127 – Truth Revealed (1)

The identity of the uninvited guest who suddenly broke into my room was Sister Beltane, a pale complexion.

It’s like a point that came without prior contact at such a late hour.

Like the negligee outfit that was so thin that it wouldn’t be strange to see through while drenched in sweat.

I wanted to know who it was for a moment because it was so different from my usual appearance, but there was no doubt about the subject of that clear voice that eagerly called my name.

”Sister!? Are you out of your mind!? No, more than that, where the hell is that hand!”

After chasing the thick smell of blood that stung my nasal passages, my gaze was soon fixed on her hand, which was covered in dark red blood.

A similar thing had happened before, but the depth of the wound was incomparable.

The blood welling up from the affected area showed no signs of stopping, as if it had touched an artery.

”Please wait! I will start praying right now!”

”Le, Ray, Rage’s priest…”

Immediately after dropping her knees in place, she hurriedly sat down in front of the nun, who suddenly began to show symptoms of anemia, and quickly began to pray.

Was it attacked by someone?

If so, who the heck is the culprit?

Perhaps, the actions of those who tried to assassinate the hero the other day?

Unlike the mouth that chanted prayers elegantly, the head that tried to grasp the order of things boasted of an unprecedented chaos with various thoughts intertwined.

”That’s Okay. With this, all wounds have healed. But you’ve shed a lot of blood. Please rest for the time being.”


Fortunately, the nun’s wounds healed without any harm.

However, as she suddenly sat down on the floor and leaned weakly on my shoulder, she occasionally let out a breath close to sobbing, but didn’t seem to have the energy to respond to my words.

I didn’t have any concerns about my safety right now because the big team, realizing the seriousness of the situation, rushed out of the room before I could say anything and kept an eye on the surroundings.

It was not surprising that the nun, who occasionally shuddered pathetically in a disheveled appearance with no trace of her cool-headed side, was deeply concerned.

”For now, at least put this on. It’s okay if you talk slowly about the circumstances before and after. Don’t worry, we’ll protect you in case of emergency.”


He wrapped the extra clothes in the closet around her shoulders and spoke in the most calm tone possible.

It was from that very moment.

A faint light began to dwell in the sky blue eyes that had been clouded like fog that could not see an inch ahead.

”I’m going to call someone. Sister, please wait in my room with the big team.”

After getting up slowly, I tidied up my clothes for a while.

The reason why he took over the messenger role was no different.

Unlike me, who had already exhausted the miracle that was limited to once a day, there was virtually nothing to rely on.

It is certain that the Vic Team, which has a reputation as the foremost vanguard in this system, will be able to support her reliably whenever and wherever the moment comes.

It was at that moment that I turned my back on her after making such a rare quick and accurate judgment and was about to grab the doorknob.

”Les, Rays. Priest…”

I inadvertently looked back at the faint voice calling me, and the retinas, which had been coated with light doubts, were flooded with a sense of astonishment that welled up like an oil field.

”Su, Sister!? What is this now!”

The shock that I couldn’t even finish the words that I said once spread through my brain.

It was hard to believe that the nun, who had always maintained a cold and overbearing attitude no matter who she was dealing with, was kneeling on the dirty ground.

The servile figure of the nun, who placed her head on top of her hands gathered together on the floor without hesitation, made the image of a vagabond who sold her pride for a gold coin overlap.

”Go, look up! Please raise your head!”

Despite my earnest restraint, the nun’s attitude did not even flinch.

I tried to force myself to stand up, but I ended up thinking about how and where to touch her because of her thin clothes, which kept me wondering where and how to touch her.

”Go, go… Please don’t go…”


”My, please… Throw us away, throw us away… Please don’t throw it away…”

”Nun ···· ······?”

It was clear that thinking paralyzed was what he was talking about in this situation.

A sorrowful voice, as if it were trying hard to bite and swallow the gok-eup that was about to leak out of its lips.

