I don't know why, maybe out of guilt, Lancelot actually gave Lin Hui his horse to ride. In this way, the only person riding a horse here seems to be very tall.

On the opposite side, the smoke and dust rolled up by the [-]-strong army covered the sky, headed by a young girl in ancient Chinese court costumes... A young girl, this young girl walked in the forefront, and after seeing Lin Hui, the only one sitting on a horse, her eyes were full of anger.

"Although I don't know why you guys came here suddenly, it saves me a lot of trouble." Lin Hui wanted to learn from the villain BOSS to taunt a few words before the battle, so that the fight would be more enjoyable. After all, the opponent's strength was too weak. Can't get enough of it here.

"If we start a war in the daughter country, it is estimated that the confrontation between us will only blow up your house. That's fine!" Lin Huishu did not know that as soon as he said these words, he stepped on the thunder, and it was detonated. Know how many powder kegs.

"Okay, who of you will come first and die first!" Lin Hui pretended to be forceful and pointed at the [-]-strong army. There was a feeling of pointing at Jiangshan and scolding Fang Qiu, and his force was improved countless times (self-admittedly) .

Chapter [-] Who will throw the big one when they start their freshman year!

"It's time for punishment! Kokumitsu Rashokukei!"

Accompanied by the nice girl's voice, Lin Hui suddenly felt that something was wrong. His whole body seemed to have fallen into a poisonous jar at once. He disappeared from the battlefield, and the surroundings were all surrounded by purple-black poison.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hui really wanted to curse!

You are sick!

But with the infusion of strong venom, Lin Hui sighed slightly, and his hands directly glowed with brilliance: "I am the master of nature, the elves of nature, obey my orders, dispel all the darkness for me, help me. I restore everything to its peak, and grant protection to the creatures in this world!"

The strong green light directly dispelled everything around, and the whole person fell on the ground.

"What?" The young queen was obviously surprised when she saw this scene: "She broke free from her concubine's Noble Phantasm, and she was still unscathed. It really looks like her! However, as a matter of humiliating your concubine, it is absolutely impossible. Forgive!"

"When did I humiliate you! Don't slander people's innocence with empty words!" Lin Hui couldn't bear it. He had never met the other party, so when did he humiliate others!

The young queen queen was furious: "Bold! My concubine is Wu Zetian! She is a unique empress. You destroyed the city that never sleeps before, and now it's time to take you to repay the debt!"

"When did I destroy your city that never sleeps! Don't talk nonsense, we haven't gone yet! Besides, in general battles, the two sides don't fight a few times first, and then feel that their strength is similar, and then make their own big moves? How can you do this? As soon as it comes up, it will be big! Do you want others to play!" Lin Hui felt that he was too wronged.

"Do you still want to admit it? Do you dare to say that the sound wave before was not made by you? Even the sound is exactly the same, the concubine will never forget this sound!" Wu Zetian roared desperately.

"Huh? Soundwave?" Lin Hui looked confused, then glanced at Lancelot.

Lancelot said respectfully: "Yes, the area where the master's sound waves spread is extremely wide, but he was stopped at one place, which should be the daughter's country!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Lin Hui is really confused now, well, now Lin Hui understands why the other party is so annoyed to come to trouble him, and all his previous words are all They all stepped on the thunder, or where the power is the most powerful, it is strange that the opponent does not throw it.

"Because the subordinates felt that this was unnecessary for the master, they did not report it!" Lancelot said seriously.

Lin Hui covered his face all of a sudden, if this important thing is not important, what else is important?

"What else do you have to say now!" Wu Zetian looked at Lin Hui angrily.

"Well, it turns out that the performer caused it!" Nero nodded.

"What, it turns out to be a puppy thing!" Elizabeth said with a dull expression.

"It's not about the two of you!" Lin Hui roared at the two of them, "Forget it, it's going to be a decisive battle anyway, so let's get down to it now!"

"Elizabeth? Can the concubine think that you betrayed the concubine?" Wu Zetian looked at Elizabeth and said.

At this moment, Lin Hui suddenly felt that Wu Zetian was so majestic, completely different from a certain eldest lady.

"Yes, I want to dominate Hollywood with my like-minded partners and let my singing spread all over the world, so it's not my style to be content with one corner, but I want to be the brightest star!" Elizabeth said bluntly.

"Then, the concubine can rest assured, and can kill you without a chance! Saber, Archer, Caster, prepare to kill those three people, the others charge, and capture all the men as slaves !" Wu Zetian pointed, and immediately, the three people beside her had already taken a stance.

"Frenzy! Tremble! Consume everything! You are the manifestation of my will, devour all the evil between heaven and earth! Trample! Smash! Destroy all of them! Please wait that is the manifestation of my soul, and wipe out all the darkness in Qianyu! Sa, let’s start, it’s time to eat!”

Lin Hui called out softly, and immediately, countless monsters rushed out of Lin Hui's shadow and turned into an unmatched army.

"Don't think we don't have any secret plan here! If you want to start a war, then don't be polite!" Lin Hui retracted his previous funny look at this moment, like a cold-blooded demon king, his eyes completely changed.

"Oh, it looks very interesting! The concubine must also fight. The feeling you give to the concubine is really dangerous!" Wu Zetian looked at Lin Hui.

"Go, kill all the women, beat the men down, and leave the mouth alive, whoever dares to speak up, I will kill it directly!" Lin Hui ordered to the group of monsters.

"Ow, ooh—!"

All the monsters all rushed out.

Afterwards, Lin Hui felt a piercing sword qi attack, and turned his head slightly, a bright cold light appeared in front of him.

Lin Hui directly waved his fist and blasted out fiercely. At this moment, the figure retreated at an extremely fast speed, accompanied by the pincer attack of a group of torture women officers, some holding saws, some Holding iron cones, and some holding red-hot soldering irons, they all attacked Lin Hui.

"Get away from me!" Lin Hui stomped the ground, shaking the ground at once, and the shock wave that erupted bounced off all the torturers.

"Is my opponent the two of you?" Lin Hui looked at the girl with sakura-colored hair, holding a long sword, wearing a sakura-colored kimono, and Wu Zetian with a Saber face.

"I didn't expect that one day I would meet you, although I was very reluctant! Chief Officer Okita!" Lin Hui looked at the two of them and said slowly.

"You actually know my real name?!" Chief Okita was startled.

"It's nothing, I had a guess when I saw your appearance. After all, you and the musketeer over there are more recognizable! Also, as Chief Okita, you shouldn't be able to fight well, right?" Lin Hui suddenly revealed a smile.

Chapter [-] Nero VS Oda Nobunaga!


A musket spewed out its flames and shot at Nero.

Nero raised the primordial fire and blocked the bullet's path.


A crisp sound sounded, Nero stepped out, and the whole person advanced like a gust of wind.

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