Chapter [-] Curse?Not to mention!

The white horse began to charge, and the spear in Lancelot's hand stabbed towards Fergus like a swift lightning bolt.

Facing this shot, Fergus stabbed with a sword without any intention of dodging.


The tip of the spear and the tip of the conical sword perfectly collided together. It can be seen that Fergus' strength was able to directly block Lancelot's shot at such a speed.

In terms of strength, Lancelot's strength is not so outstanding. The real strength of Lancelot lies in her speed. Her speed is enough to be daunting, especially once she activates her power and enters the world of speed. , then even Skaha may suffer.

But if he really fights between life and death, he will definitely die by Lancelot, Skaha can defeat Lancelot in an instant, even if Lancelot enters the speed world, Skaha can get rid of it with his own martial arts. , and can even achieve the same martial arts skills as Luo Cuilian, which can break the speed of the gods. For Skaha, who has killed countless gods, this is not so difficult.

However, whether Fergus can do it is still unknown, but Lancelot will not open his trump card so early. If it is broken, he will trouble Lin Hui to help her after The knight himself is really too embarrassing.

Just when Lancelot and Fergus were fighting, Lin Hui had already come to Rama and Sita's side.

"Player, hurry up and revive him, I can't bear to see it!" Nero saw Sita and Rama hugging each other, but Rama was about to be unable to hold on.

"Don't worry!" Lin Hui touched Nero's little head.

In fact, Lin Hui let the natives leave after he solved the daughter country, and the four of them hurried on their way, because there was another war to be involved, and the leaders of the natives were not willing to fight with the United States of America. There had been more than one conflict, so Lin Hui let the aboriginal leader take the aborigines away, and the four of them rushed to the battle between the Celtic Kingdom of God and the United States of America, but just happened to pass by. will do it easily.

But I have to admit that Rama is a Servant with first-class strength. It would be unwise to give up a top-notch combat power like this. Moreover, Lin Hui is also quite touched by the relationship between Rama and Sita. If it is true One day, I guess I will do my best for the girls I love!

"I am the master of nature, the elves of nature, obey my orders, dispel all the darkness for me, help me restore all the prosperity, and grant protection to the creatures in this world!"

Immediately, countless green rays of light emerged from the earth and submerged into Rama's body. However, Lin Hui noticed an abnormality: "Huh? Is that so? Is it a curse?"

"Yes." Sita held Rama's hand: "Do you know the curse of Lord Rama?"

Lin Hui smiled. He used to be a character who fought a battle with the brave man known as the Demon King in the world of godslayers. How could he not know?

"It was a curse imposed by his wife for killing an ape named Pauline. Therefore, he and his wife Sita, who is not an exaggeration to be called half-life, will never be able to meet."

Lin Hui said lightly: "So, in this case, even if Rama's injury is recovered, he can't expect Rama's combat power."

"Well, the player is so ruthless!" Nero was a little dissatisfied, feeling as if he and others saved Rama in order to make Rama a thug.

"Yeah, Lin Hui, even I would think it's too much to say!" Elizabeth said, with a little dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"No, I know, you are here to save this era, so it is reasonable to expect the power of Lord Rama, and this Lord saved Lord Rama, so naturally you need to get some, So, please rest assured!" Sita smiled slightly: "Lord Rama has always been a hero, so he will definitely stand on the battlefield!"

"So, as long as I disappear, Lord Rama will be able to wake up." Sita said without any regrets: "As long as I can hold Lord Rama's hand like this, I will be very happy."

"Is it worth it? For someone who betrayed you?" Elizabeth obviously knew the story of Rama and Sita. "Is that enough? How about a heartfelt apology? What about a vow of wholehearted love?"

"He fought for me for fourteen years, and fought against the Demon King (Ravana) for the sake of me who had only lived with him for a year. He could have forgotten me and remarried a wife, but he didn't do it until his death! That's enough, I know that love, that love. So we will continue to pursue each other from now on! Even if this is an unfulfilled wish, I firmly believe that one day it will come true!"

