Lancelot was a little puzzled: "Then why is my lord angry?"

The corners of Lin Hui's mouth twitched, do you want me to tell me that I see that stupid yellow hair is teasing you over there, and I feel unhappy?

However, Lancelot is not an idiot. In his contact with Lin Hui, or in other words, during the years in Lin Hui's body, especially after the dating battle, Lancelot is not stupid either. What Lin Hui said before contacting him was immediately reflected.

However, I have to say that Lancelot is worthy of being a knight who can read his words. He didn't point it out, making Lin Hui even more embarrassed. Instead, he got up and stood on the side and bowed to Lin Hui: "My lord, Lancelot will serve you forever!"

Lin Hui sighed softly: "That's good!"

However, at this moment, a sound that made people feel bad came.

"La la la la la-!"



Immediately, all the Celtic warriors fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and were directly bitten to death by the swarming monsters.

Not only those Celtic warriors, but even Lin Hui and Lancelot covered their ears.

"Damn, no, the woman sent by the daughter country is actually that woman! God, let her collide with Nero, oh, this world is over!" Lin Hui felt bad.

This blast of magic sound made all the Celtic warriors fall to the ground. Not only that, but they all lost their combat effectiveness. It can be said that, in addition to Lin Hui and Lancelot being affected, this blast of destructive magic sound It is simply killing countless enemies!

However, the only downside is that there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy. This has been confirmed at the time of the first singularity. At that time, it was extremely lethal, especially after the loudspeaker was turned on. If it weren't for Lin Huiyou had foresight to shut off his hearing, and I was afraid that he would also be hit by the magic sound, but this time, he was caught off guard.

And as if to make up for a voice that was not heard at the first singularity, France, this time it was double!

That's right, it's two people singing duet, one is naturally going to be an idol, but the song is Elizabeth Bathory, who is really hungry dragon roaring, and the other is the god of art who claims to be able to compete with each other. Apollo is comparable to the talented artist Nero Claudius. However, if art is such a thing, then Apollo can also be killed by a head-on crash. Others sing for money, but Nero sings to death! ! !

It is rumored that the reason why Nero was overthrown was because her singing almost killed others, and others would come to overthrow her regime if they couldn't stand it, and the reason why she was called a tyrant was because she forced others to listen to her singing. !

Chang said that after having a close friend and a significant other, you should be twice as happy, but why did it become like this, but why did you see the person you least want to see and the person you like the most? Things can achieve double, not twenty times the pain?

Could it be that happiness turns into sorrow and pain only doubles?This is so unfair to happiness, what did happiness do wrong? !

"No way, my lord, subordinate... I'm sorry!" Lancelot was about to roll his eyes, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and penetrated into Lin Hui's body.

"Hey! Lancelot, you're not being kind. You clearly said you want to serve me! Why did you leave me alone to bear the pain! You agreed to share the pain?" The manipulation flickered my waist, what the hell, there is such an operation, it's simple!

Lin Hui covered his ears while crawling towards the location of the two of them. He didn't dare to send the monsters over. It wasn't that he didn't send them, but some monsters were directly destroyed by the terrifying demonic sound of destruction. These were all Lin Huixin. It doesn't matter if some of them die, but if one third of them die, Lin Hui will feel distressed.

It should be fortunate, fortunately, Warcraft does not understand music, or in other words, cannot hear music, otherwise, in addition to Celtic warriors, there are a large number of Warcraft corpses lying on the ground. That scene is really sad!

"No, I really can't let them sing any longer. It's really the end of the world!" Lin Hui inadvertently glanced at the place where the indigenous people were, and found that batches of indigenous people were all lying there. By the way, let them sing again. It is estimated that those indigenous people will die. If the world does not have enough people to develop, then it will be easy to end. After all, there are almost only these indigenous people!

"You! We! Two! One! Here! Me! Stay! Mouth!"

Lin Hui took a deep breath and shouted directly. The sound was even stronger than the destructive power of destroying magic power, but it was only a physical meaning, and it lifted the ground directly.

The two of them were so frightened that they suddenly avoided, and the sound wave turned into a shock wave and swept away towards the distant horizon.

Chapter [-] I was wrong!Blow up your home!

God knows how much magic power Lin Hui poured into his sound waves. Anyway, in a word, this is already a natural disaster and it is still at the level of destruction.

"Hey, what are you doing! Interrupting my best friend's chorus?!" At this time, Elizabeth jumped out.

"Yeah, yeah, player, this is impossible! It's rare to find a like-minded friend, and we have already agreed to debut as idols together!" Nero said angrily and coquettishly.

"Let's talk, how much money Solomon gave you, you don't need to be burned by others, you are going to kill people all over the world!" Lin Hui covered his face, and he couldn't take it anymore. God knows they are there. How deadly it is to sing together.

Ah, speaking of it, on Valentine's Day this year, it seems that when they were pulling out the chocolate plant, the group of people used Nero's singing to cancel out the screams of the chocolate plant. Speaking of which, a Servant pulled out a plant before. The chocolate plant died heroically afterwards.

Being able to cancel out such a demonic sound of destruction shows that Nero's singing is also at the same level, that is to say, once he sees the enemy, Nero doesn't even need to fight, he sings a song directly, and the opposite side guarantees that there will be no one alive. of.

In this way, that is to say, or relying on Elizabeth's singing to offset part of Nero's lethality, can he be lucky to live?

I go, I'd rather not have her save me.

"Huh? What, big men just don't understand the charm of idols. Speaking of which, you said last time you wanted to set up a stage for me. When will you do it?" Elizabeth came to collect the debt.

"Ha, when did I promise?" Lin Hui looked bewildered.

"Well, that's what men are like, talking doesn't count!" Elizabeth turned her head to one side.

Lin Hui finally survived from the brink of death: "Okay, let's talk about it, Elizabeth, why did you appear here? And you became a servant of the daughter country?"

"Ah, this thing? Of course, that little girl wants me to be an idol, but she said that you have to defeat a Servant first. If you defeat a Servant, I can hold a concert. She can even invite people from the Celtic kingdom to come to my concert!" Elizabeth said proudly.

After hearing this, Lin Hui was immediately stunned. The little girl that Elizabeth spoke of didn't know what a terrible thing she had done. Speaking of which, as long as the Servant on his side was defeated, then this singularity would be saved. Now, as soon as Elizabeth speaks, it is estimated that the servants in the daughter country and the Celtic kingdom will be wiped out.

Damn it, because we are here to save Ren Li, it has become extremely difficult to save Ren Li!

This is really distressing!

Lin Hui sighed: "I was wrong, I was really wrong! I should let you go and kill!"

"Huh? What do you mean? You don't like seeing me like that?" Elizabeth was immediately annoyed: "It's better for you to listen to the beautiful girl's singing."

"Don't, I'm begging you, I'm begging you, shut up! Otherwise, I'll just call Lingcai over and let her talk to you!" Lin Hui could only use his trump card.

"Well, what's the matter? I'll only call that irritable woman!" Elizabeth had no choice but to put down the microphone in her hand. Lin Hui also thanked God that she finally survived.

However, Lin Hui never expected that any of his actions could lead to huge changes.

Just like a butterfly flapping its wings lightly, it is very likely to cause a tornado.

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