have any expectations for you!" At this time, a young girl's voice came out.

"Eh? Director, why did you come out?" Roman made a puzzled voice.

"Well, my consciousness has already been matched with my body, so I don't have to worry about it at all. Now, I will watch from the side, and I will command the next singularity. Romani, you will help me a little when the time comes! ' Olga Marie's voice was slightly dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes, I can finally be liberated!" Roman's voice came out.

"I'm so sorry for letting you see this scene." Matthew said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, but everyone is very energetic, this is very good, it seems that my Master chose a good world!" Mordred smiled; "But, having said that..."

"The source of the magic fog that spreads all over London, the giant steam engine Angelboda that uses the Holy Grail as its power source. He said that before disappearing. I didn't expect that the Holy Grail would be assembled into a machine..." Fujimaru Tate Xiang thought: "Doctor, is such a thing possible?"

"It is understandable to a certain extent. From the existence of this fog filled with strange magic power, and the extent of its spread. This abnormality not only disturbs the perception ability of the Servant, but even hinders Chaldea's various observation methods. The situation. Using the power of the Holy Grail is indeed convincing, and this kind of thing should be able to be done." Roman thought, then said: "If this is the case, everything can be explained."

"Using the power of the Holy Grail is really convincing. This kind of thing should be possible. By assembling the Holy Grail into the machine, the magic fog can be given the function of summoning heroic spirits." De and Jake's sudden appearance here can be explained by linking it up.

"But it's actually an exaggerated name to be named Angelboda!" Mordred was also speechless.

"Angelboda, I remember it seems to be in Norse mythology..." Fujimaru Rika thought.

"That's right, Angelboda is a god in Norse mythology. It is the existence that gave birth to Fenrir, the world snake, the goddess of death, etc." Roman took up the words of Fujimaru Tatsuka and put Angelbo Da explained.

"The child's father is Loki. She's a giantess beyond imagination. But it's not annoying. You can't find a woman like this anywhere with troublesome things? No, it should be said that it is worth a war. . Her face must also be very thick, which can make me cut a lot." Mordred showed a hearty smile.

"No, Mom Mordred, this time may not make you happy!" Suddenly, a small figure appeared from the thick fog.

"Oh, it's Little Jack, how is the situation?" Mordred said happily immediately after seeing the person coming.

"I found a way, come with me!" Little Jack waved, and everyone immediately followed.


"Ah, what a hassle! Little Jack, how far is it?" Mordred scratched his hair and looked at the automaton in front of him.

"We should have walked a lot, right?" Even Matthew felt a little tired. After all, the continuous high-intensity battle is not something that ordinary people can bear!

Fujimaru Rika had already rested once in the middle, otherwise, as a human, Fujimaru Rika would definitely not be able to hold on.

"It's not too far, I sneaked in alone before, all the speed is relatively fast, there should be some distance!" Little Jack said after dismembering an automatic doll in an instant with two knives.

"Well, I also drew a map based on the road you've traveled before. You shouldn't be spinning in place!" Roman said.

"Just think about this kind of thing, don't forget that they have already gone from the first floor to the fourth floor! How could they be spinning in place!" Olga Marie was speechless.

"There is one last point left, clear all these enemies!" Fujimaru Rika also picked up the golden sword and stood beside several people.

"Okay, then, let's have a big fight!" Mordred took the lead and rushed into the crowd, destroying artificial life forms and automatic dolls.

Little Jack, Mash and Fujimaru Rika immediately followed.

Chapter [-] Sure enough, it's the ghost of the Demon God Pillar again!

"This... what is this!" Mordred clicked his tongue.

"...Exactly like the Great Holy Grail in the underground cavity of Fuyuki!" Matthew, who had seen the Great Holy Grail before, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Even in the magic fog, you can strongly feel this huge magical power, it is so huge. Magic Hearth..."

"I can also observe it here. It's really amazing! You can't be wrong, this is the source of the magic fog!" Lan Yu Shallow operated the machine and said, "Ju Ya Ju Ya, record this."

"Understood!" Or Shoujuya said immediately.

"It's the first time I've seen such a huge machine. Angelboda is indeed worthy of the name of a giant." Mordred nodded: "Although I really want to take a closer look, the final boss seems to appear. It's over."

"It's really amazing! It's also amazing. It's amazing that he has taken everything into account. After all, you will find this place. It's amazing that it's not as Moriarty expected, but it's not as good as Paracelsus. In the same way, evil deeds will be thwarted by good ones." A young man appeared.

"Huh? Moriarty, isn't that the big boss behind the scenes in Sherlock Holmes?" Roman was surprised and speechless.

"Isn't it? Could it be that Moriarty planned all of this?" Matthew also felt that something was wrong. If all this was Moriarty's plan, then the current situation very dangerous.

"No, he arranged to come to me in the end, and there were only two people who saw the history I ended, but now there seem to be more people!" The young man shook his head: "It's a pity, in the end it was Parasai. Ersus is more powerful."

"Angelboda, the giant steam engine. This is both our evil form and our hope! Your journey will end here. Today, good will be driven out by our evil." The young man raised his hands , like holding a trophy.

"It's really a bunch of guys who like to talk nonsense. Don't talk nonsense, it's your life that will end here." Mordred's body exuded crimson lightning: "I am invincible now! "

"Heroic Spirit Mordred. The thirteenth person among the Knights of the Round Table, the famous King of Betrayal? I thought you would be on our side, but you turned into a hero of kindness. Irony!" The man looked at Mordred with pity in his eyes.

"I am indeed a rebellious knight, but now I am a guardian knight! I will never forgive you for ravaging Britain before me. Even if you are human." Mordred's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

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