"Are you guessing my identity?" Gamma laughed suddenly: "I can tell you! That woman is the embodiment of self-love of 'filling the universe with one's own love', while I am 'to all mankind' The incarnation of the love of others whose love dries up the universe'!"

Lin Hui's eyes widened: "That is to say..."

"Yes, Seshoin Kiara is Beast III/R, and I am Beast III/L! Both of us are the half-body of the beast of the third beast, and the two of us are only complete when one of them is swallowed by the other. The third beast." Gamma looked at Lin Hui and said proudly: "It's just a human being, and it's amazing to be able to defeat the Slaughter Institute! So, let me see your love! Then let me give you love, Then, sink in!"

"It's not that simple to pray for the Slaughterhouse. With your strength, you can't win the Slaughterhouse's prayer!" Lin Hui suddenly said, "She has more plans than you!"

"Then do you think I only have a little plan? Under the current circumstances, who is beneficial, can you see at a glance? Oh, really, why don't you give up until now?" Shot, bow and arrow: "Don't hold back any more, let it go with all your strength! The love in your heart!"

"call out--!"

Lin Hui smashed the arrow into the air with one palm, but there was also a bloodstain on his palm. In addition, the whole person could not resist the explosion of desire. Facing the god of love, Gamma, Lin Hui was not confident that he could endure it. If it is detonated again, it is really over.

However, Lin Hui remembered that in addition to being the god of love, Gamma has another characteristic. Although the mythological system of the godslayer world is very chaotic, some of them can be applied. , that is, the Demon King!

When looking at Gamma's cosmos-like body like clothes, Lin Hui suddenly smiled; "You're not Gamma, you Mara! Uh!"

Kama, the girl who shouldn't be called Mara smiled: "It's amazing, you actually saw through it! Both Kama and I are pseudo-servants, relying on the body of a human girl, generally speaking , the ratio of Gamma to me is 6:4. But when this ratio is heavily skewed towards me, this spiritual base will awaken as a Beast!"

Although Kama has acquired the body of the universe, it is equivalent to her same existence as the Demon Lord Mara who has acquired the power of the endless realm (universe).

This is the worst calamity of the "Demon Lord of Desire connected to the universe" and the "God of Love connected to the universe".

Gamma has become a calamity that includes "a cosmic flood of love and desire".

That being the case, she has enough qualifications to become the hatchlings of beasts that destroy human beings.

One of the seven great human evils, the beast of "lust", Beast III/R has already appeared.

It's like a chain reaction.

Her direction as a beast of "give all your love to yourself" is completely opposite, but the same erotic "give your own love to everything"

——That is, the larvae of the beast that robbed all of the love (to the one you originally loved) appeared here.

Chapter [-] Two beasts III!Devil Lin Hui!

The God of Love was designated to be close to the love of others, and was destroyed by being implicated in the love of others, resulting in infinity.In this way, she is naturally tired of love.

So she fills everything with her infinite love.

For if the universe (human being) is filled with her own love, the unpleasant and disgusting love of others and the like will not exist.

Existing here is a beast that spreads erotic desire (arrows) that can ignite the universe to humans.

You can do whatever you want.

It can be as useless as it gets.

Even if people degenerate into domestic animals, they will still love them to the end, for sure.Gamma/Mara makes this ultimate indulgence possible.

To all human beings in the universe, one by one, give love (temptation) more than ever to Sakyamuni.

"I vow to end my troubles—it's painful, isn't it?

I will burn all my troubles away. "

While smiling, he mocked the vows of the Bodhisattva.Its attitude is exactly

The existence of the Demon King who is called the enemy of Buddhism and Taoism.

Based on the above nature, her rank was determined.

The god of love is but a false name.

It was made from the fall of gods and demons

The most widespread apocalypse to save humanity.

Its name is BeastⅢ/L.

One aspect of the seven evils of mankind,

A beast with the principle of "lust".

If the principle of Kiara of Seshoin is happiness, then the principle of Kama is depravity.

If Seshoin Kiara's inherent skill is Nega Saver (anti-savior), and the false appearance is false Happy Heaven, then Kama's inherent skill is Nega Desire (anti-desire), and the false appearance is false Eros.

Sesshoin Kiara's love, evil, and sin are manifested as: the most direct (shortest) way to save mankind from a catastrophe that an individual can achieve.

The manifestation of Kama's love, evil, and sin is that it is the end of the gods and demons, and it saves the human beings from the most extensive disasters.

The combination of the two is the real third beast, the third beast representing the principle of "love", Kama representing "love", and Seshoin Kiara representing "desire".

Facing these two terrifying guys, Lin Hui was able to restrain his desires in front of Seshoin Kiara just because Seshoin Kiara and himself were opposed to each other. For Gamma, suppression is ineffective, because Gamma was detonated against the love in Lin Hui's heart.

Unless Lin Hui is a ruthless and loveless person, otherwise, it is impossible to resist such an attack.

How could Lin Hui, who has many lovers, be a ruthless and loveless person?If that's the case, then it's impossible to resist the temptation of Seshoin Kiara.

It was because of this that Lin Hui really understood that the terrifying half-body of these two beasts was aimed at everyone from all aspects, and no matter which direction that person went, they could not escape their "lust" encirclement.

Suddenly, golden rays of light continued to gather on Qihuang's body in the distant Killing Institute, and many people were drawing power from the planet and the universe, which made Qihuang's injury a lot better.

"Really, I'm really willing to start! Oh, why can't you understand my love?" Killing Institute Qihuang slowly walked towards Lin Hui: "Okay, you have nowhere to go, just give up honestly. , or, you simply choose one of us, and I can make an exception to give you this right!"

Looking at Sesshoin Kiara's inevitable expression, Kama sneered: "Don't think about it, even if you recover a lot of injuries now, but if you really want to fight, you can't win me! Be honest and give up Come on, then be a part of me!"

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