Looking up, Lin Hui's face was right in front of him, and the pair of star eyes were deep and dark, as if they could inhale the soul of a person.

Black Joan couldn't help but look crazy.

"Wow, player, nice job!" Nero showed a very excited expression.

And Nero's voice woke Black Joan of Arc, who saw how she and Lin Hui looked now, it was like a pair of lovers' movements, and she shoved Lin Hui with both hands.

Lin Hui was taken three steps back by Black Joan, and his hands loosened.


Joan of Arc suddenly fell a fart!

"It hurts!" Black Jeanne rubbed her buttocks and gave Lin Hui a hateful look.

Lin Hui is very innocent. It was you who pushed me away, why are you still blaming me now? I was shot while lying down!

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for Nero's voice, it is estimated that Black Joan of Arc would not have reacted so quickly. If it wasn't for Nero, he might be able to carefully pull Black Joan of Arc up. Speaking of which, it should be Nero's head. Go on.

Lin Hui looked at Nero, but he didn't expect Nero to make a hurry up gesture to Lin Hui, and he seemed to be very interested when he looked at Black Joan.

Lin Hui suddenly remembered that he had seen Nero's introduction before. Nero is a man for both men and women. Although he is now devoted to himself, it does not mean that she is not interested in beautiful girls. It is better to say , It is precisely because there are so many beautiful girls around him that Nero is more interested!

For the beauty around him, Nero likes it very much, and the most beautiful girl in the world is a girl!

In this regard, Lin Hui did not expect that Nero was really that very isolated example. Rather, she is the one who most agrees with the harem. There will never be any jealousy. On the contrary, it is estimated that she will help Open the harem by yourself.

Now that Nero doesn't mind, let's get started!

Let's start, our war (date)!


Lin Hui stretched out his hand to Black Joan: "Does it hurt?"

Black Joan threw off Lin Hui's hand in disgust, and turned his head with disgust: "Just try it! I'm now..."

As a result, before Hei Joan could react, Lin Hui grabbed Hei Joan's hand, pulled her hard, and hugged Hei Joan directly into her arms.

"You... what are you doing!" Black Joan was struggling.

As a result, he didn't expect Lin Hui to bring his face in front of him, aim at the attractive red lips, and kiss him directly.

At that moment, Joan of Arc's mind went blank, as if struck by lightning, and the whole person froze completely, and Nero, who was on the side, also widened his eyes and opened his mouth, but desperately did not make a sound.

Originally, the somewhat angry and somewhat sad eyes of Black Joan began to soften under Lin Hui's kiss, filled with a little mist, a little expectation, a little...love.

With the passage of time, Joan of Arc's body softened, and the whole person seemed to be leaning on Lin Hui's body.

After all, Lin Hui is a man who has walked through countless Shura fields. After countless girls' battles, he can face any problem calmly. Otherwise, it is impossible to build such a large crystal palace.

What's more, Joan of Arc is the woman who claims to be the best in Chaldea. She is already in her own bowl. Where else do you want to go?

Chapter [-] On that day, Ji Hiragana Lingcai remembered the fear of being dominated by Lin Hui...

The fire of the head of the FFF regiment still failed to burn in the end. After all, even she has fallen, how can it burn!

Although the two had confirmed their relationship before, but at that time, Joan of Arc was very arrogant, so there was no following. For the past few months, although Joan of Arc seems to have been living in her own room and living a self-indulgent life. In life, I was actually thinking about this matter. After all, the two of them lowered their heads and did not look up to see each other. Every time they saw Lin Hui, Black Joan would think of this incident subconsciously.

Even in the singularity, Joan of Arc used a poisonous tongue to cover up the fluctuations in his heart, trying to keep himself from thinking about these things. However, it was impossible to keep dragging on.

Because of Nero's arrival, Joan of Arc had a huge sense of crisis. Fortunately, Lin Hui was not so tempted, which made Joan of Arc relieved and convinced herself to have more time.

As a result, in the end, it was arrogant and ruined. Nero took the lead, and the two of them have achieved a positive result. Although it can't be said that there is no movement, at least no one has noticed.

If it wasn't for Ji Hiirao Lingcai who happened to see it, it is estimated that everyone would have been kept in the dark.

Therefore, in order to make trouble, Ji Hirao Lingcai directly told Black Joan of Arc, and then there were melon seeds and ice Coke on the bench to watch the show.

This was the original plan, but I didn't expect to be sprinkled with dog food, which made Ji Hirao Lingcai feel sore in the cheeks.

Black Joan of Arc also knew that she had been preempted by others. She wanted to come over to ask for an explanation, and even planned to grill Lin Hui, but she was kissed by Lin Hui, which directly extinguished her anger, and even had no other way in her mind. Think about other things.

"Little Hei?" Lin Hui waved in front of Black Joan.

"Everything I said, don't call me Xiao Hei!" Black Joan gave Lin Hui a white look, but the blush on her face couldn't go down.

"Well, as expected of the player, even the Black Joan was able to win so quickly, which shows that Yu's eyesight is not wrong! The charm of the player is as always!" Nero laughed while hiding under the quilt.

"Okay, Black Joan, how do you know that Nero is with me?" Lin Hui threw this question at this moment.

"What? Do you still want to hide it?" Hearing this, Black Joan's face sank again.

"How could it be? Since you found out, there's nothing you can do! But I'm quite curious. After all, I still have confidence in my concealment skills!" Lin Hui said proudly.

"Um, doesn't the performer plan to disclose his relationship with Yu?" Nero suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Lin Hui watery.

"Sure enough, I still have this idea!" Black Joan was considering whether to "torture confessions" to Lin Hui from time to time, in case he did something to other women and he didn't know it yet.

"Hey, hey, don't be angry, the two of you! After all, this is not good, I still want to face! So please!" Lin Hui put his hands together.

"Okay, but when will it be?" Nero was a little dissatisfied. After all, as His Majesty the Emperor of the Roman Empire, Nero really wanted to hold a grand wedding with Lin Hui!

"I'll take you back to my world when the repairs are over!" Lin Hui touched Nero's head as a sign of comfort.

"Um, Yu got it!" Nero's face was full of vitality again.

"Hmph, I didn't know that Nero was with you, but that there was a woman with you." Black Joan said casually.

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