Because of this, Tiamat is an immortal existence in the human world. In the game, in order to defeat her, she fell into the underworld, because there is no life in the underworld, and because of the first generation of Assassin. Sang "Old Man in the Mountain" gave up the mortal blow caused by the crown spirit base, so that Tiamat had the concept of death, and this was the blow that finally decided the outcome.

The same is true of Kiara, Seshoin. She is a beast with the principle of "love", and like Getia and Tiamat, she has immortality!

Such an opponent is extremely difficult to defeat, and Lin Hui is also very clear. After all, both Gaetia and Tiamat were defeated at a heavy price. One was King Solomon, that is, Romani Aqiman. Disappeared, one is the abandonment of the crown of the crown Assassin "Old Man in the Mountain", which will cause such a result.

For this reason, even if you want to defeat Kiara, who has become a Beast, you need to think hard. After all, this is not a game. If you fail, you really lose. There is no chance to start over. It is necessary to take into account the demonized killing house Kiara.

The current Seshoin Kiara is very likely to be a fusion of the two forces. It is not only one of the seven disasters of mankind, but also the earth goddess who is about to carry the desires of mankind.

Now, Lin Hui feels a bit of a headache, and is really helpless. After all, Lin Hui has not yet been able to come up with a way to defeat Qihuang in the Killing Institute, and this singularity is expanding over time. To a certain extent, then even Lin Hui is powerless to return to the sky. After all, Lin Hui has not yet reached the point where he can create the world with a single thought. Therefore, this singularity must be eliminated within a limited time.


Lin Hui exhaled softly: "It's pointless to think about it now, whether it's the demonized Seshoin Kiara or the Seshoin Kiara who has become a beast of 'love', they're all the ones I want to defeat. That's all!"

"You, you will definitely be able to defeat her!" A faint voice sounded in the starry sky.

Chapter [-] When we met, there was a lot of desire!

The starry sky is vast and boundless. No matter how far or how long it takes, even human beings can't explore the edge of it in their entire life, and even light cannot reach the edge of the universe in a human's life.

However, this place is not the real universe, and it is also limited. Lin Hui is walking in one direction unswervingly at this moment.

This universe appeared to slow down Lin Hui's progress, but the other party didn't know that it was precisely because Lin Hui gathered eleven human histories that, as a collection of human desires, he could determine the direction.

Somewhere in this universe there is an existence calling for him, and there is no one other than Kiara of Seshoin, who can transform into a demon and carry all human desires.

Here, there is no concept of time, Lin Hui has passed a second since he started to move forward?One minute?One hour?one day?Or a month?It was impossible to know at all, but Lin Hui knew very well that the time to meet was coming soon.

The original sin in her body is calling for her, and her body that can carry the original sin desire is also calling for herself. There will definitely be a winner or loser between the two, because although the two are similar, they absolutely cannot allow the other to exist. .

The original sin that Lin Hui possessed was condensed by carrying the sins of the world, and was incorporated into his body in order to be carried by the human karma. Seshoin Kiara wanted to obtain the desires of all human beings for his own happiness. Using human beings to achieve oneself, one is for the world and the other is for oneself. Therefore, although the two are very similar, they can both bear a certain characteristic of human beings, and it can even be said that the content of the burden is very similar, but the two are extremely contradictory. , therefore incompatible!

Lin Hui stopped and looked at the scene in front of him. This scene is very familiar. It can be said that as long as the human beings living on earth have seen this scene for their own thirst for knowledge.

In a dark universe, a burning fireball is burning, generating light and heat at the same time, bringing a slight warmth to the icy universe.

Eight planets are revolving very regularly around this burning fireball, constantly revolving according to certain trajectories, and at the same time rotating.

Here, it is the solar system, and the third aqua blue planet is the earth where human beings live!

A woman stood on the earth, turned her head slowly, and looked at Lin Hui: "Finally here, I know that if it was you, it would definitely not be able to stop you!"

"Because my heart is saying, come on! Come on! Come on! Ah, I really want to get you, you must have what I need, right?" Huang looked at Lin Hui as if he was looking at his lover, and called softly: "Come on, become one with me, I still lack something, and I can't complete the last step, but if it's you, It will definitely help me complete it!"

