In the end, before checking the area, Zaos asked Derenus one of the capes their people used when they were moving toward the borders. If there were some scouts around, he didn't want to be found by them.

  Regardless, the camp was exactly like Zaos had imagined. It was a bit rudimentary, but it had been made between several mountains and an area where the terrain was even and could shelter thousands of people.

"We don't want to lose this place right now since we are training many youths," Derenus said. "So, it is necessary to make the army run away from this place and only return in three or four months."

"Well, if we succeed, they will only return in six months," Zaos said. "At least that is my estimation since they took so long to come. They needed to prepare supplies for these many people and the commander in the base couldn't leave the other villages and towns unprotected. Not to mention, the terrain is quite difficult to move so many soldiers."

  Derenus guided Zaos to the place where his group had been ambushed. Naturally, that was the route his people used to leave and enter their base. They never planned to use that before, but since Zaos showed them, now they were planning to use some avalanches to slow down the enemy army. The only problem was the fact that it could only be used once, and Vitalar would be waiting for that.

"How many days we have until the army reaches this region?" Zaos asked.

"Five days, but it seems their scouts are already here," Derenus said.

  Since that was the case, they couldn't prepare traps outside anymore. That would be tough. Using traps was one of the things Zaos had in mind to wound the soldiers and make them retreat. It was one of the few things that couldn't cause critical damage, and it was relatively easy to prepare, after all.

"My guess is, the army will come with supply to last for one month," Zaos said. "If they hurry, they might cross the mountains while using one week worth of food, and they will need another week to retreat. So, they will have two weeks to attack your people."

"Two weeks…" Derenus frowned since his people never had to fight for that long.

"I advise you to give the orders for the people here hunt as much as possible and store food for at least a month," Zaos said. "Also, make sure to give the order to store the fur of the animals they will catch, we will need that."

"What for?" Derenus asked.

"You will see," Zaos said. "While the people are hunting, give them also the order to bring to this two mountains as many round rocks as they can find. They needed to be big, just as big as their head will be enough."

  Derenus couldn't help but frown while hearing all that. His people were used to fight using their magic in many ways. Still, they weren't used to fighting using several things they could find around in the environment. Still, considering that he didn't to cause losses on the other side, it was only obvious that Zaos would go that far.

"I think the rocks and the avalanches will be enough to guard this place," Zaos said. "Still, Commander Ruvyn is a pretty aggressive commander and even if he doesn't come, Vitalar will send a few thousand men to force their way through here. So, you should allocated one hundred of your people here to use non-lethal earth magic spells."

"Why earth magic?" Derenus asked.

"They pack quite a punch upon impact, and it will cause decent damage while also making the soldiers that get hit to lose their sense of balance," Zaos replied. "Once the first soldier is hit, he will hit the one behind and cause a chain reaction. That will open holes in their formation and make the soldiers less eager to keep climbing. Still, just in case, I will stay here as well to stop them."

"I thought you didn't want to fight your former allies," Derenus said.

"I won't attack them per se, I will just bother them a little," Zaos said. "Naturally, I will be using this cape once the battle starts."

  Zaos and Derenus went to check the other parts of the mountains in which the soldiers would most likely try to climb at night since it would be hard to find them. Fortunately, those points were too few, and causing some avalanches will undoubtedly keep the army away from the same spots. Just in case, Zaos decided to keep fifty lookouts in those points.

  While they were checking those points, Zaos and Derenus saw a pretty big group approaching toward them. Zaos could sense a powerful aura coming from some of them that were the aura of people who fought and saw death many times. Fyran was with them, and he had a book in his arms as well, but it seemed he wouldn't give that so soon.

"Is this the man who you asked to help us, Derenus?" A tall, muscular man that had a red, gruff hair asked.

"That is right, he is Zaos Sielders," Derenus said.

"Sielders… the family of dogs that serve that cowardly king," The tall man said.

"Oh boy… it has been a while since I met someone that starts a greeting with insults," Zaos frowned. "Who are you big guy? You stand out like a sore thumb on this group."

"I am one of the leaders in this camp, my name is Cailu," The man said.

  Cailu was really weird if compared to the others. He looked more like a warrior than a proper mage. Perhaps he was a mage that used enhancing magic.

"I came to check the man who made Derenus change his mind for the fate of our people, but I am disappointed," Cailu said.

"Sorry about that," Zaos said.

"I just came to warn you, that if you try something, I will snap your neck with my bare hands," Cailu said. "If your plan fail as well and one of my people die, I will snap your neck as well. If you spread the knowledge about our people and our camp, I will also snap your neck."

"Thank you for informing me that I might die in so many ways," Zaos said.

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