Chapter [-] Come and help me!Make a contract!

After listening to Meltrilith's words, Lin Hui couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.Are you kidding me? What is Mooncell? It is essentially a photonic crystal with a diameter of 30km located inside the moon. It is an automatic note-taking device that can realize a "quantum computer" with the concept of magic.Since the birth of the earth, it has been observing and recording all the creatures, ecology, history, and even the soul on the earth.

The Holy Grail War of the Moon is the Holy Grail War around the Mooncell (Holy Grail).

But you tell me, now that Mooncell is here, isn't that thing on the moon?Why did it come to the earth? It thought it was the vermilion moon, the UO of the moon, and then ran over in response to Gaia's call, but after running over, it was tattooed with gems.

Also, what the hell is it together with SE.RA.PH, the deep-sea computer paradise!

The deep sea computer paradise SE.RA.PH is the subspecies singularity in FGO, the place where the unfortunate Demon God Zhujie was killed, the big boss in that place is not an ordinary existence, but the seventh singularity And one of the beasts of Getia, one of the "evil" of human beings!

As a result, the Jie faction has not yet run over, and the deep-sea computer paradise SE.RA.PH has appeared?Also got together with Mooncell, aren't you kidding me?

What else is there to play, doesn't it mean that he wants to have a big battle with the enlightened person and the killing institute Qihuang?

In the words of the enlightened one, Lin Hui thought that in the third Holy Grail War, he and Shakyamuni had both lost in a fight. Fortunately, he still won in the end. Now think about it, it should be okay, right?

However, it is not necessarily the case for the killing of the dead, the other party is a perverted character.

In FGO, the master of Mertrilith, Tatsuka Fujimaru, was killed by Seshoin Kiara in order to make Mertrilith despair, and Mertrilith's arms were born for this reason. crippled.

However, not only that, in the Holy Grail War of the Moon, Seshoin Kiara is the real big boss, as the hidden ultimate leader.The purpose is to use all human beings for the greatest happiness, and to do so requires becoming a god.Absorbed Passionlip, Meltryllis, BB and Matou Sakura, and through Mooncell and Hans Christian Andersen's Noble Phantasm, he grew into a demon "the third outer law of happiness".The demonized she is the earth goddess who bears all human desires, and is also the living offering and outlet for all human desires.Her existence is similar to the artificial demon "Angra Mainyu" who was vilified as a demon in the past in order to prove the viciousness of human beings and was enshrined as a living offering.

Sesshouin Kiara is such a terrifying character. Whether it is the Holy Grail War of the Moon or FGO, she is an extremely terrifying existence. Moreover, considering the current situation, Mooncell and the Deep Sea Computer Paradise are combined together, I am afraid that Sesshouin Qihuang's strength was more terrifying than Lin Hui had imagined.

In FGO, Seshoin Kiara is the third beast, who is one of the seven evils of human beings. However, in that case, Meltrilith and BB, who were back in time, jointly used a special method to It was completely buried, and the current Seshoin Kiara may appear as the third beast of the complete body, right?

In other words, he will face a terrifying monster that, like Goetia and Tiamat, has no concept of death without specific environmental factors and various constraints.

"Now, it's interesting!" Lin Hui let out a sigh of relief: "Finally, it's time to face it."

"Hey, did you understand what I said?" Meltlilith looked at Lin Hui and seemed to be very dissatisfied with Lin Hui: "You will have to face at least a dozen servants and those who guard Mooncell. Guard."

"I know, if I do my best, it should only take three or four days to clear all the Servants here, and then find a way to find the location of the mastermind behind the scenes, and everything will be settled in one fell swoop!" said casually.

"Tsk!" Meltlilith looked at Lin Hui: "You really don't know what to do, you will definitely die if you do this, and you will definitely die!"

"No, I won't die, because I will never lose until I win!" Lin Hui said confidently.

"Megalomaniac!" For some reason, Meltrilith seemed very angry.

"If you're worried, why don't you just come and help me? How?" Lin Hui suddenly said to Meltrilith.

