In the flames of light and hope, the twenty-eight Demon God Pillars were completely burnt, and not even a single residue remained. This was the power of the invincible Lin Hui.


"Monster, it's really a monster!" The moment Maeve saw Lin Hui's appearance, she knew that something was wrong, and the man who made the Demon God Pillar feared finally shot.

Sure enough, as soon as he shot, he destroyed the twenty-eight demon pillars she summoned with all her strength, and she was also affected. If it wasn't for the Holy Grail, I'm afraid she would have died in that shock. Now she must go to Cu Chulainn, she must go, because, she believes, even that man, even that man, can't win, absolutely can't win, and a member of the Akabane Knights is also Al Sturt's strongest warrior, but also the mad king Ku Churin who made him infatuated is the strongest!


The two figures were staggered, with brown skin and thorns all over their body, and Ku Qiulin, who held the magic spear of thorns, swept away the dust at once: "Old woman, it seems that your strength has declined!"

"Don't say that, your strength has dropped by more than a star! It seems that something happened to that woman, are you in a hurry? You didn't see that scene just now, did you? You are confident to block that one. Any tricks?" Skahanoyu asked.

"Tsk..." Ku Chulin was run on by Skaha, but he couldn't speak. The destructive power of that move was too terrifying. Even here, he could feel the terrifying heat wave. Come.

"Xiaoku can do it!" At this time, a woman with smoke on her body appeared at the boundary where the two were fighting.

"Maeve?" Cu Chulainn's eyes changed: "...Hey! It's terrible, Maeve."

"Well, Xiaoku! I feel like I'm going to die soon! However, the mission has been completed..." Maeve forced a smile, as if seeing the lover of her first love: "Really, it's true! …You Will you... compliment me?"

"That's right! It's pretty good for you to be able to do this. As a queen, protect your country. You really want to do it, but you can actually do it." Cu Chulainn looked at Mei Fu.

Maeve showed a relieved smile: " happy. I've always wanted to hear this! Just this...just this word, and I'll be satisfied! My wish...has come true. You... ... finally became mine."

"The Holy Grail is entrusted to you! I, the one I love the most!" Maeve handed the Holy Grail to Cu Chulainn.

Skaha's pupils shrank, not expecting Maeve to make such a move.

"Yeah!" Cu Chulainn grabbed the Holy Grail and incorporated it into his body, Maeve left this world with a smile.

"Okay, old lady, it's time to start the second round!"

At this moment, Cu Chulainn's magic power value was completely different, as if it was a different person, such as Maeve's supply, such Cu Chulainn was even more invincible and terrifying.

"'Curruid Coinchenn'! Only this trick didn't come from you."

The appearance of Cu Chulainn at this moment has changed, and the terrifying magic power surrounds Cu Chulainn's whole body. At this moment, Cu Chulainn is uttering a terrifying roar like a real beast.


Like a monster, the thorns all over the body kept sticking out, turning into roots, and the body was also covered with scale-like armor, even the head was replaced by a beast-like skull, and the hands were even more transformed. For a pair of sharp claws.

The current Cu Chulainn has completely changed!

"Is that... the power of the magic spear?" Skaha was amazed.

Skaha's magic spear was made from some ancient plant of the gods, but Cu Chulainn's was different.

Cu Chulainn's magic spear is a magic spear made from the bones of sea beasts of the Red Sea, which is born with a ferocious breath and cursed power.

Now, Cu Chulainn has completely liberated the power of the magic spear. As a price, he has completely awakened the power of the legendary sea beast. After liberating this Noble Phantasm, Cu Chulainn has completely transformed into a sea beast of the Red Sea!

Chapter [-] Unstoppable?Stop it!

Looking at the current Cu Chulainn, Skaha couldn't help sighing: "I once had a dream of being killed by you, and I thought, 'If only I could die before I became like that', if I say my There is nothing to regret in life, that's the only thing, but, I don't plan to be killed by the present you, after all, the old you are more appetizing to me! Besides, the present you can't kill me either !"

Skaha swung the magic gun: "My disciple is not the kind of guy who is stupid enough to turn himself into this!"

Cu Chulainn's body moved and disappeared in front of Skaha in an instant.

But Skaha, as expected, stabbed a magic spear directly from behind, blocking a claw.

"I have no obligation to help you carry the things you are carrying. The road I walk will always be a straight one! I have no time to detour, and I have no time to help others bear any burden! I will be the king with the shortest distance. , complete the domination with the shortest distance!" Cu Chulainn said coldly, waving his other claw at the same time, and grabbed Skaha fiercely.

Skaha twisted his body slightly, and another magic spear appeared in the other hand, stabbed Ku Chulin's chest fiercely, knocking Ku Chulin back two steps, the whole person It was out of Cu Chulainn's attack range.

However, before it was over, Skaha's speed also soared, his whole body turned into an afterimage, and he stabbed Cu Chulainn fiercely.

"Oh oh oh--!"

Posted by Cu Chulainn

"For whom? Is it for Maeve? Maeve made a wish to the Holy Grail to make you king. However, that's not your wish!" A hopeful disciple.

Cu Chulainn's claws slammed hard, and the crossed claws pushed Skaha back. At the same time, when he stepped on the ground, the ground was instantly stepped on by Cu Chulainn's foot, causing several cracks to appear, and the whole person once again After catching up with the fast retreating Skaha, the claws waved in an instant, and the claw strikes seemed to be able to completely tear them apart, and they continued to attack Skaha.

"Why do you think so? Do you really think I didn't want to be a king?" Cu Chulainn's voice became more and more like a beast, but such a beast was really unbearable.

Skaha swung the magic spear and tried his best to resist, but Cu Chulainn who had obtained the Holy Grail was really too strong.

"You never mentioned that kind of wish when you were alive!"

Skaha's shot swept into Cu Chulainn's abdomen, but in exchange for it, he left several wounds with deep visible bone on his left arm.

However, although Cu Chulainn was injured, the magic power in his body soared again: "Yes, as you said, old lady, I never wanted to be a king before I was alive! But having a wish that didn't exist in my lifetime, this pair has never been a king. It's not too uncommon for people, is it?"

Skaha breathed slightly: "...the other way around, do you want to become a king only after becoming a king? Stupid contradiction! Although he became a king, he didn't show the king's will, so he could only destroy it. Everything. If there is only one person standing in the deserted wilderness, then he is indeed a king who will not object to anyone."

Cu Chulainn leaned forward slightly, preparing to attack again: "Well, that's it! This conclusion is soothing! The hero itself is full of contradictions. It's not for Maeve! I brandish this for my own desires. Gun! Now, let's fight to the death!"


Cu Chulainn's speed broke through the sound barrier in an instant, leaving a burst of roaring sound straight to Skaha.

Naturally, Skaha couldn't let Cu Chulainn kill him. His whole body turned into several afterimages, and he kept swinging his spear like an extremely elegant dancer. The two spears turned into two lights and shadows. In an instant, he blocked Cu Chulainn's continuous attacks.

However, from the previous attack and defense to the current comprehensive defense, Skaha has fallen into the disadvantage.

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