131 – Truth Revealed (5)

”I’m sorry… Showing such ungrateful behavior to the subject who received help…”

After a period of patience, the nun finally stopped crying and apologized to me as if she had no face.

Dozens of holes had to be pierced in her chest by successive sales, but if we were to distinguish between the victim and the perpetrator here and now, the victim was clearly on her side.

After struggling to swallow the reprimand he had no choice but to accept, he responded in a low tone.

”Nope. Never mind. Rather, I’m going, no, I’m sorry…”

Thank you so much. I was about to say

That’s because the experience she gave me was gracious and valuable.

No matter what kind of hardships and adversity I might face with today as the boundary, I was convinced that I could easily overcome them just by thinking of the holy tenderness of the nun who had fallen into my hands.


”Look. big team. I said it was a misunderstanding.”


Even though all misunderstandings were resolved, the suspicious eyes of the big team toward me continued for a while.

A naked woman crying sadly. A lightly dressed man being scolded by the woman.

To this, the environmental factor of an enclosed space is added.

I didn’t know how it was unusual for the big team, who didn’t know the context, to look at me with such a bewildered look.

However, the big team, who knew better than anyone else that I, no one else, would ever try to rape a woman by force, finally believed my words.

”Anyway, where the hell did you go and now you’re coming back? Surely, didn’t you say that you were only going to look around here for a while?”


”Yes? You said you were cleaning the nun’s bloodstains in the hallway to make sure it was safe and in case any intruders were tracking you? Indeed, then you’ll be late.”


This thoughtful and meticulous side that can’t even be found in the reckless sister.

The ability to send back the crowd of heretic inquisitors without a word.

In response to my faint admiration, which I inadvertently shed, Victim nodded quietly in response.

”Hey, hey, if you’ll excuse me, can I ask how you’re communicating…?”

The nun, who was watching me as if possessed by something while I was having a conversation with Victim, suddenly whispered a question in my ear.

I tilted my head at the question without any context, but when I thought about it, it was understandable.

People without prior knowledge of the big team sometimes have the misunderstanding that the big team has no ability to communicate with others.

Of course, it is an undeniable fact that the big team is reticent and shy compared to young people of his age, but he was rather talkative in front of opponents with whom he was close to a certain extent.

Even now, if you look carefully at the corner of his mouth, he was constantly expressing his intentions with a voice that barely reached the breeze.

-Mister. Never tell your sister what happened today. If that happens, that person might die.

The big team was saying this now.

Come to think of it, it took quite a while for me to be able to communicate smoothly with the big team.

However, when I came to my senses, I was already able to do it, so it was difficult to pinpoint the exact time.

”Sister. That’s…”

It was then.

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Just as I was about to give the nun a general lecture on how to communicate with Vic Tim, Vic Tim hurriedly grabbed my shoulder and spoke to me again.


”What… Is that really…?”

”Yes? Did you say something even now…? I-I didn’t hear anything, ah, nothing in my ears…?”


Beltane was experiencing a level of confusion he had never experienced before in his life.

The culprit was complex.

In the first place, just knowing that part of my secret wish was discovered by the priest would make my head dizzy.

The disasters that hit her one after another without even giving her a chance to catch her breath did not allow her any time to think.

said the man.

The materials to achieve his long-cherished wish were placed on the desk in his office.

It was impossible.

Because Beltane strictly kept those materials in a secret safe that was hard to reach.

Wouldn’t it be better if he said he searched the inside of the office and found it?

It just didn’t make sense to accidentally find it lying on the desk.

It was clear that it was someone’s doing.

However, it was still unclear who was responsible.

It wasn’t the work of the Heretic Questioners.

If the Heretic Questioner had already discovered his crimes, the data would have already been disposed of before the man stopped by the office, and Beltane’s head would have been hanged in the central square of the town by now, not his body. .

Starting with the fact that the Heretic Questioner, the inspector, was assigned to the task of judging the high treason of trying to wipe out the holy woman’s holy power, rather than the Paladin, the executive unit.

Although part of his plan leaked out, it was disproving the fact that the whole story had not been revealed.

However, there was no doubt that part of the plan had leaked out.

A person who reveals his plan. And the person who spilled some of those data to the Heretic Questioner.

The two characters were not supposed to be in an undisclosed relationship, Beltain guessed at the factual relationship shrouded in a veil.

However, that wasn’t the thought that occupied the most weight in Beltane’s head right now.

‘Oh, I was touched…’

That this is not the time to be thinking useless thoughts like this.

That the man had no choice but to do such an act to save himself.

I understood that fact in my head.

However, the dizzying sensation imprinted on her body was not light enough to shake off all of it with such rational thoughts.

Even the masturbation that the nuns in the monastery implicitly perpetrate, she had never done before in her life.

Soaked in the exhilarating pleasure brought about by erogenous sensations, the unprecedentedly ripe body was inevitably vulnerable to such an unhesitating offensive.

Maybe it was because I was thinking that kind of act itself was funny.

Because it was her routine to wake up ten when learning one.

It is quite possible that this failure was caused only by her conceit that she had already fully realized the knowledge of sex in theory.

It tasted like death.

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Just by closing my eyes, those evil scenes that appeared on the inside of my eyelids were constantly distorting my already confused thoughts.

A big and solid body that is so different from my body that draws a finite curve.

The thick smell of sweat that felt suffocating, but somehow didn’t seem unpleasant.

A stocky forearm with thick veins.

A protruding neckline unique to men.

A deep voice groping in the ear.

Even if he struggled with all his might, his mighty physical strength laughably cut off his resistance.

All of those elements were a very embarrassing ordeal for a male girl who had never held hands with a man before.

Beltane keenly sensed how absurd his offer to give himself in exchange for being with the saintess was.

At the same time, he kept imagining what he would have become if he had retained his evil desires and continued such behavior.

As long as I had spat out the declaration that I would become his property, even if I cried and cried and protested that I couldn’t do it later, it was clear that all of that would end up as futile efforts.

My whole body trembled at the unknown emotion that welled up from the danjeon.

The name of that emotion must be fear, Beltane hastily judged.

Every time I wash my body, I have seen this part countless times with my hands.

An annoying piece of flesh that unnecessarily draws people’s attention, is uncomfortable in any position, sometimes burrows into the hem of your clothes, and sometimes, when you run or go down the stairs, if you don’t hold it with both hands, it slides vulgarly.

As if to show off that this was the right way to use such an embarrassing body part, the man’s violence, violently kneading it at will, even brought tears that I can’t even remember the last time I shed them.

What kind of ugliness is this?

If it hadn’t been for the mission to restore his younger brother to his original state, it would have been a shameful experience that wouldn’t be strange if he threw himself out of the window right now.

The terrible failure of today will surely be recovered in the not too distant future.

It was the tea that Beltane was secretly chewing on such a strong determination.

”Sister. From now on, I think we’ll have to move to a less crowded place with us. Can you stand up by yourself?”


The man who tightly gripped Beltane’s shoulders pushed his serious face right up to her nose.


A dainty hiccup sound leaked from her pursed lips and resounded in the quiet room.

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