While covered in blood, Elisius rose from the ocean, but this time he came with four massive fire spears that were circulating against him. It seemed that he finally realized that just copying Zaos' abilities wouldn't do him any good.

"Be careful, now things will start for real," Zaos said while he was looking toward Elisius' eyes and then realized that they had even more hatred than before.

Even without warning, Drannor could tell that things were different now. The demon god didn't look like he had any more patience left… it was only natural that such a thing would happen since he was only fighting against two creatures that he deemed very inferior to him. Drannor realized that they had many things in common. Both of them were considered to be heroes for their accomplishments, and both of them were easy to taunt thanks to that. Being praised over and over again made their ego inflate, and it was because of that the demon god fell on that dark path… Drannore realized that if he had to wait for a few more years to see his daughter and confirm her safety, he probably would follow a similar path. That wasn't good… if that were to happen, he wouldn't have the chance to kill the man that caused so much pain to the love of his life and his daughter. Still, deep down, he still believed that both Zaos and Elisius were both to be blamed for that…

Elisius flew toward Zaos and Drannor because he was tired of playing safe, the powerful heat of the spears made them both flinch, but the real attack didn't come from there. Elisius pointed his hands toward them, and a powerful cannon of fire began to burn them. Zaos stepped forward and swung his sword to block the flames, but the weapon and his defensive movements weren't enough. Zaos' entire body was emitting tons of steam thanks to the flames. Still, not for long… Zaos enhanced his sword with wind magic, and then he began to repel a lot more of the flames. At the same time, he enhanced Drannor's movement speed with wind magic as well, and he used that chance to attack Elisius from behind. However, when he approached, the fire spears blocked his path. Drannor swung his sword to make them disperse, but his sword strike only made the flames decrease in power a little bit.

While the flames were eating away the water on his body, Drannor swung his sword wildly, trying to get rid of those defensive projectiles. Still, while he had decreased them to half of their size, Elisius soon restored them. Drannor stepped backward while clicking his tongue and began to run around the enemy. Thanks to the improvement granted by Zaos magic, he could run over water as well. Still, only for a short time… he couldn't waste the chance that the demon god granted them by fighting from relatively close.

  Drannor found his chance to attack when Zaos used Wind Blade and fired a powerful magic strike toward the demon god that completely repelled his Flamethrower. Elisius bit his lips in annoyance because the idea of having his powers being stopped by a hybrid magic swordsman like that made him more than a bit pissed. Without thinking of the consequences, he fired the four fire spears toward Zaos. He enhanced his body even more with Earth magic to defend himself against Drannor's attacks.

The spears exploded on Zaos, and in the meantime, Drannor attacked Elisius back. His sword strike caused even less damage than before but still left a wound big enough to make the enemy bleed. Drannor's sword quickly absorbed the blood, but that amount wouldn't increase his strength as much as necessary. Despite that, Elisius bombarded Drannor with three Earth spears and made him fly to the distance, even though he blocked them with his sword.

When the smoke dissipated, Elisius saw Zaos standing while holding his greatsword. His right hand got burned and was completely red and brown due to the wounds, but the rest of his body was fine. As if that wasn't unnerving enough, Elisiu could see that he was closing his wounds with magic at a fearsome pace.

"Is that the best you can do?" Zaos asked. "And you want to defeat the person who reincarnated us in this world? That arrogance is almost funny."

Elisius bit his lips to the point where he began to bleed… he tried to keep his cool before, but that didn't work for long, and now Zaos' taunts were much more effective. Elisius raised his arms, and then numerous boulders appeared in the sky. He didn't stop there… he also enveloped those on fire, and the boulders began to melt… being hit by a single one of those will be nasty. Being hit by more than one… it won't be pretty. 

Drannor had finally returned after being forcefully moved away from the battlefield. Still, he had to stop because, at the moment, he couldn't deal with a single one of those boulders. However, when he saw Zaos dashing toward the enemy, he did the same. Both of them tried to attack Elisius' head, but the enemy used the boulders and fired toward them. Zaos used all the mana remaining in his sword and fired two Wind Blades toward the first ones that we're heading toward them. The attack destroyed the boulders, but many more were on the way. Still, Zaos bought them a chance to attack Elisius at the same time. Hopefully, that will be enough to kill the enemy. However, Zaos and Drannor's attacks only scratched the surface of Elisiu's neck.

"Is that the best you can do?" Elisius asked while grinning.

In the two fights that Elisius lost, he made two mistakes. First, he underestimated his foes and ignored the wielders of the legendary weapons. Without any other choice, he sucked the mana of everyone around except those two since they were immune to the fear and the mana stealing ability that he had and tried to destroy the whole area alongside them. However, while he escaped, the enemies survived.

