105 – Those who did not become saints (5)

I couldn’t take my eyes off it even for a moment.

Although it was quite shocking to see the warrior wielding a sword with his whole body, like a dancer performing a sword dance, with only a thin blanket covering the silhouette of his body.

My eyes, which should have been heavy with fatigue, naturally widened in front of the astonishing sight of the unidentified assailant, who calmly put his head back together, competing with the warrior on an equal footing.

Of course, they couldn’t be seen as completely equal.

Unlike the warrior who did not have a scratch even after an uncountable number of battles, the assailant was repeatedly being cut, sliced, and crushed whenever there was a chance here and there.

However, due to the assailant’s extraordinary regenerative ability, which recovers at a transcendent speed whenever a wound forms on his body, the confrontation in front of him that may seem imbalanced at first glance continued for a while.

”Ah, it hurts so much… It’s painful… But if even this pain is God’s will! What an ordeal he gave me! I’m willing to take it!”


A mysterious man who smiles innocently while blood is splattered all over his body.

At first glance, the warrior seemed cool-headed as he evaded the mad attack with a single piece of paper and poured an onslaught equal to that.

Only me and the big team were able to notice the slight nervousness that was slowly taking root in that film.

The difference in power between the two was clearly evident.

Compared to the warrior who was not allowed to take a single effective hit and seemed to have enough stamina, the assailant’s limits were clearly visible, even if only for the slowly slowing regeneration speed and the occasional blood pouring out of his eyes or mouth.

From my many experiences so far, I could easily guess that if we continued to fight for a long time, no, even if we just left our hands alone, that monster would destroy itself at will.

Moreover, even the subject of the power wielded by the assailant was hastening her destruction.

Countless chains she plucks from her body. The source of the power contained within it was something that a priest could not recognize.

yes. Originally, it was a formless armor that pierced demons and was given to the hero who fought against the demon lord.

A key that opens a forbidden door that allows a human body to use the omnipotent power of God at least a bit.

The power of the saintess.

I don’t know how he got it, but there was no doubt that the assailant was using the saintess’ power.

It grants omnipotent abilities to those who deserve it, but to those who don’t, carelessly uses the power that is tantamount to a poisoned chalice.

It was a sight that I couldn’t help but get goosebumps from experiencing that power with my whole body.

Even so, the warrior’s attack was impatient.

To the point where I could clearly see that the current hero is in a hurry to win, even with my gnarled eyesight.

”Koo, cool!”

”Poetry, Father!”

As blood leaked out of my mouth, the warrior’s urgent voice echoed.

The fact that black blood was gushing out of his throat was proof that the advance of the curse, which had been somewhat suppressed by divine power, had reached an uncontrollable level.

”Ahh! This, too, is a genius opportunity given to me by the sky!”


Charleuk! Quaang!

Right after the assailant, who had his hands folded together, thrilledly rang his throat, innumerable chains pouring out from behind hit us like a tidal wave.


”Big team!”

Even though my body was pierced by countless chains and my eyes were about to blur with pain, the Vic Team defended my body’s safety.

The figure of the warrior who was caught in the chains of the assailant appeared vaguely as he hurriedly threw himself towards me.

”Koo, cool! Ahhhhh, finally! finally! God has rewarded my dedication!”

”Father! Father! Ugh, ugh!?”

Even though the chain that wrapped around my whole body was tightening my body with the momentum to crush my internal organs, I inadvertently closed my eyes tightly to the image of the hero struggling desperately to get closer to me.

If I could do that, I felt like swearing at the top of my voice.

what the hell are you doing now

Why are you getting hurt while protecting someone like me when you can’t protect yourself?

Originally, the balance of power, which should have been quite biased toward the hero, was kept tight for a while, and the biggest cause of it eventually leaning toward the mysterious one.

Needless to say, it was me.

The fact that Victim, who tried to take me to another clergyman in a hurry, now without the strength to even recite prayers due to the curse that had spread throughout my body, was injured that I shouldn’t have suffered in the first place.

The fact that the hero was captured by an assailant who was far less competent than himself.

It all happened because I grabbed the two of them by the ankles.

The situation I feared the most had finally happened.

”My Lord… I will offer my insignificant life along with this noble life in my hands…! Cool! Boo, please! Blessings on our future! Your holy mercy! A peaceful life!”

Even as blood spurted out of his body. Even while staggering without rest as if he would fall down right now.

It was around the time that the assailant, who would never let go of the hands he had gathered for prayer, was looking at the bound warrior like a nun who had just finished her pre-ceremony prayer, and the chains sprouting from her back were swaying ominously.

”Noona, noona!”

”Big team! Because I’m done! Take the priest and get out of here quickly! hurry!”


The sword that was firmly held in the hero’s hand fell to the floor without power, and a deep sense of despair stood in Victim’s eyes, who were only looking at his sister even while the whole body was pierced.

in action.

A body that has become unable to even lift a finger. An echo close to a howl resounding from within.

”Please stop this futile struggle… Poor little lamb… All I want to take is your gracious life. It’s not what I want you to struggle through in pain in the process…”

”Ugh! Wow!”

tell me to move

If he was the main character of a youth cartoon, it wouldn’t be strange at all if he had awakened to such an unusual power at this point.

However, now that I have been engulfed in the gray darkness emitted by the curse, there was nothing I could do other than dwell on the cold floor and dwell on my helplessness.

”May God smile upon you…!”

It was around the time that the assailant was about to swing a sharpened iron chain toward the warrior’s neck, leaving behind me who was wriggling like a caterpillar.

‘hello. Rage’s priest.’

An old memory that had sunk in the swamp of oblivion flickered like a flash from the face of the assailant, who was firmly holding his hands together with his eyes gently closed.

”Ra····· Iza····· Sister····· Nim·····?”

A weak moan leaked out from my dry lips so that anyone who heard it could tell it was the voice of a dying person.

Right after that, a dark silence as if time had stopped stopped everything in the area for a moment.

”Ji, what now…?”

The assailant’s gaze, which had been focusing on the target, hurriedly turned to me.

Lips quivering incessantly. With the two hands that were holding each other weakly untied, the sight of him groping the air and trying to narrow the distance to me was like watching someone who found light in the dark.

”All right, once again… Once again·····! Gee now! What now!”

”This is your chance—!”


It was then.

A mysterious man who suddenly uttered muffled words.

The chains densely covering her back disappeared in an instant like a lantern in the wind, and the hero did not miss the golden opportunity when the assailant put down his sword.

”Hero Punch──!!!”

A fist filled with savage power to the limit.

Unable to even scream in front of that transcendent force, the only thing that could be heard from the assailant who had been hit and nailed to the wall was a chilling melody of his flesh and bones being mercilessly mashed.

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”Cheer, heck!”

Dark red blood splattered from the assailant’s mouth once more.

The wound no longer healed.

There must have been a limit to the regenerative ability.

”yet! I’m still breathing!”

It was around the time that the warrior, who had hurriedly picked up the sword that had fallen on the floor as if drawing yellow colored pencils on black paper, was about to leap forward to suffocate the assailant who had lost all means of resistance.

”Okay ♪ That’s all ♬”

Someone’s mischievous voice, forcibly relaxing the tense consciousness, took away the tension from everyone present.

”sorry! I have a busy job! I’ll stop here for today!”


Right after that, a strange woman with a similar appearance to the assailant suddenly scattered light with a refreshing wink.

By the time my eyes got used to the strange flash, the suspicious duo had already disappeared like a mirage in the desert.

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