"I... I don't know. A human figure is slowly approaching here." Matthew could only feel the extremely amazing magic power, which even made her unable to move, which is completely unmatched by other Servants of!

The existence of real big terror!

Chapter [-] Is that really true?

"Hey, what's the matter with this outrageous magic power. It's not just at the level of the dragon species, it's just..." Mordred felt that the cells in his body were shaking, and the whole person seemed to be overwhelmed.

"The legendary realm of demons and angels? No, even those are far from reach." Andersen couldn't help but said: "The other party has inexhaustible magic power, and its existence itself is enough to crush The dominance of the realm! It can be said that it is equivalent to the creation of the gods! It should be said that this should be the god himself! Well, although I only fear the god of editing!"

"However, this is really not funny at all!" Holmes smiled bitterly: "I actually appear here!"

"I!? What do I mean!? Rika, hurry up and report the situation in your place!" Roman felt very anxious about not being able to see the situation at the scene.

"Oh, like me, you can only hear the sound and not see the person? Chaldea is independent from the time axis and turned into a stronghold that no one can find, even my eyes that can see through all the future and see through everything. It is also difficult to observe Chaldea, which is why Chaldea survives, lingering horribly, tragically, meaninglessly, not accepting a history that is already doomed, a sad little boat still adrift on a sea of ​​nothingness."

The man said disdainfully: "Whether it's you Chaldea or the individual Fujimaru Rika, it's all the same, the stains left by the burnt-out human history. The only thing left in my career is to dare to disobey me. the fool."

"Are you the king in Leif's mouth?" Tatsuka Fujimaru took a step, looked at the man in front of him, and shouted sharply.

"Huh? Why, you should have known it already? Are you apes who know nothing without being taught? But it doesn't matter, I like this kind of ugliness. If you have any questions, I will answer. The ultimate goal you are pursuing. I am the king who wields the seventy-two demon gods and destroys mankind! My name is Solomon. One of the seven crowns standing on the top of many phaseless heroes." Man, no, it should be called it at this moment Right for Solomon!

"So... Solomon? Matthew, is that what he really calls himself?" At this moment, Roman's heart was in chaos.

"He did call himself Solomon...the same name as the king of ancient Israel that existed in the 10th century BC." Matthew couldn't believe it, or really couldn't believe that there was such a thing.

"King Solomon? How is this possible?" Roman was a little decadent.

"Really, get out of the way, it's really unbearable! Matthew, Lixiang, be careful, if he is really the man behind the annihilation of human principles, there is definitely something deep in his appearance this time!" Olga Marie warned the two of them.

"What's the meaning? Don't make a mistake! I'm just on a whim!" Solomon laughed: "It's like standing up and urinating after reading a book for a long time. For me, you are not even as good as urinating!"

"Well, that's really a big man with a head and a face, and he doesn't even take us seriously!" Mordred held the rebellious magic sword, and red thunder and lightning rose from his whole body: "As a heroic spirit, Summoning, are you committed to destroying humanity in your second life?"

"You are wrong, Knight of Lentinion. I am indeed a heroic spirit, but I was not summoned by humans." Solomon showed pity: "Don't confuse me with incompetent you. I am dying. Afterwards, he woke up with his own power and ascended into a heroic spirit."

"I am both a heroic spirit and a living being. This is me. Therefore, there is no Master who stands above me in the world. I am still me, and I have carried out my own business by my own will. That is the one who will continue the history of ignorance. You scumbags, destroy the only and biggest waste in the universe, all of you humans."

Solomon stretched out his hand, as if to catch everyone to death, clenching his fist.

"Do you think you can do it?" Fujimaru Rika raised her chest without fear and looked at Solomon.

"Of course I can do it. I have the means and will, and this is also a fact! My seventy-two demon gods who traveled through time and space have destroyed the era you live in!" Solomon showed a cheerful smile.

"Through time and space... So are those demon gods really the demon gods in Raymond Gayton...? No, but it's not the same as the legend! How could those ugly pieces of meat be King Solomon's familiar demons!" Roman said as Solomon's admirers simply cannot believe this fact.

"Don't worry about what may be impossible, the facts have already appeared, let go of your boring delusions, our enemy is Solomon!" Olga Marie's mood at the moment can't be calm.

However, in Chaldea, there are a few others who are very calm, watching all this development like an outsider.

"Enemies? Don't say that you think too much! Also, it's so sad! You are at the forefront of the times, but the explanations you have mastered are already outdated. Drop the anchor! The demon gods are the wedges that stop the planet from running. The band of light hovering in the sky is exactly the posture of my Noble Phantasm." Solomon revealed his trump card generously: "That's me The third Noble Phantasm, the time of birth has come, this is the Ars Almadel Salomonis!"

