117 – Undisputed Worst First Meeting (2)

He was considered a careless, no, unreasonable adult.

It was a fact that in the distant future, he would become an excellent priest, even if he looked at his talent verified by the Holy See, it was easy to know.

He spends a lot of money on the subject, living on the sidelines of others, and saying only slick words day and night without making any special effort was the epitome of a man with a big voice.

Moreover, even in a place where nothing tripped her feet, she occasionally stumbled and stumbled, and left crumbs of bread she ate in the morning on her clothes until evening.

The older nuns said that his clumsy behavior was cute and liked it, but to her, who had grown up watching his sister who was more mature than most adults, his less-than-adult side didn’t look very nice.

”Oh my gosh·····. Sister… Are you really Sister Beltane’s younger sister…?”

”Yes, yes…”

The girl did not miss the moment when his eyes, wide open with a sense of astonishment, slowly harbored a sly intention.

”Kuh, kuhm! Sister. Do you need anything, or do you have something you want from me?”

”Yeah? Uh, I don’t have it…?”

handful. A word that also refers to candidates for saints who are predicted to become saints in the future.

Among them, her own sister, who was the most influential candidate for sainthood and had a great reputation within the monastery. Beltane Angelas Ashes.

It was not uncommon for those who watched the brilliance to approach her with evil feelings towards her only blood relative.

However, that was the first time I had ever seen a person approaching me so blatantly without even thinking about hiding my selfishness.

I couldn’t deny that even though I wondered why there were all these writers, I couldn’t deny that I had a slight interest.

One day, she was suddenly pointed out as a potential saint, separated from her parents at an early age, and forced to go to a monastery with her sister.

Unlike her sister, who was praised by everyone for her outstanding talent and beauty, she, who had no special talent, was always regarded as her sister’s burden or lump.

It was to the extent that even among the same saint woman candidates, she was implied to be the target of bullying.

A failed candidate for the saintess.

It was a modifier that she did not like to hear, following her tail like a tag.

In this cramped, white cage, it seemed that everyone except himself was despising, pitiful, and despising him.

And even my own sister was no exception.

I was acutely aware that my sister loved me more than anyone else in the world, but unconditional love is also in line with the meaning of having no expectations.

For this reason, he was clearly inferior to himself, which is rare in the monasteries of the system where highly virtuous priests gather together.

The appearance of an adult who, for the first time in her life, made her think that she was not afraid, was enough to bloom a sense of relief in her heart.

The impetuous impulse stemming from such narrow-minded thoughts was the trigger.

It was the beginning of a flimsy relationship with him.


You shouldn’t hang out with bad adults.

It was a piece of advice that literally made my sister sit on her ears, but to her at the time, when her self-consciousness was in full swing, it was just a statement calling for rebellion.

”Hey, thank you every time. Sister. I’m alive thanks to you.”

”Rice, say something, say something…”

The man who received a small tray from her smiled awkwardly.

It had become her daily routine to feed him her share of meals every morning and chat with him.

It was impossible to turn a blind eye to her, as a candidate for a saintess, because of her inability to keep money in her hands for a long time, she often skips meals.

For her, who was forced to eat breakfast, which she always did not like because she had no appetite in the morning, because she couldn’t overcome her sister’s torch, this situation was rather considered a good thing.

In particular, she was accustomed to her sister’s atrocities of mixing chopped green peppers with each meal for her own health. At the time, she did not feel complicated about such a choice, and even experienced a relief that could not be described in words. did.

”And, the desire to help those in need is a natural thing for anyone who has been on the path of standing, clergy, or clergy…”

”Oh, indeed.”

He responded with a smirk at his remark, which sounded like an excuse at first glance, and clapped his hands exaggeratedly.

His attitude, which seemed to be at a loss for what to do with his own words and actions, seemed to see through his intentions, so it felt a bit disrespectful, but I decided to just move on.

”hahahaha, I’ll definitely repay this grace later when I succeed in life.”

