However, should it be said that he is the king of dumb hair?

At the moment when the Vientiane Sanctuary shot out the silver light, Artoria's hair suddenly stood up, and Artoria suddenly got out of the shooting direction of Lin Hui's silver light, and even pulled away from Lin Hui in one breath to avoid it. Silver attack.

"Cut, I knew that these three guys are not easy characters to deal with!" Lin Hui saw that Iskander's Shenwei Wheel directly released countless thunderbolts towards him, making Lin Hui feel a little bit, what should I do? Say what?Rather difficult.

The Fourth Holy Grail War, if I really want to say it, is the strongest in the history of the orthodox Holy Grail War. Like other Holy Grail Wars in other parallel worlds, there are too many bugs, especially the blue silver fragments, Arthur Pendra Gong's Oath Sword of Victory is a BUG!When all the seals are unlocked, even the giant god Attila can blast to the moon to seal it, and Gilgamesh can shoot the end sword (Enki), summoning the great flood that destroys the world. If it is such a combination, Lin Hui is probably going to have a headache.

Therefore, in the orthodox Fourth Holy Grail War, these three kings are undoubtedly the strongest three in history. Relatively speaking, it is relatively easy to solve.

Chapter [-] The backhand arranged!

Although the opponent does not seem to be able to use the Noble Phantasm, in this way, the three kings can use much less power, especially Iskandar. His king's army is really going to fight, and Lin Hui's monster incarnation is expected to The losses were heavy. After all, every soldier was a heroic spirit. Under such circumstances, Wang Zhi's army could really be said to be an invincible move.

If it wasn't for Gilgamesh's possession of the Noble Phantasm, the Deviance Sword, it would be very difficult to deal with it, and Artoria, the only way to break the situation was to liberate the sword of victory. , Once approached, Artoria will probably have a headache. After all, there are thousands of people, and it will definitely be very exhausting to destroy them one by one.

Not to mention that there are top-level Heroic Spirits like Iskandar among them.

However, now that Iskadal's King's Army is unavailable, Gilgamesh has not drawn the Deviance Sword, and Artoria has not released the Sword of Victory Promise, so it is much easier to defeat them than they were in their prime. .

"If possible, I really want to have a real battle with you guys! However, now you should return to the Heroic Spirit Throne!" Lin Hui holds swords in both hands, one for Reincarnation Paradise and one for Vientiane Sanctuary. It's not Lin Hui. I don't want to use the third sword, but that third sword, Lin Hui will only draw it out when he encounters a truly invincible object. If he uses it against these three kings.

Then these three kings will undoubtedly be erased from the Throne of Heroes and disappear together with their existence!

In that case, things would be big.

"It's enough to solve all this now!" The Reincarnation Paradise in Lin Hui's hands expanded in an instant, and Lin Hui and the three kings were directly locked in the Reincarnation Paradise.

Lin Hui directly waved the Vientiane Sanctuary in his hand and stabbed it into the ground: "Please, Reincarnation Paradise, lend me your strength!"

At that moment, countless towering trees suddenly protruded, and countless flowers bloomed on the trees, although they were blooming little by little.

However, countless Noble Phantasms were shot out of the space behind Gilgamesh and all those flowers were shattered. Iskadal directly rode the Kamui wheel and crushed all the trees he passed by, and Artoria directly confronted the flowers. Lin Hui launched a dash and waved the sword of vowed victory towards Lin Hui.

"The three of you are truly awe-inspiring!" Lin Hui murmured, "It's a pity, it's impossible for me to fall in this place!"

Just as Arturia was about to rush in front of Lin Hui, a branch pierced directly towards Arturia.

Arturia had a premonition of the crisis, and the whole person stopped and flashed directly to the side.

"Let me use these swords to fight against you! It's my compensation!" Lin Hui manipulated the branches of the tree into a sharp sword and killed the three of them.

But, in more places, more and more flowers keep appearing and are about to bloom.


The Sword of Oath Victory in Artoria's hand collided with the branch sword controlled by Lin Hui, constantly intertwining. But it was on a par with Artoria.

Iskadal's Divine Wheel is unstoppable by trees, but the tenacious vitality of trees can still entangle Iskadal.

The Noble Phantasms shot by Gilgamesh were blocked by a sword, preventing Gilgamesh from rushing out of the encirclement, even if he used the Sky Chain to cut off all the surrounding trees.

After a while, Lin Hui exhaled slowly: "Let me pay tribute to the three of you! I hope we can meet in the future, especially Saber! I really want to see you!"

"Hundred Flowers Blooming Vientiane Sanctuary!"

In an instant, countless flowers all bloomed, and countless pollen floated towards the three kings with a little fluorescent light.

No one can escape this sea of ​​pollen that symbolizes death.

All three of them were hit by pollen and gradually lost their lives. Before losing their lives, Lin Hui manipulated Zhijian to give them a fatal blow, allowing the three of them to return to the Throne of Heroes.

Gilgamesh finally raised his head and seemed to want to see Lin Hui's appearance, but his vision was blurred, and he could only vaguely remember that it was a man in a white evening dress.

"This king...will find you!"

Gilgamesh left such a sentence and disappeared.

The space of Reincarnation Paradise disappeared, and along with the disappearance was the white evening dress on Lin Hui.

"Sure enough, is it time to use it again?" Lin Hui was a little helpless. After all, he didn't really integrate the power of the elf into himself, but simply used it, so it's pretty good to be able to use it, and he wants to use it without restrictions. That's not very realistic.

"The last obstacle has been cleared. Next, it's time to face the ultimate boss, right?" Lin Hui smiled slightly, moved forward, and finally stopped in front of a room.

Although he could see it, he couldn't touch the closed iron door.

"I knew it." Lin Hui scratched his head. After all, this is the most core area. If the entire core world is to be viewed, what Lin Hui presents in his mind is a square cube, and here is the The most central core area.

With the current loss of space ability, it is somewhat difficult for Lin Hui to reach the back of the reversal Wei Gongkou.

However, Lin Hui left behind, and now he can't be fooled by that person.

Lin Hui won't be in a hurry anyway. The real worry is the person behind the scenes. After all, all the pieces available in her hand have been swept away by herself.


In the junkyard, a ray of light appeared and enveloped Meltrilith's body, which had been penetrated by Duke Killer, slowly rising into the air, and then suddenly disappearing.


"It's now!" Lin Hui suddenly opened his eyes and threw a punch at the iron gate in front of him.

Although Lin Hui has lost his space ability, it does not mean that he cannot perceive the fluctuation of space. In a similar situation, objects hidden in different spaces will appear in ten thousandths of a second. It is enough to break through the connection point between the different space and this space in an instant!


"Okay, let's go!" After Lin Hui broke open the iron gate, Lin Hui smiled, and the backhand that was arranged really showed its effect.

The [-]th chapter of the killing house prays for the famine, this is the world!

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