As soon as the demons had captured her, Milliendra was forced to fly with them for many days without stopping to rest. While they fed her with things they found along the way, like fish and fruits, they only gave her the bare minimum. Not to mention, they didn't let her sleep a lot. They were always making noise to wear down her nerves. When one of the demons got carried away, though, she crushed him when she made two blocks of earth appear around him… she was a timid girl. Still, she was also created by two people that knew how to fight. While they taught her only the basics, deep down, she knew that certain things couldn't be tolerated if she wanted to stay alive. After doing that, the demons stopped testing their luck.

After ten days, she reached the Northern part of the central continent, and after five more days, she saw a massive snowstorm in the distance. For a few days, she has been using defensive spells to protect herself from the weather, but while her magic was still working, Milliendra felt shivers wherever she looked at the snowstorm. Something was there waiting for her… something evil. Milliendra knew that her parents were coming to save her, but the fear was starting to make her wonder if they would reach her in time.

After crossing the storm for a while, Milliendra saw countless demons and people wearing dark clothes inside it, but she didn't find a single one in the eye of the storm. She could only see a weird monument made of countless stones… from above, she could see that the stones formed some kind of symbol, but she never saw something like that. It looked like some sort of spiral circle, but some symbols had also been drawn in the rocks.

The demons slowly put Milliendra inside the circle, and she could feel a weird connection to the place like she was much stronger since the place was giving her energy. Milliendra didn't feel hungry or tired.

"I have been waiting for you, Milliendra."

That voice echoed in the area, but Milliendra looked around and didn't see anyone. While her parents never told her scary stories, Milliendra had heard some from her friends. It seemed like that voice belonged to one of the monsters that always existed in those scary stories…

"Don't be afraid, Milliendra. I am your friend… you see, we are very similar. Both of us had been chosen by fate to enact change upon this world."

Milliendra felt like if she were to talk with voice, things would only get worse, so she decided to stay silent throughout the whole time. She covered her eyes and ears and decided to wait patiently for her parents.

"Don't be like that, Milliendra… I am being so honest with you… unlike your parents, that hid everything from you until now. They hid the fact that you are very special and raised you among dirty humans who couldn't do anything by themselves."

Milliendra didn't want to hear anymore, but she flinched when she heard that. Deep down, she always felt that her parents always hid something from her. They didn't look alike, after all. Sometimes, Milliendra thought that she was adopted as the other kids, but that never bothered her much since she could tell how much Zaos and Aleni loved her.

"You see… People have been fooling you since the day you were born. The same happened to me, I did the best I could, and I even saved this world from scary monsters, but in the end, I only received hatred and jealousy in exchange. I don't want to see you being fooled until the very end like me so that I will tell you the truth… this world, the people of this world, don't deserve to exist… you think that people love you and respect you, but in the end, they will only disappoint you."

Those words were simple enough to make even a kid like Milliendra understand how much of a twisted creature the demon god was. She didn't know who was speaking yet, but it wouldn't take her long for her to realize it. The words alone of that being were enough to make her feel sick… he was a creature filled with dark emotions, and those who interact with him will also be affected by those very same dark emotions.

"You may not believe this, Milliendra… but your parents aren't your real ones… do you remember that scary man that talked with you every day on the island? He is your real father, and for the past ten years, he has been looking for you…"

Milliendra opened her eyes widely after hearing that… she knew that Zaos had many enemies. He and her mother had to kill many of those. Still, she didn't expect that her birth father wanted to kill Zaos, not to mention, he caused a battle that killed many of her friends.

"Zaos isn't the man you think he is… he only wants to use your powers. That is why he took you from home… and even killed your real mother to do that."

"SHUT UP!" Milliendra shouted with all her might.

"I can't… I can't let this world follow the path that she wants… I will never allow it. So, I will show you the truth and make you understand that this world and the people in this world have no value."

Milliendra saw her eyes being covered by darkness, and after a while, some images began to appear inside her head. The demon god showed Zaos and Aleni riding toward the capital of the Sairus kingdom on an extremely rainy day… the day she was born.

  Everything looked so real that it seemed like Milliendra was living another life… Zaos and Aleni talked along the way, but she couldn't hear their voices. Eventually, they reached the castle through the sewers, and they reached a room where she could see a newborn baby and a blond young woman that looked extremely like her… Milliendra didn't have to ask… she recognized her mother instantly.

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