148 – teleportation

”uh? What is this sign?”

With her eyes and ears closed, her intent to kill was so clear that Dauna, who had been cut off from the world for a while, suddenly let out a mysterious voice.

It was thanks to such fleshly intentions that I was able to be certain that the hero and the saintess were looking this way, even from afar, where I could only recognize their clothes and hair color.

”Ooh! it’s cold! Brother! Do you have any jackets left?’

Although he had intuited something through his biological instinct, the man who seemed to have misunderstood it as mere cold shook his body.

Fortunately, the guests around me, including him, didn’t seem to notice yet that the saintess and the warrior were staring at us.

I had to take some time to think about what the hero and the saintess were looking at this place with such anguish, but a conclusion came out soon.

Most likely, they must feel that this strange man is very close to me, and that he is even carrying me by the shoulder.

I never expected them to be jealous of even men.

Perhaps thanks to having been through a lot of unpredictable situations lately, my mind wasn’t so agitated that I couldn’t make a cool decision.

”It won’t if you get away just a little bit…”

”I am! What’s wrong with us? cadet!”

The moment I tried to tear him away, he groaned loudly and started stroking my hair with ferocious hand movements.

In the meantime, it felt quite disrespectful to see him glance around, but he had to put aside the growing irritation for a while.

”Kyaaak! The hero and the saintess saw me!”

”no! You saw me!”

”Poetry, fainting people appear one after another! Bring a stretcher! hurry!”

The more the man’s attitude towards me became more flabby, the more his intent to kill from afar became clearer.

In fact, if you wanted to shake it off by force, you could do that at any time.

However, there were too many eyes around me right now to try such a simple ignorant solution.

In addition to this, my heart wasn’t too reluctant.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was the most fearful thing for me to wield a fist against a person after crossing the line of death an uncountable number of times and inevitably acquiring physical strength far beyond the realm of an ordinary person.

The memory of the moment when I accidentally broke my little wrist while hanging out with the village children playing hero is still traumatic to me.

Apis said that if you hit people often, you’ll get used to it sooner or later, but that wasn’t helpful advice for me.

”By the way! cadet! For our bright future, grab me sometime! Wouldn’t we need some time to talk openly?’

The man groaned again.

It felt cramped, as if a cookie man whose body was made of sweets was putting a choke slum on me.

Unlike noblemen outside who can handle it a little harshly, there is no harm in it, priests who have built a wall from training are weak enough to struggle with just a few cants.

I was also once a member of that weak group, so I had full insight into their reality.

I assure you, this self-proclaimed older brother’s physical ability did not seem to be far from my prejudice.

”That’s right! When the bestowal ceremony is over, tonight! Why don’t we all have a meal together? Of course, call the hero too…!”

It’s annoying…

It was just then that a drop of dark ink dripped from the thoughts that had suddenly become quiet like a deserted lake.

”Lo, Rowville—!”

At the urgent voice of Downa calling my name, my vision, which had been darkened for a moment, suddenly became clear.

”Da, Downa? Why is that…”

”What are you doing right now!”

”Yes? That’s what… Son…”

As the spirit, which had been numb for a moment, began to regain its original direction, this time, the smooth breathing stopped one after another.

”Big, big, big!”

Suddenly, my eyes opened wide.

The man who had been talking casually just a moment ago was gasping for breath as if he were about to die, with blood vessels protruding from his neck.

The people around him didn’t seem to notice his abnormal condition because of his unique posture with his arm around my shoulder.

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Judging by the color of the man’s face, which had not gone from red to blue, there was no doubt that his life was rapidly burning.

who the hell did this

A legitimate question that floated like a buoy on the sea.

But the answer to that question was already given to me.


Something that is strangling the man’s life. The subject of it was me.

To be precise, the chain of one leg extending from my body was wrapped like a snake around the man’s body, and its intangible fangs were glistening.

Could it be that the saintess did something else?

Assumptions based on experience so far passed through my mind, but only for a moment.

this is what i did

Without knowing anything else, I could affirm this.

This chain is moving based on my will, and since I found this man annoying, the chain is quickly trying to get rid of him.

”Loville! hurry! Come on, stop it!”

”Now, wait! Wait!”

”Keep it off! Wow! Turn off…,”

Downa was frightened and stopped me.

She also noticed intuitively that this chain was something I had created.

However, there was no way that I, who was so dexterous as to not be able to satisfactorily thread the eye of a needle, would be able to handle my first-ever ability.

”Keep… uh…”

Pudeuk. Pudeudeuk.

The ominous melody that came from around the man’s neck slowly informed me that the time left was not far away.

scolded If he continued on like this, he would become a murderer in a crowded place.

I don’t know if it’s another part. There was no way to save a human whose neck was broken and died instantly, even with divine power.

Most of the guests were distracted by the conferment ceremony and did not even pay attention to me, but some people who paid attention to my name that the man shouted at me are still looking at me with a glance.

It was around the time that I couldn’t help but think that everything was wrong.

”Loville! Hold tight!”

”Da, Downa!?”

Suddenly, Dauna, who raised her staff, drew magic power from the surrounding air, and from that moment on, the beams of light that were drawn to her side in an instant formed a group and attacked my body.


”Ha, I almost got into trouble, yeah…”

”Heh, heo-eok… Huh memory… Go, thank you. Downa. Thanks to you, I lived…”

To begin with, I never became a murderer.

It was all thanks to Downa.

I didn’t even want to imagine what a terrible situation would have happened if Dauna hadn’t moved the coordinates of all of us with her teleportation magic right before the chain extending from my body snapped the man’s neck.

It would have been perfect if they had chosen a better space to teleport to.

Downa’s space-time magic was so-called unfinished magic that still had a lot of work to do, so it was too shameless to complain here.

”Is the man all right…?”

”Yeah····. Judging by the movement of the ship, it seems that he is breathing properly, and his body is not pinched or anything. I think it’s all right…”

”That, that’s fortunate…”

In place of Dauna, who cannot see the man with her own eyes due to special circumstances, he read his life and death.

how long has it been like that



Silence came suddenly. The air around here was heavy.

Actually, it was a non-trivial thing.

Even in the long history of this system that spans thousands of years, it is a great achievement that no one has ever encountered.

space-time magic.

It was difficult to say that even Dauna, who was the first person to step into that realm, could use space-time magic perfectly.

Fuel economy is so terrible that once you use it, you won’t be able to use even a simple magic for half a day.

Even if the coordinates are taken in detail, a fatal error that somehow keeps subtly shifting from the original position.

Furthermore, things such as clothes and staffs cannot be moved yet, and as of now, only life can be transmitted, leading to the great disadvantage.

However, I couldn’t blame her for this unanswered situation because of her immaturity.

In the first place, it was I who provided the situation where Dauna had no choice but to use the still unfinished time-space magic.

Therefore, this situation is a situation caused by a series of misfortunes.

It was clear that the term unavoidable accident would be most appropriate.

”Chu, it’s cold… Is Downa okay…?”

”De, after listening to it, it seems a bit like that… Aren’t you really cold…?”

”Ah, what is that…”

Yes, now we are sitting with our backs to each other on top of a large bell tower.

as you were born.

With a body without a single thread.

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