"Each band of light is a heat ray that rivals the holy sword. It is equivalent to the Servant who was playing with you just now, yes, that is, the holy sword held by the King Arthur standing over there, which is accumulated hundreds of millions of times of light. Manage Noble Phantasms for the sake of others!"

"You, there is no hope of victory at all! Although you have taken four Holy Grails, everything is just the beginning. Even if you take away six Holy Grails, it will have no effect on me at all, unless you get it. The seventh Holy Grail, at that time, I will treat you as bugs that need to be trampled to death, and really crush you to death!" Solomon was like this, with a condescending attitude, as if everything was under his control.

"However, is it really so?"

Chapter [-] The big fish is caught!

Sherlock Holmes said: "Andersen, I'm sorry, the place where I appeared before was the library in the basement of the Magic Association, so I read a lot of interesting books, and I came to some conclusions!"

"Solomon, I've seen through, I've seen through your real body, and I understand the truth of your special case!" Sherlock Holmes, the world's most famous detective, declared again, directly shocking everyone.

"Oh? Is the world's most famous detective coming to reveal the truth about me? What an interesting experience, so you might as well talk about it!" Solomon looked at Sherlock Holmes.

"In the clock tower, there is such a record that the summoning of heroic spirits is actually the summoning of restraining power, and restraining power is the power to protect the existence of human beings. They appear in the world through the seven great containers, just to crusade the only enemy. So, the question is Now, Matthew, what do you think is the so-called only enemy?" Sherlock Holmes looked at Matthew on the side.

"Eh? This? Mr. Holmes, I don't know!" Matthew's mind was suddenly confused, and he couldn't think about this question at all.

"What is the enemy? Needless to say. Of course, it is a huge disaster that endangers primates like me!" Sherlock Holmes explained his point of view very simply: "I don't intend to destroy this planet, but I intend to destroy human beings, The incarnation of the end that destroys the civilization built by human beings! The existence of being born in civilization and devouring civilization is the cause of death (Apoptosis)."

"And the one who was summoned to defeat this existence is the one who stands at the top of all heroic spirits!"

"That's right, the Seven Horsemen are the messengers sent by the heavens to destroy some kind of evil! The Seven Horsemen are the guardians of human beings, located at the peak of the times, and the Seven Horsemen based on the origin of the Heroic Spirit's peak! The so-called seance ceremony and the summoning of heroic spirits originally It is a decisive battle magic to save the primate world! And the product of human beings who transformed and downgraded it for their own selfish desires is the Holy Grail War, the summoning system you use." Solomon looked at Fujimaru Tachika and the others coldly.

"What did you say we were demoted...!?" Mordred was very angry.

"Don't be provoked by him, Miss. Mordred." Sherlock Holmes continued to explain: "He is just a heroic spirit manifested in a container one level higher than us, if we are a heroic spirit (weapon) for individuals. . Then he is the heroic spirit (weapon) to the world!"

"The existence that stands at the apex of the heroic spirit of this attribute. That is, the Servant with the Grand Container! And Fujimaru Tatsuka, the name of the manpower restoration you have experienced is the Grand Order!"

"That's right. You've finally found the truth! I'm the king of kings, the magician of magicians! So you can praise me with that title! Grand Caster, Solomon the King of Magic!" Solomon raised his hands, The magic power swelled up in an instant, as if to crush everyone.

"The world's strongest detective, I will smash your corpse into pieces as a reward for you!" Solomon was about to shoot, but at this time he saw an unexpected thing.

"Really? Grand Sevrant? But, Solomon, don't think that will stop us? Can you be indifferent even if you take away the six Holy Grails? Well then, I will definitely get the seventh Holy Grail of Singularity. , and then, smash your conspiracy, I will definitely save Renli!" Fujimaru Rika could stand up against such terrifying magic power suppression, and she could face King Solomon without changing her face. It's grown tremendously.

"Oh? I didn't expect that you can still act! It's really surprising. Now I kind of believe that you can do such a thing. I'm considering whether to get rid of you now!" Solomon looked at with a sneer. Fujimaru Rika: "Then let's play with you first! Just use the power of Shijo!"

A huge magical force blasted directly at Fujimaru Rika.

"Drink!" Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky, blocking Fujimaru Rika, blocking the magic power.

"Mash!" Fujimaru Rika looked at Mash and smiled.

"Is it Matthew Kyrielet? Is that right? I was only interested in you in this group of people, but now there is one more, forget it, you are going to die anyway, it is better for me Come and clean you up! Die at my hands, feel honored!" Solomon stretched out his hand, which gathered a huge amount of magic power.

"We will never die! Absolutely not!" Fujimaru Rika clenched the golden sword of victory: "We will surpass you, and then, save Renri! We will never fall here!"

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