Edison turned his head and said solemnly: "That's why I acted with Lixiang and the others. Now it seems that my decision is extremely correct. You really did it!"

"Well, Edison, don't be so serious, I heard that you and Nikola Tesla have a good relationship?" Lin Hui suddenly gave a bad smile.

"Who has a good relationship with that AC bastard!!!" Edison was furious when he heard the name: "DC is king!"

"Well, then you have one thing better than Nikola Tesla!" Lin Hui said slowly.

"What is it?" Edison asked suddenly curiously.

"That guy appeared as a BOSS at the Fourth Singularity. Although he was very ostentatious, in the end he was beaten by Lixiang and the others and returned to the Hall of Valor. You can use this to laugh at him severely. !" Lin Hui showed an extremely proud smile.

Edison laughed immediately after hearing this: "That's right, that guy deserves to be beaten!"

Afterwards, Lin Hui and Edison returned to the tent separately to prepare to rest, recharge and prepare for tomorrow's decisive battle.

Chapter [-] Give everything to my king!

"Little Ku!" At this time, Maeve, the Queen of Connaught who was born with a perfect body, exuding a sense of charm in every move, looked at Maeve sitting on the throne, and the whole body was covered with thorn-like barbs. The whole body is covered with evil lines, and even his hands and feet have turned into beasts, leaving only a hideous appearance, and a man with a tail-like thing sticking out from behind.

"Maeve, what's the matter?" Mad King Ku Churin looked at the woman who was pure and beautiful, lascivious and vicious, but who made herself and was called the mother of soldiers.

"Little Ku, does your injury matter? Now if you use the Holy Grail..." Maeve was stunned at the time, but she didn't expect someone to challenge Cu Chulainn head-on and still be able to pierce his heart, if it wasn't for Cu Chulainn The continuation skills of the battle can make even the fatal injury not absolutely fatal, as long as the spiritual core is not shattered, or the spiritual base is not smashed, it can continue to exist.

"It doesn't matter! This pain reminds me of that woman! That old woman actually accepted other disciples. I can't believe it. I almost didn't react with the almost same gun skills as that old woman. Next time, I will definitely tear her apart. Broken!" Cu Chulainn said with a wicked look on his face.

"Well, as long as it's Xiaoku's decision, it doesn't matter to me, Xiaoku, it's just that our servants are already here. Even if there are soldiers, they will be blocked by the other party. The daughter country didn't send them at all. Any use!" Maeve reported everything to Cu Chulainn.

"I see! I will kill them all! After all, this is your wish!" Cu Chulainn held a magic spear that was as covered with thorns as his own body.

"I understand, Xiaoku, it's just that the other party still has that man!" Maeve couldn't help but be a little worried when she thought of the strength of the man who destroyed the city that never sleeps with a single blow.

"I won't take care of this, I will only fight and kill, I will only advance, no matter what kind of person is blocking the front, even that old woman, I will still crush her, trample her, and ravage her!" · Chu Lin does not have any desire for intense fighting in his eyes, all he has is fighting and killing.

Maeve looked at Cu Chulainn like this, her eyes were full of infatuation, but she thought of Lin Hui, the man whose power was so powerful that countless people trembled, even the Demon God Pillar who gave him the Holy Grail was afraid of that man That man's strength is too strong, too strong, so strong that even the Demon God Pillar can't match it.

One or two will not work, and five or six will not work. Then, just put everything together.

Maeve cut off her fingers and sprinkled them all over the place, turning into a pool of blood, from which countless unknown warriors appeared: "Everyone is ready to fight, tomorrow morning, the whole continent will be slaughtered, I don't care what means you use, and the entire continent will be bloodbathed. once!"

Destruction is always easier than protection. Since Chaldea wants to protect the world, in this era, once he knows his own actions, he will definitely divide his troops to annihilate the Celtic soldiers he sent. In this way, The pressure on this side is greatly reduced. At that time, if you use your mouth again, you may have a chance to win.

Cu Chulainn did not interfere with everything Maeve did. As the king of the Celtic kingdom, Cu Chulainn gave this country only destruction and destruction, trampling and trampling everything, as a real beast. figure.

And all Maeve can do is to do her best to support all of this, constantly creating unknown Celtic warriors. In fact, Maeve wants to get Lin Hui's genetic factor, because even if it can't be replicated Lin Hui's own super strength is definitely a monster comparable to a Servant. Once there are tens of thousands, no, thousands of such warriors, it is enough to sweep the entire world.

