103 – Those who did not become saints (3)

Beltane was always suffering from chronic sleep deprivation due to hard work and the double burden of not being able to fall asleep, but today it was especially severe.

The causes were complex.

First, it was because I was concerned about the mental state of the saintess, who had recently matured and became even more unstable as a result.

Second, it was because of the anxiety that Lays, who seemed to be unable to handle such a saint any longer, might quit his exclusive position.

The incident that drove a wedge into that worry was the wedding commotion that had taken place just two days earlier.

Unauthorized outings of saints without the permission of the Holy See. vandalism. civil harm. Up to the destruction of the saintess’s body.

It was obvious that even if only one of these crimes were brought to light, the death sentence would be given to Reiji and himself, who were in charge of the safety of the saintess.

Beltane had to devote himself to restoring himself by splitting his already insufficient sleep time once again.

It was fortunate among the misfortunes that all the memories of the incident had disappeared for the guests present at the scene.

If it hadn’t been for that, it was clear that at this time of year, when we are so busy preparing for and managing the ceremony, we wouldn’t have had time to sleep.

‘Anyway, you slept too long… There is still a mountain of work to be done…’

Beltane was now physically and mentally driven to the point where he would rebuke himself just by closing his eyes for a few minutes.

These were all the bold words the saintess uttered out of nowhere.

sister. It was because she herself was acutely aware that it was her own fault for losing her cool at that devilish title.

The clear resonance, which I couldn’t even remember the last time I heard it, was enchanting and beautiful enough to be called a harp performance by a winged baby angel.

The sight of her gently shaking her body from side to side while gently holding on to her skirt width and giving off her cute charms was lovable and gracious, reminiscent of the fluttering of wings of a fairy.

At least Beltane thought so sincerely.

Because of this, the rational judgment that this should not work did not work as smoothly as this time.

Even though there were some moments where the unprecedented situation could have been prevented, every time the saintess called herself older sister, Beltane let go of that golden opportunity with her own hands.

It seemed as if I was sinking endlessly into a bottomless swamp of regret.

But that wasn’t the end.

The thought of weighing heavily on his body, which had been submerged up to his knees in the sticky swamp, did not allow Beltane to have any mercy.

‘It’s not right to try to take away someone else’s freedom only to pursue one’s own goals.’

guilty. and weirdness.

It’s cool, pointed, heavy, and cumbersome, but it’s a feeling she can’t and shouldn’t put down.

The look on his face when he said it was still vivid to this day.

would have been mad would have been disillusioned

Maybe it just seemed funny to me that I could say such abominable words calmly.

If there was an answer sheet that could reveal a person’s heart, Beltane wanted to confirm the truth even if it cost 100 billion gold.

No, I didn’t want to confirm the truth.


Eventually, Beltane let out a breath full of damp fatigue and was about to get up and go get some coffee to chase away his drowsiness.


The darkness beyond, where the light of candles cannot reach. Beltane’s eyes, discerning something wriggling in the back road, flickered like candles in front of the wind.

Like a timid child checking the existence of a monster under the bed, Beltane, holding a candle in one hand and groping around with the other hand, is just about to cross the dingy abyss to uncover the identity of the strange feeling he suddenly felt. It was at that moment that I was about to move on.

”Hello ♪”


With chills as if cold water had fallen on his back, Beltane was attacked by someone’s cheerful voice from behind.


Beltane, who couldn’t even fully complete his scream, struggled in amazement.

However, the nameless scoundrel who caught Beltane’s back without warning seemed to find Beltane’s frightened behavior funny and laughed brightly from time to time as if he didn’t know what to do.

”Puhahahahaha! Contrary to appearances, it seems that he is still very timid! Hey, it’s so nice to see our Gyopsoon’s face after a long time!”

After tidying up his clothes for a while, Beltane carefully looked at the front.

He briefly inspected the appearance of a suspicious woman in front of him who broke into the office, which was strictly forbidden to enter except for those involved, and spoke to him in a friendly manner as if he had an old acquaintance.

Bronzed skin reminiscent of freshly hardened caramel.

At first glance, it looks as if everything is covered, but it is a lewd outfit with men’s holes pierced in parts such as shoulders, chest, sternum and pelvis.

The color scheme of her hair, which is unnaturally split between black and white, gives a strong impression that she is a person eager to stand out.

If he had met a person with such a striking personality in the past, he would never have forgotten him because he had an excellent memory.

Beltane, who had quickly obtained confirmation, took a deep breath and then spoke in a resolute tone.

”All right, who are you…”

”Yes? Who are you? It’s me! me!”

The woman who poked her cheeks with her index finger cheerfully spoke to her cheerfully, but as the woman’s behavior became brighter and brighter, Beltane’s complexion, facing the eccentricity of an unknown assailant, only gradually darkened. .

