Lin Hui collapsed to the ground: "Really, don't make me spend so much... effort... ah!"

Lin Hui's spirit relaxed, and the whole person slowly fell asleep.

However, without anyone noticing, a black shadow left this space from Lin Hui's body and disappeared.

Chapter [-] Yes, it's really unfortunate!

"So in a place like this, what the king is worried about is really here?" A sunny and handsome young knight walked in a somewhat dark passage: "But since it is what the king is afraid of, then simply solve it here. Drop it, absolutely can’t let anything that can threaten the king exist, as the king’s sword, this time, I must protect the king!”


Just after the Sun Knight Gawain entered the ground, Fujimaru Rika and others also came out of the Azraer Temple, and in order to understand the truth of the whole thing, they moved towards the Atlas Court, which was buried by the wind and sand.

"Is this the Atlas Academy?" Matthew looked at the underground pit with a dark mouth.

"Wait a minute, could it be said that someone has already entered first?" Sanzang looked at the pothole: "It's obviously just made, isn't it?"

"No wonder Wang Hassan wants you to hurry into this place." Roman said, "Hurry in now, time waits for no one.

"That's right, there should be the information I want to get in there, Miss Lanyu Mengcong, can you use your strength to connect there!" At this time, Holmes, who appeared out of nowhere, suddenly spoke up.

"Have you the information you need, have you found something?" El-Melloi II looked at Sherlock Holmes.

"Yes, there are some discoveries, but they are still a little short, and some clues are needed to solve the puzzle, so I hope that I can use something in the Atlas Court to help me!" Holmes said with a smile.

"Okay! I'll do my best, Ju Yajunai, this time I trouble you to work too hard!" Lan Yumengcong began to input data on the console continuously, and at the same time, with the help of the originally positioned sixth singularity, she set herself up. All the remaining space-time butterflies were summoned to connect the Atlas Academy of that era!

"Aren't we overloaded all the time? Really, we haven't had a good rest since we came to this world!" Ju Nai said with some dissatisfaction.

"Okay, I'll give you guys a vacation after this time!" Lan Feather Shallow promised, while looking at Olga Marie.

"Well, that's right, you've worked hard this time!" Olga Marie coughed lightly.

"Successful, but the time is very short, only thirty minutes at most, because the interference there is very strong, so from the time of entering there, it can only last for thirty minutes!" Lan Yumengcong pressed a button: "Quick go in!"

"Yes!" Matthew took the order and jumped into the pothole first.

"Zizzi very strong, so occasionally...communication meetings...Zizzi, pay more attention!" Roman's voice came over.

After walking for a while, Fujimaru Rika and others immediately found some destroyed automatic dolls and guardian statues on the ground.

"Sure enough, someone is ahead of us, senior!" Matthew looked at the destruction so close and new.

"Hurry up and go!" Fujimaru Rika ordered immediately.

The crowd rushed forward.

"Wait a minute, I found... the enemy of Zizi! It's Gawain! Gawain's spiritual foundation!" Olga Marie looked at the data displayed on the console, and was shocked.

"What?" Matthew stopped immediately.

"Ah, I didn't expect you to come here too, and the speed is very fast. It seems that I have helped you a lot!" At this time, Gawain appeared in front of everyone again, still the same Very rigorous look.

"But it's unfortunate that you met me!" Gawain looked at Fujimaru Rika and the others: "This time, let me fulfill the king's order and destroy you here!"

"How could this be? And the previous Servant isn't here either. If I knew I would meet Gawain, I couldn't let her go without saying anything!" Roman was going crazy.

"Prepare to fight! Master, please give instructions!" Mash faced Gawain without the slightest fear, because there was something they had to know.

"There's no other way!" Omoto Tai was also a little helpless: "It looks like I have to fight again!"

"It's just that this time is different from retreating!" Sanzang was very distressed, because they had to face the Sun Knight Gawain who always maintained three times the strength, the almost invincible Servant, in that case, even if it was other The Knights of the Round Table couldn't take it down together, even Lancelot dragged Gawain until sunset to defeat him.

However, the current Gawain is not afraid of these at all!

However, at this moment, an unexpected thing happened.

"Eh? The burden has actually eased, wait a minute, this is..." Junai said suddenly.

Lan Yumengcong also felt that the magic power of her own burden was lightened a lot: "Great, it was a success!"

"What did it succeed?" Olga Marie looked at the happy blue feathers, and felt a little uncomfortable. After all, Fujimaru Rika and the others were about to face a battle of life and death.

"Yeah, it's really unfortunate, Sun Knight Gawain!" A voice that was extremely familiar to everyone came out, and at the same time, a hand came out from Gawain's chest.

"The data world in the sixth singularity has completely disappeared, and we can start to repair the sixth singularity!" Lan Yumengcong announced this matter.

At the same time, Fujimaru Tachika and others also saw Lin Hui, who had been away for a long time, stepping out of the space like the water surface bit by bit!

"Who are you?" Lin Hui pulled out his hand: "I'm sorry, I really don't have any idea to fight with you now, after all, in that world, I almost want to vomit!"

"So, I'm sorry, I attacked you this time. If you can meet again next time, you can complain to me as many times as you want, and I will accept all of them!" Lin Hui's body was swaying, leaning against On a stone wall, the whole person looked very tired.

"Brother Lin?" Matthew ran over immediately, and when he passed by Gao Wen, Gao Wen didn't do anything, because Gao Wen's spiritual foundation had been broken and was about to disappear.

"Ah, it's really unfortunate! I didn't expect that I would stop here. Until the end, I couldn't catch up with the king's battle... This seems to be my fate as a disloyal knight..." Gawain Very sorry.

Bedwell came up: "...What are you talking about, there is no more loyal knight than you, Knight Gawain!"

Chapter [-] I'm afraid to scare you to death!

"You, like me, admire the king's character more than the king's reputation. How could someone like you be an unfaithful knight!" Bedwell said softly.

Gawain looked at Bedwell silently, as if explaining his feelings, and as if he was telling Bedwell about the sin he had committed: "When I was summoned here, the king said to me: 'The Sun Knight , another holy swordsman. This time, you can go and fulfill your wish!' The king said that you can do anything, you can leave the holy capital, and you can attack the king!"

"...How happy I was at that time, you will not understand! When the king is in trouble, you will be by your side and witness the death of the king, you will not understand, I used to be called the right arm of the king , but failed to give up personal grudges, and caused the death of the king! ... I can't repeat such a stupid mistake again!"

"King Arthur is no longer the original King Arthur. Your Majesty knows this better than anyone else! Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to call herself the Lion King. That lord gave us all a chance from the very beginning. The Round Table of Britain has perished. Our The world is dead!"

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