"Just in case, we have to take the initiative to attack once, at least we can't make them feel better! So this time I didn't bring any food. I was hiding my breath myself, and I led him out!"

Lin Hui breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, that guy's clairvoyance can't see me, otherwise it would be really difficult!"

Fujimaru Rika really didn't think about it that much, but she knew that although Lin Hui said he didn't help them, he still helped them secretly.

Sherlock Holmes will not talk about it. He must have been instructed by Lin Hui to come and give them a hint, and Saber Alter is a heroic spirit summoned by Lin Hui. The white giant who appeared before must be Saber Alter. After defeating the Lord of the Storm, Saber Alter awakened Mordred's fighting spirit and defeated the Lord of the Storm in one fell swoop.

The most important thing is that Mordred and Little Jack are the heroic spirits summoned by Lin Hui.

"Dad!" Little Jack trotted all the way to Lin Hui's side, grabbing Lin Hui's little hand: "Will you not lose me again this time?"

"Of course not, after all, little Jack is such a lovely and good daughter!" Lin Hui stroked little Jack's head.

"Okay, now put us in your inherent barrier." Mordred curled his lips.

"No, no!" Lin Hui shook his head.

"Ha, why?" Mordred was speechless.

"Didn't I say before that I can only use one-third of my power now, and the rest of my power can't be used due to some things, including my inherent enchantment!" Lin Hui said.

"Then what about me and little Jack?" Mordred was a little confused.

"It's okay, just squeeze with Lixiang and Matthew!" Lin Hui gave them a thumbs up: "I trust you!"

"What does that mean!" Mordred exclaimed.

"Okay, it doesn't matter anyway!" Saber Alter said, she didn't care about it.

Sakata Jinshi looked at Lin Hui: "You are very good, this time is a super Golden appearance, you are like a savior, but it's not Golden at all to scare girls!"

"I'm just curious what will happen when Gen Laiguang appears?" Lin Hui didn't answer Sakata Kinshi's words, but said a word without thinking.

"Oh, don't scare me!" Sakata Jinshi almost jumped up.

"Okay, the singularity this time is finally over! Get ready to go back!" Lin Hui said with a smile.

"Well, Xiaoyu is also preparing for the next trip!" Yuzao waved in front of him: "I hope you can be Xiaoyu's master next time!"

"OK, I'm going back too!" Sakata Kinoshiki was very free and easy.

"Well, it's time for me to go back too!" Sherlock Holmes also turned into golden light.

"Hey, by the way, did you empty the Magic Association's collection of books?" But Andersen looked at Lin Hui and said.

"Well, it's me!" Lin Hui admitted directly.

"I knew, alas, this appearance is simply a bad story!" Andersen also disappeared.

"Okay, stop complaining!" Lin Hui grabbed Fufu from the ground.

"Fu!" Fu Fu resisted, giving Lin Hui a blank look.

"Hey, you little thing!" As soon as Lin Hui let go, it jumped onto Mash.

"Okay, Brother Lin, don't bully Fufu!" Matthew chuckled while holding Fufu.

At this moment, Lin Hui connected several people together by magic. The three groups of Lin Hui and Little Jack, Matthew and Mordred, Fujimaru Rika and Saber Alter disappeared together in the underground cavity.

Chapter [-] Dream!

Fire is burning!

Blood is flowing!

Life is passing away!

"Help me! Help me!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Anyone? Help!"

"You gang of robbers will never die!"

"You are a devil! A devil! You will go to hell!"

Broken corpses, dead eyes, angry and twisted expressions, in this world of darkness, despair and sin, no one can see the so-called hope, and some are just curses that fill their minds.

A young man was walking with difficulty on this section of the road. His feet had been pricked with thorns and blood was dripping with blood. He was leaning on crutches, his palms had been peeled off, and it was extremely painful when he moved a little, but the young man didn't seem to feel it. to general.

When the mind has been numb, the pain of the body has nothing to worry about.

In such a desperate world, no one can hold on, however, this teenager has been through decades, hundreds of years.

The change of time, the turning of history, and the replacement of dynasties seem to be telling the darkness of human nature that is covered by light.


The young man fell to the ground, his whole body was red and swollen, and the ankle of one foot was even more swollen. However, the young man was still moving forward with dazed eyes, unwilling to face all this, crawling hard with his arms, On this historical battlefield full of war and blood, advancing little by little, the boy did not leave any tears,

Because the tears have already dried up!

"Ah!" Fujimaru Rika suddenly sat up.

"What's the matter, senior?" At this time, the door was opened, and Matthew ran in: "Senior, what happened? Why are you sweating profusely? Was it a nightmare? Well, indeed, a few days ago The impact of the incident is very strong, but it shouldn't be so serious, right?"

"Mashu, it's alright, don't worry!" Fujimaru Rika forced a smile, and there seemed to be some extremely complicated emotions flowing in her eyes, making people wonder what they were thinking.

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