”Ah, what! Are you really upset that I played a joke on a nice meeting after a long time? now? Okay~ Because I was wrong~ Let go of your anger~ From next time on, I’ll take care of it properly!”

”I would have said I didn’t know anyone like you. I don’t know how you got here, but get out of here. If you don’t do it in moderation, I’ll call someone right now.”

”Oh, that can’t be! Really? really! Have you really forgotten me!? Black! hehehehe!”

As if hurt by Beltane’s cold attitude, the woman who suddenly covered her face with both hands began to pretend to cry.

Beltane inadvertently frowned at the absurd sight.

It wasn’t because of her arrogant attitude.

It was because even though she was showing various emotional expressions and active movements, she did not feel even a trace of something that could be called emotion.

It was unpleasant.

It felt like I was looking at something that vaguely resembled a human.

It was as if I was facing a scene in which something non-human imitated a human being.

Even though Beltane maintained a bold attitude toward the intruder, the reason why he cautiously moved toward the exit was because he intuited something unpleasant from such an unpleasant scene.

”Even like this?”



It was then.

The woman, whose attitude changed in an instant, drove Beltane against the wall.

The woman’s eyes were covered with black eyepatch, so it was impossible to infer her emotions through the pupils.

I could clearly feel the savage rage from the strength of that grip that didn’t let go while tightly gripping my wrist.


Subsequently, the woman holding Beltane’s other hand, ignoring Beltane’s will, brought it to her navel.

”What, what!”

The blue-skinned Beltane occasionally tried to shake her off with all his might, but in the face of the woman’s mighty strength, this could not even be called resistance.

”What do you think·····?”’


The thin cloth that covered the woman’s abdomen was gradually rolled up by Beltane’s hand, which the woman grasped, and Beltane couldn’t help but be astonished at the shocking sight that unfolded beyond it for a while.

”Castle···· Common·····!”

A woman’s navel and groin. A sublime pattern filling the space in the middle.

It was a sacred mark that was naturally engraved on the body of a handful of faithful girls when they were baptized to become saints.

”You can’t…!”

”Ahahahaha, that’s good. Even if you don’t remember my existence, you remember the fact that I existed! Why? Is it because they were baptized together? Well, how are you!”

”No, nonsense, nonsense…”

astonishment and delight.

How long did the uncomfortable silence in which the two opposite thoughts collided violently lasted?

What broke it was the sudden, cautious knock of someone knocking on the office door.


”Sister Beltane. Is something wrong with you?”

Sister Marianne, her secretary-like figure who assists with Beltane’s every move.

late night. It was clear that the strange noises leaking into the office were calling for her, who had a keen hearing at night.

”it’s nothing. It’s just that a rat appeared for a moment and dropped an item. It’s no big deal, please go back to your seat.”

”Yeah? Ha, but…”

Despite the appearance of an assistant who might be able to save him from the predicament, Beltane, who calmly and calmly sang his voice, was rather frantic about keeping Marianne away from this place.

It was inevitable.

An unidentified woman groping her curvy body here and there with her body closely attached to her own.

It was because the meaningful smile she sometimes gave to him gave a good idea of what kind of tragedy would happen the moment Marianne entered the room.

”Oh yeah. If you’ll excuse me, could you bring me a glass of hot milk? Sister Marianne? I’ve been thinking a lot, and I’m a bit craving sweet food.”

Beltane’s calm demeanor never broke even when disturbed by a woman who groped her thighs with the tips of her fingers, stroked her belly with the palm of her hand, and rubbed her face roughly between her breastbones.

”Ah, yes, four! All right! Sister Beltane!”

Todo too.

Around the time Beltane let out a sigh of relief as he heard footsteps receding further and further across the corridor.

The woman, who boldly draped her chin over Beltane’s voluptuous breasts, noticed that it was regrettable that she had not been exposed to the intrusion.

”Ah, that’s not funny. I’ve been kneading like this, but I can’t even groan. What is it, is our Gyopsoon insensitive? ha·····. It would have been more fun if I had screamed for help or even groaned! It’s a pity… I’m sorry… And why only one milk? I want to drink milk too! Even I, who came without prior contact, made a mistake! Still, you should have asked me if I wanted to drink!”


The sight of a woman trying to tuck her chin into her own bulging breastbone and complaining one after another that she didn’t want to hear was very loud, but now Beltane’s gaze was firmly fixed on a completely different place.

Black chains that stretched out from behind the woman and wriggled from time to time like living creatures.

Sharp blades clinging to each other like a snake’s head were assembled in front of the office door, where a knock had been heard a moment ago.


Right after he let out a quiet voice, Beltane muttered to himself inwardly.

Undoubtedly. That’s clear…

”But isn’t our Gyopsoon’s growth really a joke? Whoa! How many cups is this? What does my heart do to my face! Oh my gosh! The man who will be buried here in the future will just die happily~”


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