"Ah, ah, I can't bear it anymore, as long as you and I are one, I can give you anything, my body, my love, all will belong to you!"

Seshoin Kiara's words were extremely charming and possessed an irresistible magic power.

In addition, Kiara of Seshoin itself has the physique of being "easy to be admired by others". Once he achieves a certain great cause, this power will be infinitely magnified, and he can directly induce others to become his followers, or die loyal, willingly. Give everything for yourself.

The current Killing Institute Qihuang is in such a state. She has already completed most of the work, and she is only one step away from becoming a demon, making herself a world, dedicating herself to bring the hope of salvation to all beings is called the Buddha.Those who attain liberation and eventually become Buddhas are also called bodhisattvas.Bodhisattvas are the masters of power and scale in the universe.And can easily be created in the solar system.Unlike other religions, Buddhism has a cosmic scale.

This is the final terrifying appearance of Kiara of Sesshouin, that is, the devilish Bodhisattva!

Indeed, at the moment when Qihuang and Lin Hui actually met, Lin Hui could feel that he was longing for each other, for everything, for each other's body, each other's soul, each other's heart, each other's love, I want to take it for myself, I want to tear it all to pieces and swallow it up.

This desire became more and more obvious and stronger as time went by, and it was almost out of control.

With such a rush of desires, the seven original sins in Lin Hui's body are also about to move, as if to say, don't suppress yourself, let's fall!Fall!Fall!Fall into the darkness!Then, take possession of this woman and make her your own!

The darkness that Lin Hui had been suppressed because of the light between Fujimaru Rika and Mashu became manic again, constantly tempting himself, and constantly turning his mind into darkness.

"Come on! I know, you want me too, as long as you give yourself to me, everything is fine! I can see the desire in your eyes, come on, don't make yourself miserable, I, I will give you happiness, I will love you wholeheartedly, and you will have the most beautiful love in the world!" Killing Institute Qihuang walked towards Lin Hui, reaching out to touch Lin Hui's face.


Lin Hui patted the hand of Qihuang from the Slaughterhouse, took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes had regained clarity: "Love me? No, you can only love yourself, and you want me just for nothing. For your own sake, you will never love anyone else! Or, you are just from a superior point of view and will give what you think to be love is actually pity to those who are beyond your reach!"

"Your so-called happiness, so-called love, everything is based on the desire to be loyal to yourself, even if it hurts other people, it doesn't matter! This is not love at all, Seshoin Kiara, you are not at all. You are not a human being, from a spiritual point of view, you are an anomaly!"

"Here, I want to completely deny you, deny your love, deny all of you!"

"I will knock you down!"

Chapter [-] At the beginning of the fierce battle, a mutation suddenly occurred!

"No... Deny me? You want to deny me? You actually don't accept my love? Impossible, there is no such thing!" Sesshouin Qihuang seemed to have changed at this moment: "In this case, then Use force, I will make you mine too, I want you to kneel before me! Beg for my mercy!! Beg for my love!!!"

Immediately, countless bands of light emerged from Qihuang's body in the Slaughterhouse and swept directly towards Lin Hui.

"Isn't it enough to do it earlier?" Lin Hui's magic power surged instantly: "Here, I don't need to worry so much!"

"I am the strongest. In order to seize all victories, all gods and demons fear my power. Anyone who stands in my way, I will shatter their will! Therefore, I am even the supreme tyrant!"

The magical aura on Lin Hui's body suddenly increased, and the terrifying magical power turned into a substantial barrier and directly collided with those light bands!




The light belt was broken one by one, and the first collision between the two sides ended with Lin Hui's strength winning.

"I have the unparalleled power in the world, my fist can pierce the sky, my feet can shatter the earth, I prop up the sky and the earth, I break mountains and seas, all enemies fear my power! Evil, fear, darkness , tremble! I am the righteous god of war!"

Lin Hui used the incarnation of a giant. At this moment, he possessed extremely powerful power. He punched out, the universe was directly shaken, and he hit Qihuang at the Killing Institute.

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