The terrifying burning flame ignited the black mist on Lin Hui's body in one breath. At this moment, Kiara of the Seshoin didn't care about his own injuries and used his Noble Phantasm directly on Lin Hui, enhancing Gamma's Noble Phantasm with an endless vortex of happiness. The power of , raised it to the ultimate level that not only the universe, but the world will be completely burned.


Lin Hui suffered from the Noble Phantasm of the Killing Institute, and it was not that he was not injured, but that the injury was suppressed, but this Noble Phantasm of Gamma caused Lin Hui to be greatly injured.

Although Kama couldn't fully realize all the desires of Lin Hui, but the realization part can be done, and this Noble Phantasm's attack has laid a very important foreshadowing!

At this moment, everything exploded!

But Lin Hui suddenly used all the demonized power for defense, and like an embrace, he directly protected a piece of it, using all his strength.

Chapter [-] Lin Hui's reversal move!

Lin Hui exhaled softly, everything around him turned charred black, everything in this universe seemed to have been burned down, and nothing existed.

"It's a terrifying monster! You can't die if you take such a blow!" Kama was almost unable to stand up, after all, he was almost cut in half, and Seshoin Kiara was also greatly traumatized.

"However, it finally hurt him to such an extent."

"It's just returning to the same starting line. Is it worth being so happy?" Lin Hui has returned to his original appearance at this moment. The previous demon appearance has completely disappeared, and there are burn marks all over his body.

"But, think about it carefully, as long as you return to the same starting line, then you will definitely lose!" Killing Institute Qihuang: "Leave yourself to me!"

Slaughterhouse Qihuang rushed towards Lin Hui.

Gamma bent the bow and took the arrow, and shot countless arrows at Lin Hui. If he was hit, Lin Hui would definitely be shot into a hedgehog.

"I provoke the gods of the sky with these words! I usurp the sky, I control the sky, I dominate the sky! I am the supreme king of the sky! I order you to rain heavily, blow violent winds, and flash thunder and lightning. I am the king of justice and the tyrant of victory. I will drop the hammer of punishment on all enemies who stand in my way, and smash all evil!"

The golden whirlwind swept towards the two of them as if they were destroying everything, to shred everything. The frantic heavy rain came with endless desire, nourishing Lin Hui's body, and destroying both Kiara and Kama. 's body, the shimmering thunder continued to shatter everything, including the rain of arrows shot by Gamma.

Lin Hui stood up slowly: "It's still a little bit, it's still a little bit closer, I didn't expect to be forced to this step in the end!"

Due to the weakening of its strength, the golden whirlwind was not powerful enough, so it was directly rushed out by Kiara and Kama of Seshoin.

However, what the two of them didn't know was that for the two of them, the severely injured Lin Hui was the most terrifying, because in such a situation, after the power of the God Killer exploded, the more serious the injury, the more fierceness that erupted. more dangerous.

Lin Hui stepped out and threw a punch at the two women who had just rushed out of the robbery. The terrifying Lin Hui directly shattered the vacuum, as if to completely shatter the space.

"What?" Qihuang didn't expect Lin Hui to be waiting for them.



Both Gamma and Shishengyuan Qihuang were hit by Lin Hui's punch, and the powerful two were injured again, and they couldn't help but vomit blood.

After throwing a punch, Lin Hui felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, the murderousness of the godslayer was gradually being stimulated, and the pain on his body was slowly disappearing, which did not represent Lin Hui's The injury improved, but the idea of ​​being keen to fight overcame the pain in the body.

In addition, Lin Hui didn't want to use the natural word spirit to recover his injuries, but the natural word spirit needed the power of nature, but in this universe where everything was burned down, all that was left was the broken. It's nothing but destruction. Even if you use the power of the natural incarnation, you can't recover much at all. It's better to save the magic power for battle.

After all, the two people in front of them are the half-body of the third beast. If one is not careful, Lin Hui thinks that he might even explain it here.

Now, what Lin Hui needs to pay attention to the most is the killing of the death of the death of the house. After all, the demonization of the death of the death of the house is the most terrifying. The power of Seshoin Kiara was knocked down, her demonization was eliminated, and she was pulled to the level of the half body of the third beast with Gamma. Otherwise, the odds of winning were too low.

To this end, Lin Hui still retains a trick!

Whether it was demonization or using all of his power to protect an area before, he was all prepared for this moment.

Lin Hui rushed towards the two women, and stepped down with a savage step, directly smashing the void, shaking the space.

One hand penetrated Gamma's body.

"Pfft!" Gamma didn't expect Lin Hui to be so ruthless, and directly penetrated her chest. If he hadn't twisted his body, I'm afraid that just now, his heart would have been pierced.

"However, in this way, I am also exposed in front of us!" Killing Institute Qihuang stabbed Lin Hui's abdomen directly with a palm, pierced through Lin Hui's back, and brought out a large amount of blood.


Lin Hui's other hand also pierced through the body of Qihuang of the Seshoyuan, and suddenly he used his hands to bring the two directly to his side.

"What?" Gamma didn't expect Lin Hui to think at this time not to escape but to imprison them.

"I never thought of running away!" Lin Hui showed a grim smile: "It's you who should run away now!"

"Ha? You're not mistaken? Do you think you've got us under control now?" Although Gamo's body was pierced, he bent his bow and aimed an arrow at Lin Hui's head: "This arrow of mine will definitely Let you die completely!"

Killing Institute Qi Huang also raised his hand: "Of course, even if she didn't kill you, I will definitely let you die completely!"


Suddenly, in a space, an incomparably huge magic power suddenly burst out.

"Haha, do you think it's strange to ask for Huang in the Slaughterhouse? Even though all the conditions have been met, why haven't you been completely transformed into a complete demon?" Lin Hui said with a smile, blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth.

"You, what do you mean?!" Qihuang suddenly felt something was wrong.

"You are all deceived! Hahaha!" Lin Hui burst into laughter: "Go ahead, I won't die so easily!!!"

Gamma shot the arrow directly, and Seshoin Kiara also shot the palm at the same time.

Then, in the next instant, Kama's arrow shattered, and Seshoin Kiara's arm was directly broken.

"I won't let you hurt him again! This time, I'm going to ravage you all! Saraswati Meltout!"

With a clear voice and confidence in Lin Hui, she launched her Noble Phantasm towards the three in one breath.

"Please, stay alive!"

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