"My...reflection?" Fujimaru Rika muttered.

"Then, isn't it hope? Otherwise, why would I be by your side and Matthew? It's because of the brilliance and hope of humanity that the two of you exude that attract me!" Lin Hui pointed at On Fujimaru Tachika's forehead: "Don't have any more crazy thoughts."

"But, even if there are the two of us, what is there..." Fujimaru Rika wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lin Hui's gesture.

"Remember, no matter whether it is good or evil, there is a reason in the end. Goodness cannot know goodness without the foil of evil, and evil cannot know that it is evil without the reflection of goodness! Evil and goodness are always opposites! However, Evil can outshine righteousness, this sentence is not groundless!"

"If you think that there are too many evils in this world, then you might as well change your mind, don't fight for those evil people, just for Matthew, only for this Chaldea, just because you want to protect That part of beauty goes to fight!"

"Recall the original intention of your battle. Humanistic rescue, is it really just saving the evil?" Lin Hui slowly left.

"Could it be..." Fujimaru Rika covered her chest.

Chapter [-] Players!Yu is not happy!

It was the unyielding hearts of Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew who awakened that blackened Lin Hui at the first singularity.

After seeing so many dark sides, can you and Matthew really awaken the good side of that person?Fujimaru Rika couldn't help but have such doubts, but now, Fujimaru Rika thinks back.

Yes, it can be done, as if I have seen so many dark sides. In so many darkness, Ji Hiirao Lingcai's bravery, Lan Yu Mengcong's carefulness, Lan Yu Qiancong's intelligence, or Shoujuya He or Shou Junai's incredible, and Lin Hui's unparalleled strength and words and deeds.

All of these seemed to warm his wounded heart.

"It's so warm..."

"Guuu!" Fufu twisted her body in Fujimaru Rika's arms, and looked at Fujimaru Rika with very spiritual eyes.

"Yeah, why am I complaining about myself here? If you have this time, it's better to exercise yourself! Saving people is not the same as saving those bad people, and there are good people who must be saved, even Matthew, doctor. And the director, all of these are the objects I want to save, and Solomon must not be allowed to burn down Humanity!" Fujimaru Rika raised Fufu: "Fufu, thank you!"

"Fufu!" Fufu got out of Fujimaru Rika's hand, landed on Fujimaru Rika's shoulder, licked Fujimaru Rika's face, then jumped out and disappeared.

"Okay, it's time to get serious!" Fujimaru Rika patted his cheek: "I am the one who has been recognized by this king-selection sword, even if it is to not disappoint Brother Lin, I must keep going! "

After that, Olga Marie couldn't believe her eyes, and Fujimaru Tachika, who had been dead before, actually became high in fighting spirit in a short time.

"Hey, Dad, what kind of ecstasy soup did you give Lixiang?" Ji Qi Lingcai poked Lin Hui's waist.

"What are you talking about! Really, I didn't pour any ecstasy soup, just because of some things, just make these things clear!" Lin Hui patted off Ji Hiragana's small hand that kept poking at his waist.


After the night, Fujimaru Rika entered Mengxiang again. She didn't know if she would still dream of those bad things, but she didn't have any fear in her heart now.

She wanted to know why Lin Hui could regain his kindness later, instead of falling into despair for mankind.

A girl like snow stepped on the cursed flame, carrying the hatred of the entire region for children, and purifying this flame with the purest heart.

"Well, since you can accept the darkness of these children, why can't I bear the darkness of the people in the Tokyo area?! Your heart is already numb, so I'll shock it again, your blood is already cold, then I'll make it warm again!"

This snow elf-like girl successfully fulfilled her promise. She once again shocked Lin Hui's heart, making Lin Hui's icy blood continue to stir, prying open the heart that blocked Lin Hui's goodwill. A crack caused Lin Hui's goodwill to flow out.

A young man with a radiant heart radiated light, not only him, but also on everyone present, constantly submerging into Lin Hui's body, liberating the blocked mind once again. !

The hope of pursuing, the pursuit of the future, do not regard the weak as nothing just because they are weak, because no matter how weak a person is, once he or she realizes his own weakness and faces his own weakness, then he (she) will definitely grow up, Grow to the point where everyone can't ignore it.

It is precisely because of the pursuit of the future that one can understand goodwill and hope. No matter how desperate the moment is, absolutely, never give up that glimmer of hope. As long as you seize it, you can turn defeat into victory in an instant!

That night, Fujimaru Rika slept soundly. She understood why Lin Hui became like this. Although he fell into darkness for a while, it was precisely because he met those kind people, maybe not many of them. , Hundreds and thousands, but it can smash the darkness accumulated by human history for thousands of years. This is Lin Hui's path of change.

Therefore, although Lin Hui had been blackened once before, it was not deep. Therefore, he was awakened only by the strength of himself and Mash.

No matter how deep the darkness is, it can never stop that tiny ray of light that is weak but will not be swallowed up!As long as it is still blooming its own light!

Never give up at the most desperate moment, stretch out your hand, grab it, and grab the light called hope!


Fujimaru Rika slept soundly today, but Lin Hui couldn’t rest in peace. Because in order to exercise Fujimaru Rika, Lin Hui was always thinking about the training plan. It was Ju Ya Junai who rolled the sheets or something, but was blocked today.

"Player!" Nero stood at the door angrily.

Lin Hui touched the back of his head, thinking that he didn't offend this eldest lady! .


"What's the matter, Nero?" Lin Hui walked up to Nero.

As a result, Nero hugged him all of a sudden: "Player, Yu is not happy, Yu is very unhappy, and the player has rarely been with Yu since he summoned Yu."

Lin Hui smiled bitterly: "So that's what happened, I'm sorry, Nero, I left you out!"

Lin Hui touched Nero's little head: "I was really busy before, I was too busy, now it's almost over!"

"Then, player, sleep with Yu, but Yu has been waiting for this wish for a long time!" Nero's eyes lit up, and there was an inexplicable look in those green pupils.

In the face of this unhappy Emperor, Lin Hui naturally did his best!

"Yes, my majesty the emperor!"

Chapter [-] Black Joan of Arc = Head of the FFF regiment? !

Facts have proved that no one in Chaldea will come out at night to carry out such activities, and Lin Hui has also prepared various means to prevent it. You must know that he is not only a man here, and he is also here. There is a heroic spirit who is very jealous, although she is also the best woman I can handle.

The snow-white jade arm was placed on the quilt, and a thigh with white and smooth skin rested on Lin Hui's body. The whole person was lying in Lin Hui's arms like a child. The emperor who is usually willful, cheerful and naughty. His Majesty is sleeping extremely peacefully now, perhaps because his wish has been fulfilled for a long time, or because he has the person he loves the most, so he doesn't need to worry about other problems at all.

Lin Hui gently stroked Nero's face. Although he once had a fantasy that he could be with Nero like this, when the real moment came, Lin Hui couldn't help his inner excitement!

Suddenly, Nero leaned over, resting his head completely on Lin Hui's arms, and the pair of circles on his chest pressed against Lin Hui's chest, making Lin Hui's mood excited again.

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