Peter Pan’s Kiss


It was late at night when I went home, my head slightly aches and I’m not feeling well. I precipitating cold sweat and I feel cold.

No one is at home except for Allen and I. Mom plan to have the Christmas break at Baguio but I didn’t join them even though they force me to. Only the two of them, Kristoff and mom, went. I prefer to stay at home, no one will scold me and I can do whatever I want.

I went upstairs and as I open the door of my room I saw Allen sitting on the study table reading a book when I read the title I learn it is a history book.

“Good evening.” Allen greets me.

“History book?” I ask, confuse.

“Ah, this? Yes, it is. I want to learn and increase my knowledge as I can,” he says smiling.

I look at the table, there are science books, Geometry, Trigonometry, English, Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, and even Dictionary.

“Wow! That much?” I said.

“Yes, I have been reading to occupy my time ever since,” he answered.

I touch and rub my forehead again, I feel dizzy and my vision is clouded.


I woke up wrapped in a blanket and lying on my bed when I turned I saw Allen on my side, he turns and looks at me.

“Oh, you’re awake,” he greets me.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I’m searching, Kristoff said that you will know the answer if you search it in the google.” he answered.

I look at the computer, I saw him searching on what to do to a sick person.

“I want to do these things but the kitchen is far and I can’t get out from here.” I saw that he is worrying.

I get up to go to the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” Allen asks me.

“To the kitchen to take the medicine,” I replied.

I’m still somewhat dizzy and I’m still hot, I took the medicine box, open the box to get the kool fever, then brought a lot of cup noodles and thermos, so that Allen can eat. Then I went back upstairs to my room.

As I open the door Allen took the things I’m carrying, I went to the bed and lie again, I close my eyes and I don’t know what happen next.


I put the things she carried at the table, when I look at her she is already sleeping. I touch her forehead and her temperature is till high, I frantically returned at the computer and read again what is written.

“Thermometer – to determine what a person’s temperature.” I don’t know what it looks like so I search the images, the results pop up. I saw a glass thingy that looks fragile and one is a digital that’s why I look for it in the things she brought.

When I opened it I saw that there is medicine box written, I immediately saw the thermometer and saw the digital one. I look and read at google result again.

“Put it on the armpit?” I look at Jessy and approach her, I raised her shirt near her arm and put the thermometer.

Tut! Tut! Tut!

I was shocked to hear a beeping tone from the thermometer so I frantically remove it immediately. I look at it and saw 39.5 I look at the computer again and read.

“Your fever is high, it said that you need to reduce it.”

I look again at the things she brought, I saw a pack and saw a picture of a person and something is placed on his forehead.

“Kool fever.” I read it. I look at the back of the pack and read the instructions, I opened it and place it on her forehead.

“Wait… she need’s to eat.”

I saw that there are some edible things, I read the instruction and put a hot water on it.

“Wait after 3 minutes,” I said.

I return to look medicine to the medicine box, but when I opened it there a lo and I don’t know what to take.

I look at the computer again to search and there are a lot of words that I don’t understand. I look at the medicines there one by one.

“Biogesic… be careful.” I look at Jessy, it says it’s for the fever, but why is there be careful written on it? I’m really confused.

I went to her Jessy and woke him up to sit. I fed her the hot cup noodles and have her the medicine. She lay again and went back to sleep. I touch her neck and she is still hot.

After some time I put her the thermometer again, surprisingly, when it beeps again it says 38.0.

“You’re better now compared earlier,” I said.


I slowly open my eyes when I felt something, when my eyes are completely open I saw Allen in front of me kissing me.


He removes his lips from me then smiled at me, I suddenly remember something.

“Kristoff let’s go!” mom shouted waiting in the car.

“Wait a sec!” Kristoff shouted.

“What about you ate?” he looks at me with a meaning.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“Perhaps you don’t want to join us because of him?”

“No way!”

“Maybe when we return there are already three of you!” he said then ran.

“Wait and see after you return Monggi!” I screamed at him while they are leaving.

My heartbeat is accelerating, I’m really nervous. Allen is looking and smiling at me, I become more nervous.

Why did he kiss me?

What did he do?

Did he take advantage of me when I’m asleep and I’m super feverish?

“What did you do?” I ask, accusingly.

“Why, is it wrong?” he asks curiously.

“For what is it? What’s the meaning of it?” I ask in succession.

“Because I watch Peter Pan.” he said pointing at the computer in youtube.

“Wendy kissed Peter and he became strong again.” then he looks at me again.

“Are you okay now?” he ask.

I ‘m surprised at what he said.

What? He got the idea from Peter Pan movie? I saw the seriousness in what he said.

“Wait, I’ll just get the food that I heated so you can eat.” he gets up, he’s sitting beside the bed.

I tilted, my cheeks are warm I think it is hotter than my fever. Am I blushing?

I look at the window and saw that it is already morning, when I look at my watch it’s 8AM, it’s already Wednesday.

“What? Wednesday? What I know is that it supposed to be Tuesday today?” I said.

“You are absent yesterday, you still have a high fever. You don’t remember?” I really don’t remember anything, maybe my fever is really high?

“Here it is Jessy! You should eat.” he said then he sits beside me so I get up and sit.

I look at him while I’m eating, I’m just surprised that he is looking at me then he smiled, I remove my gaze from him.

“Wait, I’ll just put a thermometer,” he says.

I look around and saw the scattered medicines and cup noodles. When I touch my forehead I feel a kool fever placed on it. I also notice that he looks tired.

What is this I’m feeling right now? I’m nervous and my heart is beating fast. He really took care of me the whole night and he is worried about me.

He put a thermometer at me and just a moment later he remove it and look at it.

“37.2.. Peter Pan’s kiss is effective,” he said then smiled at me.

“Peter Pan’s Kiss?” I softly said. My heart beat beating fast.

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