The two held hands. Before they separated, Lan Yu Shallow still wanted to continue to feel the temperature on Lin Hui's body.


"Marie, how's Rika and Mash going?" Lin Hui asked Olga Marie while looking at the people in the training room who were undergoing simulated combat training.

"The situation is good, and neither of them has any problems with their physical conditions!" Olga Marie said after being silent for a while.

"Aren't you going to tell me now?" Lin Hui suddenly asked such a mindless question.

"..." Olga Marie didn't know how to speak, so she could only remain silent.

"Do you think I can't see it? It's not just me, Meng Onion, Lingcai, Shallow Onion, etc. have all seen it. There are only a few ordinary members of Chaldea who don't know it." Lin Hui continued pressing. .

"Actually, you don't have to worry. You are similar to Matthew now, but you are just a little bit luckier than Matthew. Your body will never have any problems!"

Olga Marie's body shook: "This... is this true?"

Lin Hui nodded: "Well, now, you should be able to speak?"

An A-level Master adaptor prepared by Matthew Chaldea.

It is a Designing Child (Designing Child) that was artificially fertilized and bred in Chaldea. It is not an artificial human but is indeed a human being.

However, due to the priority given to Master suitability and the magic circuit, its lifespan is very short.

Although it is said that the designer IVF stops life activities around the age of [-], Matthew's is even shorter.Its physical lifespan has been shortened due to the experiment of fusion with Servant.

Matthew was diagnosed as being around eighteen years old, at the limit of his activity.

It is the possessed object of the Summoned Heroic Spirit II summoned by the Guardian Heroic Spirit Summoning System, Destiny.

Although the No. [-] Heroic Spirit possessed Mash, he expressed his dissatisfaction with this inhumane attempt and refused to help Chaldea.

Before the death of the former director, he lived in the isolation room. He lived in the isolation room for 14 years until he was fifteen years old and was allowed to move only in Chaldea. As a group A that gathered the selected Masters Members are trained.

This is Matthew Killerett!

Chapter [-] Olga Marie's anomaly!

Because it is a test-tube baby, Matthew's cells age at a much faster rate than ordinary people. This is not a disease, but the speed of the human body's metabolism has increased. Therefore, even if Matthew is fused with a heroic spirit, he cannot inhibit cell aging. speed.

Therefore, for Matthew, the memory before the age of 15 is the wall of the sterile room that is so white that there is no color at all, and she can only live there, and this is also the reason why she cannot explore the outside world.

The metabolism of the human body is rapidly accelerating, which is a very difficult thing for the current medical technology, as if a person's life has reached the limit and can no longer continue, even with magic, it is difficult to prolong his life, because thinking To reverse such a thing is no less than resurrecting the dead, and it is equivalent to using magic.

However, fortunately, people are not dead yet, so there is no need to worry too much, and, most importantly, Lin Hui is not the first time to experience such a thing as the rapid division and growth of cells and their final aging and death.

In the magical forbidden world, Lin Hui has made [-] sisters of Misaka, which is also based on the rapid division of cells to make them grow. However, if he wants to modify his genetic sequence later, he needs to make his cells divide into a normal speed. Huge resources, which is why Miss Misaka cost millions of dollars.

In this world, there is no special technology of magic ban, so Lin Hui cannot obtain the resources he should need, but it does not mean that Lin Hui has no way.

In the final analysis, this kind of thing is a kind of life activity. The energy required for the rapid division and growth of cells is extremely huge, and the human body cannot supply such a huge amount of energy for a long time. The life energy that can have dozens or even a hundred years old is fully supplied in a very short period of time.

The difference between Matthew and Sister Misaka is that Matthew's magic circuit is very good, and it is also one of the reasons why she can become an experimental body. Unlike Sister Misaka, her body can grow more than ten in a few weeks. age.

However, in the final analysis, the two are still the problem of energy supply. As long as this problem is solved, then everything will not be a problem.


"So, do you have a way to save Matthew?" Olga Marie looked at Lin Hui.

"It's not that there isn't. If it is said that in my world, there is indeed such an ability to make up for Ma Xiu's physical defects, but there is currently no way in this world!" Lin Hui said lightly.

"Is that so? When will you be able to... I'm sorry, I've gone too far!" Olga Marie suddenly realized that she had made a slip of the tongue. After all, the other party was from a different world, so it felt like asking him when he could go back. In order to look like the other party.

"It doesn't matter, you are really for Matthew anyway. Although I can't go back in a short time, it is still possible to prolong Matthew's life. It only depends on whether Matthew is willing or not!" Lin Hui was also quite helpless, it seemed You can only use this method to solve the problem yourself.

Olga Marie and Lin Hui made up for the magic three times, and Fujimaru Tachika also approached Lin Hui twice. There was no way. In order to maintain the stability of her body and consciousness, Olga Marie was anxious to integrate with her body, so she would consume a lot of energy. Big, and Fujimaru Rika is constantly using magic in battle, and the consumption of magic power is also very huge, so it is necessary to replenish the magic, and Matthew also needs to replenish the magic, but it needs a huge amount of magic power, otherwise If so, it would not be enough to supply Matthew's madly dividing and aging cells. In Chaldea, apart from Lin Hui, there is only one other person who can do this kind of replenishment.

The other party's frequent presence around Matthew is also delaying the aging of her cells, and it is very interested in Matthew's life style and attitude, or rather, it is more willing to see the brilliance of such a life.

Olga Marie instantly understood what Lin Hui said, and she was also a little speechless, but she also understood that what Lin Hui said was indeed the truth.

"Okay..." Olga Marie suddenly felt a little unsteady in her steps, and her whole body slowly fell to one side.

"What's wrong?" Lin Hui asked while looking at Olga Marie.

"I don't know, it's just that I always feel lack of sleep lately, but I went to bed at ten o'clock last night, and I got up at six o'clock today, which is two hours longer than my usual schedule, but I still feel A little tired." Olga Marie's eyelids began to droop.

Lin Hui checked Olga Marie's physical condition and immediately understood: "I see."

"What's the reason?" Olga Marie asked, yawning.

"Do you think you are alive or dead now?" Lin Hui suddenly asked a very strange question.

"Me? Of course I'm alive!" Olga Marie was a little angry: "Did you say I'm dead now?"

"No, no, you are neither alive nor dead now. According to reason, when Chaldea exploded, your body was blown to pieces, and even your soul disappeared, which was used to transfer your consciousness to Fuyuki. City, how can you be considered alive if you don’t even have a soul? It can only be said to be a residual longing.”

"However, because of our arrival, I gave you a body and integrated your residual thoughts into your body, and I gave you a huge amount of energy to maintain the existence of your thoughts and let your thoughts merge with this artificial body. That's what made you exist here."

"Therefore, this state is definitely not death, but it can't be said to be alive, but it's better now, because of the fusion of thoughts and body, you are about to come to life completely, lack of sleep is just one of them, then You will still feel hungry when you come down, these are all just a little abnormal phenomenon to make you truly 'survive' in this body!"

Lin Hui explained.

Olga Marie listened to Lin Hui's explanation, and a feeling of excitement rose in her heart.

Chapter [-] You have worked hard

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