Before Zaos could use Thunder Armor to face all those demons and kill them as fast as possible, Drannor was the one who charged at them, and he wasn't alone. Laiex, with his two swords, and Drian with a greatsword, did the same. While seeing their old friends struggling against those beasts, even Dalyor came to realize that he was too old for all that.

"I suppose… a creature of that level is too much for me," Dalyor said.

At least Dalyor didn't let the blood rush to his head to the point where he wouldn't realize that. Nevertheless, as if his strength had no bounds, Drannor began to split the demons from head to toe in a single strike. The power of his sword sure was something else. Zaos defeated him before when he went all-out in a single hit, but if they fight without holding back now… it probably would be interesting, to say the least.

While Drian and Laiex weren't as fearsome as the wielder of a legendary weapon, they too could fight on par against the big demons. Laiex focused on slowly lashing away the demons' flesh with precise strikes after parrying the monster's attacks with one of his swords. Meanwhile, Drian swung his crystal sword with all his might every time the demon he was facing did the same. While the creature had four arms, the pain caused by each attack prevented the beast from trying a combo.

Cohnal, Melisse, and Nyana fought around them and prevented the enemies from surrounding them to make sure that those three wouldn't die so soon. At that point in time, even before seeing that, the soldiers were pumped enough to keep fighting even the most powerful demons without caring if they would survive or not, but the scene only made them even more pumped. Zaos had noticed that their anger could still be applied to the demons, even if they were not directly descendants of the magic tribe, which confirmed Zaos' suspicions… the hatred comes directly from the mana the enemies had. Inherited from the demon god…

"If he gets cornered, I am sure he will find another way to revive instead of using Milliendra," Zaos thought. "With that in mind, while this might take some time, perhaps we should deal with all the demons and monsters. There is also the possibility that he will use that move that he used against the first two wielders of the legendary weapons, after all."

  While Zaos was planning how to proceed, a couple of hours passed, and then the group found a mountain in the middle of that area that was an open field and didn't even have hills. That place looked suspicious, even more so since it wasn't very tall. Nevertheless, Zaos knew that Milliendra was there when he noticed that the visibility was getting better. He thought that they would face more demons and followers of the demon god, but the plan to surprise the enemies apparently worked much more than they expected. Still, Zaos felt like things had been too easy until now… they only had a few thousand soldiers, and they only lost a little more than one thousand…

"Milliendra is probably at the top of that mountain, but something is off…" Zaos said after he approached Drannor and the others. "This number of enemies is a lot less than I expected."

"That is because we surprised them," Drannor said. "We don't have time to waste thinking about useless things now."

"Calm down, Drannor," Drian grabbed his son's left shoulder and stopped him. "Don't let the blood rush to your head and the fact that our goal is so close blind you."

"Considering that apparently, demons can take over the bodies of those that let dark emotions fill their hearts, I imagined that all his descendants would have become demons by now," Laiex said. "We need to proceed as fast as possible toward where Milliendra is, but we do need to be careful."

Drannor took a deep breath and realized that they were right… the battle against the demon god's armies twenty-five centuries ago shouldn't have been that easy, after all. After advancing while making sure that nothing was off around them, the commanders gave the orders to the soldiers to eliminate all the demons around while they climbed the mountain. After half an hour, the group found a weird monument made of rocks and some weird drawings in them. Right in the middle of a massive circle, they found Milliendra unconscious there. Drannor stepped forward and then checked her body. She seemed fine, a bit cold only.

"Show yourself so that I can kill you," Zaos said.

Zaos knew that the demon god wouldn't let Milliendra go that easily. He was watching them and waiting for something, but Zaos didn't get an answer. Zaos suddenly recalled something and then used Thunder Armor… in the next moment, several blocks of earth appeared around Drannor and then tried to crush him, but they hit nothing. Zaos had moved Drannor away from Milliendra. Zaos recalled that the demon god could use all the spells, so he probably put Milliendra to sleep and then used the same technique that Zaos used to move his left arm now and then to control her body. Everyone froze on the spot when they saw Milliendra flying in the air with her eyes closed… 

"Asshole… you will pay for this," Zaos said.

"Stupid puppet… What can you do by yourself?" The demon god said.

The demon god summoned several ice spears and fired them toward Zaos, but after enhancing his arms with magic, Zaos swung his sword in a circle and repelled all the spears in a single instant.

"I can do this, but what about you?" Zaos asked. "You were defeated once and clung so badly to your desire for revenge that you went as far as using a child as a tool to revive… you are a worm, and worms are always smashed."

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