Later, without knowing yet what the swords could do, he sent the demons and monsters that he had created after his first defeat, but that only worked to strengthen those two yet again… he wouldn't make the same mistakes again, and that was why he accepted to fight them in that world.

Once their attacks failed, Drannor began to run around the ocean to escape the magma boulders. Zaos, on the other hand, had other plans in mind… he looked for a pile of rubble, and after landing there, he enhanced his arms. When the first magma boulder was about to hit him, Zaos swung his greatsword and completely repelled the projectile. The next attack came, and Zaos did the same. He did that over and over again, just to annoy Elisius. When the demon god finally realized that those two meters long boulders weren't enough to kill Zaos, he created a bigger one while his first wave of attacks was still going. 

"Now, I want to see you repel this!" Elisius shouted.

Upon seeing the ten meters long and wide magma sphere, Drannor dashed toward the enemy, and he had a hard time stopping himself from using the small amount of blood he had gathered until now to stop the enemy. He only did it because he saw that Zaos wasn't moving from his spot and had a large grin on his face… he was even confident in repelling that. Zaos had gone mad if he was planning to do that, but Drannor decided to trust in that madness and attacked Elisius. Several of his swords strikes only scratched Elisius' body here and there, but that didn't stop him. Thanks to that, Drannor and Zaos realized one thing, Elisius could levitate, but flying around while he was using large amounts of mana to do something else was impossible…

When Elisius fired the massive projectile toward Zaos, he enhanced his legs to the utmost limits. He then covered his armor with the Thunder Armor. In the next moment, he leaped toward the magma sphere, and the pressure of his jump completely destroyed the pile of rubble, creating a shockwave that created a hole in the ocean for a moment… Zaos' Guardian's Heart collided against the gigantic sphere only for a second, and even though Zaos' felt the bones of his right arm cracking, he still succeeded in completely destroying the object and reaching Elisius.

With his sword aimed at the demon god, Zaos attacked, but at the last moment, he slightly moved to the side and dodged the power of the full attack. Zaos' greatsword only cut the left cheek of the enemy. Still, the attack had been so powerful that even the wound was completely closed with heat thanks to the friction.

Even though Zaos deactivated Thunder Armor near-instantly, he still flew for hundreds of meters before he finally could land. When he returned, he saw Drannor staring at the demon god, whose face was completely head due to the anger.

"You will pop out a vein like that," Zaos smirked. "Calm down, take deep breaths… one, two, three… so much anger isn't good for your heart."

While Zaos was mocking the demon god, he still was feeling like crap. He couldn't use mana to heal his arms because he didn't steal that much from the demon god when he attacked. Not to mention, the muscles of his legs were as sore as they could be. Still, he could endure all that because it was the final battle… probably. Milliendra said that the woman who talked with her seemed gentle, but Zaos couldn't believe in someone that just put him into that world and only said one thing to him. While it wasn't an order and more of a plea, she still gave him a tough mission that would put him directly against the demon god. She should have helped him more, even some pieces of information would do, but she didn't do anything…

Despite his anger, Elisius still could control his mana well enough to copy another of Zaos' skills… This time, he used Thunder Armor with frightening efficiency. Zaos could tell that the armor was as powerful as it could be, and he was using half of the mana that Zaos needed to achieve the same… that wasn't good.

Still, fortunately, the demon god stopped flying the very moment the armor was active. It seemed like the spell that granted him that ability made his body immune to gravity. Still, he couldn't keep it active alongside Thunder Armor. That being said, the very moment he landed, he disappeared and attacked Drannor… Zaos almost saw the image of Elisius' arm passing through the left side of Drannor's body. However, that had been just a shockwave, Drannor reacted on time to protect his head and heart with his sword, but he still was sent flying to the distance while vomiting blood.

Before Drannor could be attacked again, Zaos also used Thunder Armor and grabbed him. The demon god watched that because he knew that Zaos would soon run out of mana, and his victory would be assured…

"Damn…" Drannor opened his eyes and then cursed when he saw Zaos healing him.

"It is almost time. Hang in there…" Zaos said. "I will trust your instincts to find the right moment."

It was evident that they were plotting something, but Elisius had yet to know to want it was. Nevertheless, he decided to attack once again. Still, he didn't expect that Zaos would react at the very last moment, using Thunder Armor on Drannor and making his own disappear. Elisius decided to retreat since that was too odd, but much to his surprise, Drannor quickly caught up with him and pierced his heart with the king's sword.

"That is not… possible," Elisius said in shock while he vomited blood.

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