"...Really? Although the time is short, your encounter is very happy, right?" Elizabeth was also a little emotional about this.

"Sita, I'm asking you one thing, please tell me your current wish, your true and most desired wish!" Lin Hui said suddenly.

"If I wish, I... I naturally hope that Lord Rama can wake up and meet me again. Although I am very happy now, I really hope to hear him say it again, saying Love me once!" Tears welled in Sita's eyes, this is something that even the Holy Grail can't do, just like Okita Soji's weakness, it became Rama and Sita's skill.

"Sure enough, if that's the case, I can't just let it go. For people who love each other, I really see great feelings!" Lin Hui grabbed the embarrassment from Sita and Rama with his hands. The light that came out, the body was constantly absorbing the light, just like the light from Mash and Fujimaru Tika before, which made Lin Hui feel extremely warm in his heart.

"Let me make this wish come true for you! Even if the Holy Grail can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it!" At this moment, Lin Hui's magic power exploded: "But, after all, this is already engraved into you. The soul is gone, so I can only suppress the curse of one of them, and after the curse is suppressed, that person's combat effectiveness becomes very weak, Sita, you decide, it's you or Rama!"

"I'm here because Lord Rama is very strong, and in order to save this era, he is a necessary fighting force!" Sita said without hesitation.

"I am immortal and immortal. From the eternal world, I use the words of justice to expel curses and smash the darkness! I am neither hurt nor destroyed. I have existed since ancient times. With this blade of victory, I will cut through sin and cut off despair!"

A magic circle appeared in front of Lin Hui, and a long sword shining with golden light appeared from the magic circle...

Chapter [-] Convergence!

Lin Hui held the long sword that appeared from the magic circle. At this moment, a string of words appeared on the sword of the long sword. No one could understand the words that belonged to Lin Hui's power. .


As if the shackles were cut off, Sita felt that his body seemed to be a little more relaxed, but as Lin Hui said, because this is a curse carved into the soul, even if he becomes a heroic spirit, this curse still exists. , Therefore, at the moment when the curse was suppressed and cut off, Sita's power also weakened to the extreme.

However, this curse is relative, as long as one of them disappears, then this curse will not start, and Lin Hui took advantage of this to stop the curse.


Rama slowly opened his eyes, and the first person he saw was Sita who was almost identical to him.

"Sita? Sita! Is it really you? Great, really great!" Rama suddenly took Sita into his arms: "A miracle really happened, a miracle really happened! Yu finally sees you again!"

"No, Lord Rama, it's Lord Lin Hui. Lord Lin Hui temporarily cut off the curse between us, so we can meet!" Sita leaned on Rama's body and whispered softly.

"Lin Hui...sir?" Rama raised his head after hearing this, and saw the young man standing in front of his husband and wife holding Sita and standing up, thanking Lin Hui directly: "Really , Thank you so much for letting me and Sita meet again!"

"You're welcome, but the price of reuniting with you is that Sita is not a Servant now, but an existence similar to a spirit body, with no fighting power at all, you have to protect it. Moreover, this time the cut There is a time limit for breaking the curse, and the limit is after you return to the Throne of Heroes!" Lin Hui explained.

"Enough! It's really enough. Yu is already very satisfied to see Sita! This time Yu will definitely protect Sita and never let anyone hurt her again!" Rama solemnly swore .

"Rama, can you lend us your power? We are going to the Celtic Kingdom to repair this singularity!" Lin Hui said slowly.

"It's natural! As the person who made Yu and Xi meet again, Yu can agree to anything you want. This time, Yu will become a sharp sword in your hand, penetrating that person's heart!" Rama's eyes Showing a fierce fighting spirit.

Lin Hui smiled softly, no matter what world he was in, this man was as strong as ever, with an extremely firm belief, it was a bad fate, he would one day fight with the man he once fought with. The experience of fighting together with enemies and the diverse world is truly incredible!

"Drink!" The battle between Lancelot and Fergus is also coming to an end. There are many bloodstains on Fergus' body. If the battle continues, Fergus will also lose.

"Experience the real rainbow - the Caladbolg!"

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