The melody was desperate and desperate, enough to guess the depth of despair she was embracing just by listening to it.

”The property I have… my body… Anything… I’ll give you anything… I will dedicate all the values I can create in the future to the priest. You can treat me as an individual as the priest’s property. I will swear to God right here and now… If you were to offer your virginity right away, then immediately… Willing to become a dog and lick your feet…”

Even though I was shivering with unknown emotions, the full text of the shocking words embroidered on me was clean without any superfluities.

As if he had replayed it in his head dozens of times beforehand.

Like a soulless machine that just outputs the sentences you input according to your commands.

Sister Beltane’s weeping pleas continued for a while.


”Su, Sister!”

The thing that brought me back to my senses after being stunned by the shock that was far beyond what my brain could tolerate.

It was the moment I belatedly witnessed the astonishing behavior of Sister Beltane, who was slowly trying to untie the negligee she was wearing with trembling hands.

”If you do! This is embarrassing!”


I hurriedly grabbed her by the shoulders, but a sudden regret that I should have moved a little faster flashed through my mind.

In the aftermath of the laces of the negligee that was gently tightening around her waist being loosely loosened, the thin fabric that was wrapped around her shoulders also fell off.

short-lived tea. I was able to stop the fall halfway up her shoulder by a really short distance.

It was obvious that if I relaxed even a little bit here, the girl in front of me would become a body without a single thread.

It was crazy.

From a functional point of view, I inadvertently closed my eyes in front of the voluptuous mass of flesh, which could be considered a mass of flaws, occasionally bobbing up and down in line with her paralysis.

However, it was a stupid handshake that blocked the view.

The masculinity within me, which seldom shows itself, was really struggling to engrave in my brain the grisly scene I encountered right before my retinas lost its light.

Immaculate skin that was wet with sweat and shiny.

A dense body scent that no perfume can reach even the tip of your toes.

A sticky breath tickling the nape of the neck alluringly.

It wasn’t until a long time later that I realized that my breathing was rougher than before.

”Sister… Calm down for a moment…”


Fortunately, the tug-of-war between reason and instinct ended safely with reason winning.

It was also thanks to the training to curb the lust that made me sick of it when I was an apprentice priest.

It was also thanks to the days of asceticism that I had been beaten here and there between the saintess and the warrior.

Honestly, if I hadn’t had one of them, it was clear that I wouldn’t have completely resisted this giddy temptation.

That’s because Sister Beltane was an attractive woman to me.

The reason why I constantly flirted with her during my apprentice priesthood was also because the desire to be close to a person with a guaranteed future and the desire to be involved in a male-female relationship with her coexisted in a half-and-half ratio.

If someone asked me to name my first love in this life, it would be clear that I would mention her name sooner or later, even if I had to worry for a long time.

”Sister. As for my lack of knowledge, I have no idea why Sister behaves like this, but I can say with certainty that she is in a state where she is unable to make normal judgments and that her precious virginity should not be lost in this way at a time like this. there is.”


After hearing my words, the nun’s head slowly fell to the floor as if it had lost something to support it.

what a waste. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any bad thoughts like that.

But now I didn’t have enough free space left in my heart to carry a whole person’s life on my back.

It was a body that could not be said to be ignorant of such a responsibility by giving in to mere sexual desire.

Besides, there might be a big team hanging around outside this door, who is still a minor, and who is shy enough to make his face red at the touch of a woman.

Of course, words and actions that could instill wrong sexual knowledge into the pure Victim were prohibited.

It was my personal opinion that for Victim, who had just realized the idea of ovulation fertilization, it was too early for Sister to appear and act now.

”So, Sister. Because today I will drag it to the grave. Please·····.”


Something soft, overpowering the ominous noise of thin clothes tearing violently, landed intact on my careless body.

”I won’t move one step from here until the priest says he’ll stay with us!”

That trembling voice that I heard before long suddenly reminded me of something I had long forgotten.

·····We are well?

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