Ji Hiirao Reinna spit out a name.

"Your Excellency the President, I think it is better to assist the Master from Chaldea." Karna said suddenly.

"Why, Karna, give me a reason." Edison didn't know either.

"Because the opponent has an opponent that we can't defeat even if we use all our strength, and even if I use my Noble Phantasm, I can't defeat the opponent!" Karna said softly: "Of course, if you want to fight, I have no complaints, because you are my current friend!"

"This..." Edison hesitated, and Edison was also a little worried about the person Ji Hiragana Lingcai said just now.

"Lord Edison, can you please listen to me!" At this time, Fujimaru Rika came up, and even handed the golden sword to Matthew without the protection of Matthew, and came to Edison alone.

"Master of Chaldea? Well, then let me hear it!" Edison seemed to calm down at this time.


"Let's be here today, remember to arrange a vigil, and don't be attacked!" Lin Hui instructed the aboriginal leader.

"Yes, Lord God!" The leaders of the indigenous people are very obedient, because they seem to believe that Lin Hui and others are the gods sent by the sky, stronger and more invincible than Geronimo who once led them. Such people are not What else would God be?

"How about it, player, do you still have the potential to act as a magic stick?" Nero laughed while holding Lin Hui's arm.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Hui flicked Nero's forehead.

"Go to sleep today, I still have something to do!" Lin Hui touched Nero's little head.

"Um!" Nero nodded obediently.

"My lord, do you need my help?" At this time, a voice came from Lin Hui's body, it was the Amazon goddess Lancelot du Lac.

"It's amazing, Lancelot, so let's go and find out the information for me first. If you can, find that person and bring her back!" Lin Hui said softly.

"Yes, my lord!" A bolt of lightning flew out of Lin Hui's body.

Afterwards, Lin Hui sat down cross-legged. From a long time ago, Lin Hui began to get in touch with faith. He even developed a group of nuns who believed in demons in the world of forbidden magic. Just now, the indigenous people here began to believe in themselves, and Lin Hui felt a touch.

Because of the countless statues built in the world of Apocalypse, the world of Apocalypse has become its own exclusive world, and people all over the world are believing in themselves. force.

The power of these beliefs is like a vast ocean. If you want to, a strong belief can make yourself a god, and it is definitely a god of extraordinary strength, because this part of the power of belief is enough to create dozens of gods. , transforming it all, its strength can soar to the sky.

"However, it doesn't match my own path! I'm the king of humans now. Once I become a god, it's like giving up everything in the past. It's not in my interest!" Lin Hui was a little helpless. At the beginning, I didn’t embark on such a thorny road, so it doesn’t matter if I become a human god, but since I merged with the history of mankind, becoming a human god will actually affect me, and the two different personalities will definitely be. Make yourself uncomfortable.

"If that's the case, then you can only use your faith in another place!" Lin Hui slowly immersed his consciousness deep in his heart.

Chapter [-] The Book and the Cauldron, the Magical Use of the Power of Faith!

The sin in his body is seven, and he is constantly calcining, extracting the essence of it and burning all the dross, but this speed is still too slow, although Solomon’s previous shot helped him speed up. A lot of speed, and even two of them are about to take shape.

As for the specific shape, Lin Hui has also considered it. Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many items that have played a significant role in the history of mankind, but among them, items such as bells, towers, and tripods are the top priority. , morning bells and twilight drums, gathering sand into a tower, etc., are full of profound words.

However, there is another thing that has great significance in human history, and that is books, which are extremely important things to store the knowledge of predecessors and hand them down to future generations. Although modern times have the Internet, you can quickly get anything you want. However, books are still indispensable to human beings.

Therefore, Lin Hui turned one of the sins that was about to take shape into the appearance of a book.

When the book was formed, Lin Hui felt that the whole person was like a layer of shackles were broken. All the sins were recorded in the book, and they were kept for safekeeping. That is the most real record of this sin. Record.

The other is the most mythical item in Chinese history.

That is Ding.

Ding has been playing a very important role in history since ancient times and is the most mysterious object in China.

The tripod runs through the entire ancient history of China. Mountains and rivers have broken apart, dynasties have changed, princes have risen together, and Kyushu has been unified... They are all inseparable from the tripod.

Aspiring to the Central Plains, the Spring and Autumn are prosperous... Countless idioms are related to Ding, all of which are majestic. Ding has a long history in China and is the most mysterious "national weapon". It can even be said that "Ding" can represent China.

Although there are too many mysteries in the history of Huaxia, and many histories have been faulted, there is no doubt that the tripod is the most mysterious artifact handed down from that period. Therefore, Lin Hui chose one of them. Force forged into the shape of a tripod.

However, Ding has three-legged round tripod and four-legged square tripod. After consideration, Lin Hui chose three-legged round tripod.

Of course, the three-legged round tripod appeared earlier than the four-legged square tripod, but because there is a deeper meaning in it, Lin Hui began to analyze the nature of human beings from a long time ago, and now the books and tripods he chose It is something that occupies a very important place in human history.

Three-legged is more stable than four-legged, and it is the most stable form, while the circle contains a broader and deeper Tao and righteousness.

Three legs, steady, firm, steady, firm!

The circle represents the stars of the universe, the universe, and it is said that when Pangu opened the world, he broke a circle and shattered a spherical space. It was the initial evolution of chaos, and the circle represented the origin.

Then he turned part of his sins into Ding's ears. At that moment, Lin Hui seemed to feel that all the sins in this area were suppressed by Ding at this moment, making Lin Hui's body lighter.

One cauldron, two ears, three feet, Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.

I always feel that there is a kind of fantasy color. However, this is the direction of Lin Hui. The sins inscribed on the tripod are suppressed by the Kyushu Heavy Weapon, as if Lin Hui himself is evolving a world, and the world is used to carry the sins.

"It's starting to look less and less like a human being!" Lin Hui laughed at himself.

However, it's not over yet, yes, it's not over yet.

This is just the beginning. The power of faith is exactly what human beings are looking for and sustenance for the mystery. It is the product of human beings using their own weakness and powerlessness as sustenance, and it is precisely because of their weakness and sustenance that they can gather The power of one person is very small, but the sustenance of tens of millions of people is extremely huge.

Lin Hui turned the power of faith into firewood, used it as fuel, and threw it into the flames. A large amount of the power of faith was used as firewood to make the sins burn more intensely, and turned them into things faster. Lin Hui also had plans for other sins.

Of course, Lin Hui also discovered something very wonderful in the process of using it as firewood, that is, other ways to use the power of faith.

Although the power of belief is weak, it contains a very special power. It can be said to be a kind of neutralizer, the power to neutralize some unscientific mysteries.

For example, a person can believe in himself, and he can believe in gods and Buddhas, but this is not a conflict. Maybe this trace of belief is very weak, so weak that it is almost untraceable, and even contains a lot of impurities. It is true that power can fuse different mysteries together.

Lin Hui, who discovered this, was overjoyed, because now he happened to need this part of the power, the power to fuse different things together.

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