Meltre Lilith froze for a while and looked at Lin Hui: "Help... help you?"

"Yeah, if you're worried and don't want to believe it, just come and help me. With your strength, you can definitely help me! If you're by my side, I think I can conquer this place faster!" Lin Hui He stretched out his hand to Meltrilith: "For the time being, I'm also a master. I don't have a Servant, so I can't justify it, right?"

"It's a bit surprising!" Meltrilith seemed to say with emotion: "I heard your arrogant words just now, I thought you didn't bother to make a contract with me!"

"How is that possible? No matter what, I am willing to make a contract with you! After all, you should be very happy as long as you are the master of a powerful Servant!" Lin Hui scratched his head. , then looked around: "But speaking of it, how did you find this place."

"You take care of me!" Meltrilith seemed to be in a good mood with her hands on her hips, as if she didn't want to tell her secret at all.

Lin Hui suddenly kicked something, like a shard of ceramic.

"What's wrong?" Meltlilith looked at Lin Hui.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little moody. I don't know what to say. I'm a little uncomfortable, right?" Lin Hui looked at it, and there were some broken ceramic fragments behind him: "This... this, what does it feel like?"

"Okay, don't worry about that, come and sign a contract with me, at least for this period of time, I will be your servant and fight for you!" Meltlilith said, "With me, you will Don't worry," he said proudly.

"Then, please! Meltrilith!" The Command Spell in Lin Hui's hand radiated light, connecting the two causal lines.

Chapter [-]: The Holy Grail War of the Moon?A powerful Servant is coming!

At the moment when the lines of cause and effect intersected, Lin Hui's expression suddenly became strange, and he looked at Meltrilith.

"What's wrong? Is there anything strange about me?" Meltri Lilith looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui shook his head: "No, no! However, what should I do next? You are familiar with this place. I would like to hear your opinion first."

Meltrilith looked at Lin Hui: "I didn't expect you to listen to other people's opinions. I can't believe it!"

"Don't think so badly of others, at least I still know how to make good use of you!" A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Hui's mouth.

"Then I'm very happy!" Meltrilith: "Well, because of this, I'm very likely to fall in love with you! Melt you with venom!"

"Then there must be venom that can poison me!" Lin Hui smiled softly.

Suddenly, Lin Hui's clothes exuded a burst of brilliance.

"Oh, the time is up, after all, it has taken a long time." At this moment, the pure white evening dress changed back to a black trench coat: "Well, what should I do next?"

"Would you like to use the rules of the Holy Grail War of the Moon?" At this time, Meltrilith looked at Lin Hui and suggested.

"The rules of the Holy Grail War of the Moon? But aren't the current Servants all Servants without a master? Can they fight like this?" Lin Hui felt very surprised.

"It's true that there is no master, but this does not mean that the Holy Grail War of the Moon cannot be launched. After all, this is Mooncell. If you can, you should also want to find the mastermind behind this world as soon as possible. Then, use the Holy Grail of the Moon. The rules of war are the quickest way! Restart the Holy Grail War of the Moon, defeat one opponent a day, and then use the remaining time to defeat the guards! All the followers can be eliminated in four days at most." Mei Ertrilith looked at Lin Hui.

"No, this is still too slow, I have a faster way!" Lin Hui said softly.

"There is no faster way than this, please, believe me!" Meltrilith looked very determined.

"But, Lilith, you need to know one thing!" Lin Hui sighed softly: "This Holy Grail War of the Moon cannot be fought!"

Lin Hui looked outside: "Data has been stimulated because of my invasion, and it is swallowing up the real world in large quantities. If I don't find the mastermind behind the scenes as soon as possible and end this data world, the outside world will be in danger!"

"Then, don't you even care about your own safety? It's not five cavalry and six cavalry followers, but dozens of them, each of which is a powerful being, do you think you can deal with so many Servants? If you use the rules of the Holy Grail War of the Moon, you can use their cannibalism to narrow the gap. In this case, you only need to deal with a few Servants!" Meltrilith looked at Lin Hui.

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