Thousands of Servants, this is absolutely unimaginable, even if the heroic spirits of the crown are facing thousands of Servants, they need to carefully weigh their strength. Although these Servants are all mixed with water, they are not. It is also extremely strong. A few or dozens may not be terrifying, but when hundreds and thousands gather together, it is really terrifying. Quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes. His own unique skills, like Solomon's No. [-] Noble Phantasm, the Noble Phantasm for dealing with people - the time of birth has come, and this is the only way to correct Ars Almadel Salomonis, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to ignore this absolute meaning. Poor quantity.

However, it is a pity that Maeve did not. However, even if he obtained it, facing Lin Hui, such a fake copy would not be able to stop Lin Hui. Although Lin Hui's strength declined, he was still absolutely invincible. In the face of Solomon, it can be smashed and defeated fiercely, let alone a replica.

"Dedicate everything to our king!" Maeve looked at the unknown soldiers who kept appearing from the pool of blood. That night, Maeve used her own ability to create hundreds of thousands of unknown soldiers, although she also lost Not small, but as long as it is combined with the Holy Grail, these costs are nothing.

Everything Maeve has done for Cu Chulainn, Cu Chulainn sees it in his eyes, although he doesn't say it, Cu Chulainn firmly remembers it in his heart, even if the real him is impossible to love On Maeve, but now he is not the righteous and kind Irish Child of Light!


"Huh? It seems that a lot of breath has emerged overnight. It's interesting now!" Lin Hui felt strange things in the tent.

"What's wrong?" Skaha looked at Lin Hui and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that your disciple seems to want to struggle to the death, but don't worry, just pay a little attention tomorrow!" Lin Hui grinned: "Would you like to do it again?"

"No, otherwise I won't have the strength tomorrow!" Skaha smiled sweetly and rejected Lin Hui's request.

The [-]st chapter is like a broken bamboo!

"Karna, Arjuna, you two lead an army here and here respectively."

The next morning, Lin Hui called everyone over.

"Why? Please instruct!" Karna looked at Lin Hui, because he believed that Lin Hui would not give up.

"The Queen of the Celtic Kingdom seems to be planning to find something for us to do. If she is allowed to send the Celtic Kingdom's army to slaughter on this road, what do you think will happen?" Lin Hui looked at the crowd.

"No, she must not be allowed to succeed!" Olga Marie reacted at once. After all, if this is the case, then even if the final victory is achieved, this era will collapse, because if the indigenous people or all the indigenous peoples If they are all killed, then according to the historical development, the United States of America will not be established, and the North American War of Independence will not start, and even all countries in the world will be affected, which will eventually lead to the collapse of the history of later generations and the world situation, and there is no recovery at all. 's room.

Even if the Holy Grail is finally recovered and the Celtic kingdom of God is wiped out, if this continent becomes a dead place, it will naturally not be able to restore its previous state, and it will not be able to continue to develop along the correct human history.

Once this singularity collapses, it is truly irreversible.

"Brother Lin!" Fujimaru Rika looked at Lin Hui.

"That's why I came to you, Lixiang, Matthew, you two are the main forces, so we must defeat the mad king Ku Chulin and Maeve as quickly as possible, and among the rest, Elizabeth, Si Kaha, also with you, of course, I will also go with you, and the rest must stop Maeve's plan!"


This battle concerns the future and future generations, and it is the moment when we are fighting for the correct history of mankind.

Maeve is indeed very powerful. She sent almost all the hundreds of thousands of Celtic soldiers out. Even if they lose in the end, in case the soldiers sent out can kill all the natives and natives on the road Exhausted, then it can be regarded as revenge for all this.

In the Celtic kingdom of God, there are only a few hundreds of unknown soldiers guarding it, which is extremely miserable. After all, they have all been driven to a dead end. If we can use the Holy Grail to continue to summon Servants, maybe There is still the ability to counterattack, but the problem is that after the Celtic Kingdom, there is a daughter kingdom, which makes it a little difficult to summon, but if it is a shadow follower, dozens of them are not a problem.


"Broken!" Matthew directly cut open the body of a Shadow Servant and knocked it away.

"Master, you can already see it!" Matthew looked at Queen Maeve and Mad King Ku Churin standing in the distance.

"It's finally here!" Mad King Ku Qiulin looked at the crowd in his eyes.

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