138 – Only dream at night

I had a dream.

A dog dream, commonly referred to as having no context or context.

In my dream, I was in the form of an unknown girl.

Rather than saying that I was a human being transformed into a woman, it was more appropriate to say that my consciousness resided in someone’s body with whom I had no one to know.

A pure white room with a vast law circle engraved on the floor.

Inside, lined up side by side with other children of the same age, I was very excited.

I am better than anyone in this room.

I deserve to bear that famous name.

It is I who is chosen.

In that resolute resolution that constantly pops up in my mind, I could even feel the outrageous tenacity.

However, it did not take long for such a hopeful resolution to be submerged in a dark red despair.

start. Everyone present, including me, began to writhe in terrible pain, starting with someone’s cold words.

blood and screams. and death.

It was a literal hell, where deafening agony and the pitiful breathing of a fragile life were mingled together.

The me in the dream is also a member of that tragedy. No, it was a part.

My vision was gradually blurring from the intense pain as if my brain was burning and my intestines were melting.

The primordial fear of the individual being transformed into a completely different being, forcibly raised up the consciousness that had become rags.

how long has it been like that

One. one more person By the time the corpses of girls falling one after another fill the floor.

A frightened girl’s voice faintly echoed through the eardrum, which had already been torn apart a long time ago by an unknown scream.

”I’ll do it before my sister…!”

The figure of a small girl wrapped around a woman who had collapsed on the floor appeared in her eyes drawn by the blood-red curtain.

In my dream, I knew who they were.

The name of the fallen woman is Beltane Angelas Ashes.

As the most influential saint woman candidate, she was admired by everyone, and a person who was envy and jealous of all the saint woman candidates in the monastery.

And the identity of the small girl standing in front of Beltane with her arms outstretched was Beltane’s younger sister, and unlike her sister, who was above average in everything she did, she was an eight-year-old who didn’t even reach the level of a genius in anything she did.



A failed candidate for the saintess.

Wellna Angelas Ashes.



As if a spinal cord reflex had occurred, the hazy consciousness was sharpened.

The feeling of fatigue rooted in the skin and the energy of sleep that seeped into the bones were pulled out helplessly thanks to such a recoil.

It was because of a dream. No, because of memory.

Yes, it was a memory.

The memory of a woman called Beta.

I had no way of knowing why or how her memories were passed on to me.

I was able to intuitively realize that the horrific vision was not a trivial abstraction that could be dismissed as a mere nightmare.

”I remember… I got it… The saintess and I have met before…”

Suddenly, a hand went up between his eyes.

Because that wasn’t the only memory that suddenly came to mind.

baptism. The existence of saint woman candidates. First meeting with the saintess.

All those moments came to my mind so vividly that it made me feel like an idiot why I had forgotten all this time.


A flood of memories, like a tidal wave. Could it be the reaction?

Suddenly, my head was pounding.

But I didn’t have the slightest desire to stop replaying the rushing memories.

”First of all, Sister… Yes, from meeting the nuns and confirming the facts…”

A series of unspoken self-talk leaked out.

It felt like my head would become saturated if I didn’t regurgitate my overflowing thoughts.


After controlling my congested mind for a while with even breathing, I closed my eyes and set my priorities.

My intuition told me that all of these things were a clear reality, but that was just a feeling, and there was no clear physical evidence.

Because of this, I had to talk to a person who was likely to know all of those facts and figure out the truth of the matter.

”Sister Beltane and Saint Mary are sisters… That’s right, then the nun’s attitude towards me so far will explain everything…”

Leaving behind her constantly moving mouth and accident, she struggled to raise her body tied to the bed.


But at that moment, an unknown pressure that tightened my stomach tightly prevented my escape.


”Yo, hero…!”

The true identity of that pressure was the warrior who was deeply asleep while hugging my waist.

A raid that happened last night.

After the fact that their target this time was actually me was discovered, the warrior who insisted that he could not be separated from me even for a moment ended up going to bed with me.

One of the two scoundrels has already been killed, and the other has been imprisoned and imprisoned in the basement of the monastery, so it’s safe to say that it’s safe for the time being.

Second. Or, the warrior’s insistence that he could not ignore the possibility of a third assassin could not be broken by anyone on the spot, including me.

Even my final argument, saying that if I was worried about my safety, it would be solved by sleeping with the big team, collapsed helplessly at the hero’s fierce objection that the big team had already failed to protect me once.

The fact that I was briefly confined in the dark space of the barrier spread by the assailant and the fact that the big team at that time had left their hands alone made me realize that the warrior was very disapproving of it.

I could still see the pitiful appearance of the Vic Team, trembling as if they were going to die soon, as they glanced at the angry warrior’s complexion.

see you later

I decided to pretend I hadn’t seen the eerie words that the hero gave to the big team with only the shape of his mouth.

As a last resort, I tried to bring out the idea of sleeping with all the party members, but no one dared to object to the warrior’s remark that he alone was enough to protect me.

My old friend Dauna secretly raised her hand and took my side, but when I met the hero’s eyes for a moment, she had no choice but to drop her hand.

”Hero… wake up… It’s already morning…”


I tried shaking my body to wake it up, but the hero seemed to be sleeping quite deeply.

Come to think of it, you said that you haven’t been able to sleep properly for the past few days because of celibacy or what.

Since she was completely industrious, it was clear that if left alone, she would wake up at 8:00.

I wanted to quickly ascertain the truth of the incident that was in my head.

”Turn it off!!”


I tried to forcibly release the warrior’s hand wrapped around my waist, but it was a futile effort.

Despite my desperate struggles, which drew even the strength I had been suckling in, the warrior-nim maintained a calm expression, as if all of that was worse than sitting on a worm.


It must have been my mood that the yawning sound that came just in time sounded like it was laughing at me.

”Heo-eok… Huh Eok…”


At this rate, until the hero naturally wakes up, he will be locked up here.

no. Rather, due to the current struggle, the strength that the hero held onto my waist became stronger than before.

”It’s mine… Ummm, nobody… I won’t hand it over to anyone…”

The sleep talking that I heard at the right time weighed more heavily on my already complicated feelings.

love was heavy physically. mentally. In many ways.

”From the wind in the morning, what the hell is this? Hero…”


With just one spoonful of regret for the hero, he patted her soft cheeks without hesitation.

The guilt he couldn’t shake off shimmered in his vision, but it was only for a moment.

Because lately, instead of feeling guilty towards her, the feeling of loving the girl who longs for me so much has been growing helplessly.

To be honest, I endured this much because it was me. It was obvious that any man would have been enchanted by her just by looking at her eyes.

In fact, while the hero was staying here, hundreds of marriage proposals from nobles flew in here.

All of them must be good men who are different from the people who couldn’t be like me.

It’s because I don’t have eyes for men like this.

For someone who once claimed to be her protector, it was just deplorable.

”If you keep treating me like this, I won’t be alone, will I?”

Even if I spit it out with my own will, it couldn’t be anything but greasy and cheesy remarks that made me feel suicidal urges a beat later.

It must be because the blood in the whole body was not evenly distributed because of the hero’s strangulation.

It was at that time that I was struggling to comfort myself.



The strength of the hero who was choking my waist loosened just a little bit.

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