"For how long?" Melisse finally asked. "We are mercenaries who worked for a certain period of time following contracts; we aren't your servants."

"Well, I don't know for how long I will be an official either, but I guess one year is a good start," Zaos replied. "Is that fine with you two?"

Cohnal and Melisse looked at each other without knowing how to reply. Nobles pretty much that a career guaranteed for them in the army, as long as they survived those three years when they were kids, they practically could sit back and relax commanding soldiers on the battlefield. However, it sounded like he might quit at any moment… which was even weirder since his father was pretty well-known for being one of the strictest leaders of the kingdom.

"One year is fine for us," Cohnal said. "We will spread the word among the mercenaries in the capital and also put some posters here and there telling that you want to recruit soldiers and mercenaries alike. We have some experience leading mercenaries, but you should find someone to lead the soldiers as well, a well-respected veteran is the best choice, or you can always command them directly. It is up to you."

"All right," Zaos said. "I will rent a place in the capital where we can check and evaluate all those who want to serve in my unit. Do you think two weeks will be enough to spread the word?"

"More than enough," Cohnal said and then offered a handshake.

"All right then, I will be counting on you two," Zaos said and accepted the handshake. "For the time being, just spread the word that I will hire anyone. In three days, we will meet here, and I will tell you the place of the selection."

"Roger that, captain," Cohnal said.

As expected, Zaos had good instincts when it came to reading and judging people. That was why he didn't get pissed at Elius after getting bothered by him for several months just because he didn't like his father. Regardless, those two left, and now that Zaos thought about it, they were a really strange couple.

"Well, it seems a lot of my problems were solved thanks to you," Zaos said to Halamar. "Maybe I should my discount to improve your sales again."

"All right then," Halamar said. "Still, I didn't think you would hire them immediately. You really are different from your father… a lot more laid back when it comes to rules and people than he is."

"I consider that a good thing," Zaos said. "In any case, my soldiers will have to take care of their own equipment with the money they will receive, but I will need some things to help my unit as a whole. I will be counting on you to make those for me."

"It will be a pleasure. You will boost even more my reputation and merchandise by moving around the kingdom," Halamar said. "So, what will you need?"

Zaos passed a list of several things he would need for his work as a captain. While he could find those in any shop, he decided to save his money by using his discount. After talking with Halamar, Zaos spent the rest of the day training and then waited patiently for the next where he would have the chance to talk with Nyana. While she was just fourteen, he figured out that he could help her gain experience in the army. She wanted to join anyway, so why not work for him? It would work for both of them.

"You want me in your unit? Why?" Nyana frowned.

"I figured that it would help me if you were to become one of my officials," Zaos said, a bit surprised. "You can use magic, so you have more tactical value than a small squad of soldiers. Still, I didn't imagine that you would be against this."

"It is not that I am against…" Nyana said. "I just thought that it wouldn't be fair to use our relationship to become an official already. I don't mind joining in, but I would rather serve as an ordinary member. If other soldiers discover that mom works for Lord Laiex, some misunderstanding is about to spread around the unit."

Zaos imagined that, but he also imagined that such rumors would die as soon as Nyana has some accomplishments. In any case, letting her become an ordinary member in his unity and then promote her later wasn't a bad idea.

"All right then," Zaos said. "You will start as an ordinary member of the unit. Regardless, when are you going to graduate from the magic academy? I will have to leave for the West in less than two months."

"In one month, I will graduate," Nyana said. "Thanks for the offer, Zaos. That is a huge relief… I thought it would take a while for me to find any job in the army."

"Hmm… since we are here, I will teach you a few tricks," Zaos said. "Do you know how to use a bow?"

In the end, Zaos decided to teach Nyana the same skills he taught America. Enhancing arrows consumed half of the mana a spell needed and basically caused the same damage, so that was a good idea. Besides, Nyana would gain more control of means of attacking and will be able to protect herself faster. Zaos had no idea how good the mages who graduated from the magic school were, but since he didn't see them on many battlefields, he imagined that they needed more than a few tricks up their sleeve.

"Can I invite some friends to join the squad?" Nyana asked.

"Are they from the magic school?" Zaos frowned. "I thought the kids there would serve their families in the army. Besides, the pay of an ordinary soldier is something most of them wouldn't need."

"That is true, but they kind of are a fan of yours," Nyana nodded. "So, they want to see someone who fights using magic and sword skills at the same time up close. Besides, there are even some boys among the group who didn't have strong bodies and always dreamt of joining the army someday by making up for it with magic."

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