”Yes, yes…”

It was something he said every time he was handed breakfast from him, but to be honest, I didn’t expect that much.

In the first place, if he had been a faithful priest enough to achieve great success in the future, he would not have lost even the money he had to eat breakfast by opening his hand to gambling, even if he shamelessly tried to get food from a girl much younger than himself.

”Yeah, the quality of the ingredients itself is exceptional, probably because it’s a meal for those who will become saints someday in the future. The credit I put into cooking is on a different level from that of ordinary priests. How about taking a bite, too?”

”Hey, over there! That! that’s! That’s a bit…!”

After closing his eyes gently and bursting out with sincere admiration, when he suddenly tried to eat himself a meal, frightened words naturally flowed out.

From the public’s point of view, it may be obvious that she is still a child, but it was her own opinion that no matter how much it was, it was far past the age when someone would scoop up a meal for her.

Moreover, trying to pass the fork that was in one’s mouth just a moment ago to someone else is not only careless, but also an act that lacks even the concept of hygiene.

It’s a shame because the man’s appearance was on the handsome side.

Even if his appearance was just a little bit worse than he is now, it wouldn’t be strange at all if you developed a feeling of admiration for him.

”hahahaha, just kidding.”


The man slipped the fork he had been holding out towards her and put it into his mouth, twitching his lips slyly.


”This, profit!”

It was around the time when she, belatedly realizing that she had been toyed with by him, was about to recite words filled with intense resentment to him, with her face stained red.

”Oh, aren’t you Sister Welna?”

A familiar voice that wet the back of her back like the chill of a winter’s day enveloped her consciousness in an instant.

”La, Lai, Liza, sister…”

A shrill voice that was inadvertently leaked. It was clear at a glance that there was a glimmer of fear in the melody.

Liza Claudia.

Along with the girl’s sister, Beltane, she is a famous figure who is predicted to be one of the strongest candidates for the saintess of this generation.

She was the one the girl feared more than anyone else in the monastery.

It was nothing special.

Poor quality bullying that is being carried out in secret among the saint woman candidates. Because it was this wicked man who was leading such immoral acts from the shadows.

”Sister Welna, who sleeps a lot in the morning, is busy waking up from such an early morning. That’s odd. Could it be that you were rude to the bedding again?”

”Ooh, ooh! That, that!”

I felt like I wanted to scream as hard as I could, telling her to stop slandering me.

However, as the sticky emotions choked her throat, the only thing that could leak out of her lips was a shallow sob.

It was certainly true that the girl had a history of mistakes in bedding, but that frequency was only once, the day she first came to this monastery.

However, that clever woman inflated the girl’s shame as much as she could, and often mocked her without even trying.

On the outside, it was disgusting to see them pretending to correct their wrongdoings and implicitly trying to solidify the relationship between them.

The sister of the girl who was worse off tried to stop her atrocities several times, but it was only the first few times that it worked.

no. Rather, each time the two rebelled violently, her bullying towards herself only became more shady than before.

There was no ingenious way out of this predicament, no one to turn to.

Yes, at least until now.

”Oh, is he…?”

Liza, who had discovered a strange guest, let out a breath of light anxiety, and the girl’s prestige, which captured the subtle circumstances, rose just a little bit.

That was exactly what the girl was aiming for.

It is clear that he is a reliable ally, but instead of his sister who can not always protect himself, he enlists an adult who has a reliable appearance and always has enough time as his temporary bodyguard.

For this, it was nothing to order the breakfast that I didn’t even eat.

”Kuhm! This, this person!”

It was just then that the girl, who cleared her throat once, tried to introduce the man next to her in a louder tone than usual.

”I really enjoyed the meal! Sister! Enough!”

It happened in an instant.

When I came to my senses, the man had already disappeared, saying goodbye to the girl from a distance, so far that I could barely hear his voice.


Needless to say, immediately after that, the intense anticipation that rose in the girl’s thoughts turned into a chilling sense of betrayal.

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