The wind dissipated, and all the sand that had been rolled up fell down.

However, at this moment, a huge creature appeared in front of everyone.

A giant creature comparable to a truck is walking towards the crowd. Its body is like a lion, with a pair of huge wings on its back and sharp claws on its limbs. However, its face is that of a man. The face, the face of a man with a slightly vicissitudes of life.

"This, this is..." Fujimaru Rika was shocked when she saw this scene.

"That's a higher-level existence than monsters and phantom beasts, and sometimes even the highest-ranking creatures that surpass the dragon species!" Da Vinci couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It's actually the legendary beast with a human face and a lion body in ancient Egypt - the Sphinx..." Even Matthew didn't know what to say, but he never expected to face such a powerful enemy.

Lin Hui's brows jumped, and he couldn't help but complain: "I really should ask Roman, is he really sure this is Jerusalem? Isn't this Egypt?!"

Now even Da Vinci didn't know what to say.

"This value is undoubtedly a strong enemy!" Da Vinci sighed, but then became excited: "OK~ Leave it to me! I can finally show my omnipotence and my wisdom!"

After all, it is impossible for Lin Hui to take action in such a place. At least, it is enough for Fujimaru Rika, Matthew and Da Vinci to deal with an opponent of this level.

"You guys get rid of this guy first, I'll go around and check the situation first!" After that, Lin Hui walked around the neighborhood for a while.

"Then, let's start a big fight!" Da Vinci took out a strange thing from somewhere and sprayed it directly at the Sphinx, and the strong flame burned the Sphinx directly. Oooo scream.

"Mash, directly and then, give it a shot from behind!" Fujimaru Rika gave an instruction directly to Mash while the Sphinx was being dragged by Da Vinci.

"Yes, Master!" Matthew took the big shield and bypassed the Sphinx directly. The shield had been attached with magic of various attributes by Fujimaru Rika, and was stabbed with a fierce blow.

"Ow, ooh—!"

The sphinx screamed, and slapped Matthew with his paw.

Matthew kicked the Sphinx with a kick, causing his entire body to go backwards with anti-shock force, exiting the Sphinx's attack range.

Fujimaru Rika quickly gathered the magic power at the fingertips, and drew a series of runes in the void at an extremely fast speed.


The runes suddenly lit up, turned into substantial effects, and directly turned into test clumps like cannonballs that shot at the Sphinx.

"Boom boom boom!"

The strong explosion made the Sphinx scream in pain and slammed the ground. Suddenly, countless wild sands formed, covering the three women.

"I will never let you succeed!"

And at this moment, all the mad sand all converged towards one place.

Matthew took the big shield to block all the sandstorms, and then the whole person rushed to the Sphinx: "Take the move, ya ya ya-!"

Matthew swung the shield fiercely and slammed it down, hitting the Sphinx in the head.

"Ow, ooh—!"

The Sphinx was beaten back and forth.

"Well, I have grown a lot. It seems that I have to take out my secret weapon!" Da Vinci smiled.

Chapter [-] Yo, we meet again!

Saying this, the cane in Da Vinci's hand turned into this magic bullet launcher in an instant. Suddenly, a large number of magic bullets poured down towards the Sphinx, constantly bombarding it. fry.

"Ow, ooh—!"

Sphinx's eyes were almost red, and when the huge body was about to rush towards Da Vinci, a slender girl holding a large shield directly faced Sphinx's body. Got hit with a stumble.

At the same time, Fujimaru Rika kept drawing one rune after another in the air, using all kinds of magic, explosions, ice thorns, water jets, etc. to attack the Sphinx.


The Sphinx was furious, and at this moment, he spread his wings, shook with force, and gathered a lot of magic power in his mouth.

"Don't think about it!" Matthew directly sealed the mouth of the Sphinx at the moment when the Sphinx was about to spray magic power.


A lot of magic power exploded directly in Sphinx's mouth.


The sphinx staggered.

"Good opportunity, don't stop!" Fujimaru Rika ordered immediately.

"Understood, Master!" Da Vinci attacked again, and the magic bullet launcher in his hand turned into another strange thing. At this moment, the powerful magic power directly turned into a huge magic circle towards Si Finks blasted away.

And Fujimaru Rika also drew runes in the air, and they were not ordinary runes, but the original runes. Combining three of the original runes into a huge magical impact directly Detonated towards the Sphinx.


After that, the entire body of the Sphinx turned into sand and scattered in the desert.

"Destroyed the huge creature...! Although it was defeated..." Matthew looked at the feeling of the disappearance of the Sphinx just now, and had a bad feeling.

"Unfortunately, it wasn't completely wiped out, it just looked like it was wiped out." Da Vinci explained: "The damage caused just now is probably only about the level of yawning for the divine beast. Just rubbing your eyes will be enough. Resurrection! Get out of here before it revives, it's hard for us to fight the Sphinx alone."

Da Vinci was more helpless. After all, the Sphinx was indeed knocked down by the three of them, but if they kept fighting, they would also be helpless. If the man made a move, he would indeed be able to defeat the Sphinx in an instant. Finks, that's beyond question.

"Let's go from here! Lin Hui was walking in this direction just now!" Da Vinci pointed in one direction.

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